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Still threatening stood his huge rammer in front of him, yet smoking from the warm sheath, Tim, with true filial care, proceeded to wipe it tenderly and return it, pendant and swollen with its late excitement, within his father's shirt and breeches.

This done, the lad began to cast sheep's eyes on Bella, who still remained, slowly recovering herself upon the hay. Looking and feeling, Tim who met with no resistance, commenced to push his fingers about in the region of the young lady's private parts.

The father now came forward, and taking his son's weapon in his grasp, began to frig it up and down. It was already stiffly erected, and presented a formidable mass of flesh and muscle in Bella's face.

"Goodness me. I hope you are not going to put that into me, " murmured Bella.

"I am, though, " answered the lad, with one of his silly grins. "Father frigs me, and I like it, and now I mean to fuck you. "

The father guided this splitter towards the girl's thighs. Her slit, already swimming in the spendings which the peasant had thrown into it, quickly received the ruby nut. Tim gushed it in, and stooping over her, shoved in the long shaft, until his hairs rubbed Bella's white skin. "Oh, it's dreadfully long, " cried she; "you are shockingly big, you naughty boy. Don't be so violent. Oh, you kill me! How you push. Oh! you can't get in any further; pray be gentle; there, it's quite up me. I can feel it up to my waist. Oh, Tim, you horrid, bad boy!" "Give it to her, " muttered the father, who was feeling the lad's balls, and tickling all round between his legs all the time. "She'll take it. Tim. Ain't she a beauty? What a tight little cunt she's got, ain't she, boy?" "Ugh, don't talk, Father, I can't fuck. " For some minutes there was silence, save for the noise of the two heaving, struggling bodies in the hay. After a while the boy stopped. His prick, though hard as iron and stiff as wax, had not apparently spent a drop. Presently, Tim pulled it right out, all smacking and glistening with moistures. "I can't spend, " said he, mournfully. "It's the frigging, " explained the Father. "I frig him so often that he misses it now. " Bella lay panting and all exposed. The man now applied his hand to Tim's cock, and began vigorously rubbing it up and down. The girl expected every moment he would spend in her face. After a while passed in thus further exciting his son, the father suddenly applied the burning nut to Bella's slit, and as it passed up, a perfect deluge of sperm issued from it and flooded her interior. Tim set himself to work to writhe and struggle, and ended by biting her in the arm. When this discharge had quite terminated, and the last throb had passed through the boy's huge rammer, he slowly drew it out and let the girl rise. They had no intention, however, to let her go, for after undoing the door, the boy looked cautiously round, and then replacing the wooden bar, turned to Bella.

"What fun, wasn't it, " he remarked. "I told you Father was good at it, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did, indeed, but you must let me go now; do, there's a good boy. "

A grin was the only response.

Bella looked towards the man, and what was her terror to see him in a state of nudity, all save his shirt and boots, and with an erection that threatened another and even fiercer assault upon her charms.

His member was literally livid with the tension and stuck up against his hairy belly. The head had swollen enormously with the previous irritation, and from its tip a glistening drop hung pendant.

"You'll let me fuck you again, " enquired the man, as he caught the young lady by the waist and put her hand on his tool.

"I'll try, " murmured Bella, and seeing there was no help for it, she suggested his sitting on the hay, while straddling across his knees, she tried to insert the mass of gristly flesh.

After a few heaves and pushes it went in, and a second course, no less violent than the first commenced. A full quarter of an hour elapsed. It was now apparently the elder who could not be brought to the point of emission.

"How tiresome they are, " thought Bella.

"Frig it, my dear, " said the man, withdrawing from her body his member, even harder than before.

Bella clasped it with both her small hands and worked it up and down. After a little of this excitement she stopped, and perceiving a small spurt of semen exude from the urethra, she quickly placed herself upon the huge pummel, and had hardly housed it before a flood of spunk rushed into her. Bella rose and fell, thus pumping him, till all was finished, after which they let her go. At length the day arrived, the eventful morning broke, when the beautiful Julia Delmont was to lose that coveted treasure which is so eagerly sought after on the one hand, and often so thoughtlessly thrown away upon the other. It was still early, when Bella heard her foot upon the stairs, and the two friends were no sooner united than a thousand pleasant subjects of prattle found their way into their talk, until Julia began to see that there was something which Bella was keeping back. In fact, her rapidity was simply a mask for the concealment of some piece of news which she was somewhat reluctant to break to her companion. "I know you have something to tell me, Bella, there is something I have not heard yet which you have to tell me; what is it, darling. " "Can't you guess, " she said, with a wicked smile playing round the dimpling comers of her rosy lips. "Is it anything about Father Ambrose?" asked Julia. "Oh! I feel so dreadfully and awkward, when I see him now, and yet he told me there was no harm in what he did. " "Nor more mere was, depend upon it; but what did he do?" "Oh, more than ever. He told me such things, and then he put his arm round my waist, and kissed me, till he almost took my breath away. " "And then, " suggested Bella. "How can I tell you, dearest! Oh, he said and did a thousand things, until I thought I was going out of my senses. "

"Tell me some of them at least. " "Well, you know that, after he had kissed me so hard, he put his fingers down my dress, and then he played with my foot and my stocking, and then he slipped his hand up higher, until I thought I was going to faint. "

"Oh! you little wanton, I feel-sure you liked his proceedings all the while. "

"Of course I did. How could I do otherwise? He made me feel as I had never felt in my life before. "

"Come, Julia, that was not all-he did not stop there, you know, "

"Oh no; of course he did not, but I cannot tell you his next proceeding. "

"Away with such childishness, " cried Bella, pretending to be piqued at her friend's reticence. "Why not avow all to me?"

"If I must, I suppose there is no help for it, but it seemed so shocking, being all so new to me, and yet not wrong. After he had made me feel as if I was dying of a delicious shivering sensation, which his fingers produced, he suddenly took my hand in his and placed it upon something he had which felt like a child's arm. He bid clasp me it tightly. I did as he directed me, and then looking down, I beheld a great red thing, all white skin and blue veins, with a funny, round purple top, like a plum. Well, I saw that this thing grew out from between his legs, and that it was covered below with a great mass of curly black hair. " Julia hesitated. "Go on, " said Bella. "Well, he kept my hand upon it, making me rub it over and over; it was so large, and stiff, and hot!"

"No doubt it was under the excitement of such a little beauty. "

"Then he took my other hand and placed both together on his hairy thing. I felt so frightened when I saw how his eyes glared and his breathing grew hard and quick. He reassured me. He called me his dear child, and, rising, bade me fondle the stiff thing in my bosom. It stuck out close to my face. " "Is that all?" asked Bella, persuasively. "No, no, indeed it is not, but I feel so ashamed. Shall I go on? Is it right that I should divulge these things? Well then, after I had held this monster in my bosom a little time, during which it throbbed and pressed me with a warm delightful pressure, he asked me to kiss it. I complied at once. A warm sensuous smell arose from it, as I pressed my lips upon it. At his request I continued kissing it. He bade me open my lips and rub the top between them. A moisture came at once upon my tongue, and on an instant a thick gush of warm fluid ran into my mouth, and spurted over my face and hands. I was still playing with it, when a noise of a door opening at the other end of the church obliged the good Father to put away what I had hold of-"for, " he said, "it is not for the common people to know what you know, or to do what I permit you to do. His manner was so kind and obliging, and he made me think I was quite different to all the other girls. But tell me, Bella, dearest, what is the mysterious news you have to tell me? I am dying to know. "