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Harder and harder grew the nut, it shone like a ripe plum. Bella's was crimson with desire; she furtively regarded the ugly man's naked and hairy belly-his brawny thighs, thickly covered also with hair like an ape. His great cock, each moment more swollen, menaced the skies, and caused her indescribable emotions.

Excited beyond measure, she wound her white arms around the stout figure of the great brute and covered him with rapturous kisses. His very ugliness increased her libidinous sensations.

"No, you must not waste it, I cannot let you waste it, " and then, pausing for a second, she moaned with a peculiar articulation of pleasure, and lowering her fair head, opened her rosy mouth, and instantly received as much of the lascivious morsel as she could cram into it.

"Oh! how nice; how you tickle-what-what pleasure you give me. "

"I will not let you waste it. I will swallow every drop, " whispered Bella, raising her mouth for a moment from the glistening nut.

Then again sinking her face forward, she pressed her pouting lips upon the big dp, and parting them gently and delicately, received the orifice of the wide urethra between them.

"Oh, Holy Mother!" exclaimed Clement, "this is heaven! How I shall spend? Good Lord? how you tickle and suck. "

Bella applied her pointed tongue to the orifice and licked it all round.

"How nice it tastes; you have already let out a drop or two. "

"I cannot continue, I know I cannot, " murmured the Priest, pushing forward and tickling with his finger at the same time the swollen clitoris that Bella put within his reach. Then she retook the head of the great cock again between her lips, but she could not make the whole of the nut enter her mouth, it was so monstrously large.

Tickling and sucking-passing back in slow delicious movements the skin which surrounded the red and sensitive ridge of his tremendous thing, Bella now evidently invited the result she knew could not long be delayed.

"Ah, Holy Mother! I am almost coming; I feel-I-Oh! oh! now suck. You've got it. "

Clement lifted his arm in the air, his head fell back, his legs straddled wide apart, his hands worked convulsively, his eyes turned up, and Bella felt a strong spasm pass through the monstrous cock. The next moment she was almost knocked backwards by a forcible gush of semen, which rushed spouting in a continuous stream from his genitals, and flew in torrents down her gullet.

In spite of all her wishes and endeavours, the greedy girl could not avoid a stream issuing from the corners of her mouth while Clement, beside himself with pleasure, kept pushing forward in sharp jerks, each one of which sent a fresh jet of spunk down her throat. Bella followed all his movements, and held fast hold of the streaming weapon until all was done.

"How much did you say?" muttered she, one "tea-cup full-there were two. "

"You beautiful darling, " exclaimed Clement, when at last he found breath. "What divine pleasure you have given me. Now it is my turn, and you must let me examine all I love in those little parts of yours. "

"Ah, how nice it was; I am nearly choked. " cried Bella. "How slippery it was, and, oh, goodness, what a lot!"

"Yes. I promised you plenty, my pretty one, and you so excited me that I know you must have received a good dose of it. It ran in streams. "

"Yes, indeed it did. "

"Now I am going to suck your pretty cunt, and fuck you deliciously afterwards. "

Suiting the action to the word, the sensual Priest threw himself between Bella's milk white thighs, and thrusting his face forward, plunged his tongue between the lips of the pinky slit. Then rolling it around the stiffened clitoris, he commenced a titillation so exquisite that the girl could hardly restrain her cries.

"Oh, my goodness. Oh, you suck my life out. Oh! I am-I am going off. I spend!" and, with a sudden forward movement towards his active tongue, Bella emitted most copiously upon his face, and Clement received all he could catch in his mouth with the delight of an epicure.

At length the Priest arose; his big weapon which had scarcely softened, had now resumed its virile tension, and stuck out from him hi a terrible erection. He positively snorted with lust, as he regarded the beautiful and willing girl.

"Now I must fuck you, " said he, as he thrust her towards the bed. "Now I must have you, and give you a taste of this cock in your little belly. Oh, what a mess there'll be!"

Hastily throwing off his cassock and nether garments, he compelled the sweet girl like-wise to denude herself of her chemise, and then the great brute, his big body all covered with hair and brown as a mulatto, took the lily form of the beautiful Bella in his muscular arms and tossed her lightly on the bed. Clement regarded for a moment her extended figure as, palpitating with mingled desire and terror, she awaited the terrible onslaught; then he looked complacently upon his tremendous penis, erect with lust, and hastily mounting, threw himself upon her, and drew the bed-clothes over him.

Bella, half-smothered beneath the great hairy brute, felt his stiff cock interposed between their bellies. Passing down her hand, she touched it again.

"Good heavens! what a size, it will never go into me. "

"Yes, yes-we will get in, all of it, up to the balls, only you must help, or I shall probably hurt you. "

Bella was saved the trouble of a reply, for the next moment an eager tongue was in her mouth and almost choking her.

Then she became aware that the Priest had raised himself slightly, and that the hot head of his gigantic cock was pressing inwards between the moist lips of her little rosy slit.

I cannot go through the gradations of that preliminary conjuncture. It was full ten minutes in the accomplishment, but in the end ungainly Clement lay buried to the balls in the pretty body of the girl, while with her soft legs raised and thrown over his brawny back she received his lascivious caresses, as he gloated over his victim and commenced those lustful movements with the intention of ridding himself of his scalding fluid.

At least ten inches of stiff nervous muscle lay soaking and throbbing in the little girl's belly, while a mass of coarse hair pressed the battered and delicate mount of poor Bella.

"Oh, my! Oh! my, how you hurt, " moaned she. "My Good! you are splitting me up. " Clement moved.

"I can't beat it-you are too big, indeed. Oh! take it out. Ah, what thrusts. " Clement pushed mercilessly two or three times. "Wait a second, my little devil, until I smother you with my spunk. Oh, how tight you are. How you seem to suck my cock, — There, it's in now, You have it all. " "Oh, mercy. "

Clement thrust hard and rapidly-push followed push-he squirmed and writhed on the soft figure of the girl. His lust rose hot and furious. His huge penis was strained to bursting in the intensity of his pleasure, and tickling, maddening delight of the moment. "Ah, now I am fucking you at last. " "Fuck me, " murmured Bella, opening still wider her pretty legs, as the intensity of the sensations gained upon her. "Oh, fuck me hard-harder, " and with a deep moan of rapture she deluged her brutal ravisher with a copious discharge, pushing upwards at the same moment to meet a dreadful lunge. Bella's legs were jerked up and down, while Clement thrust himself between, and forced his long, hot member in and out in luscious movements. Soft sighs, mingled with kissings from the set lips of the lusty intruder, occasioned moans of rapture, and the rapid vibrations of the bedstead all bespoke the excitement of the scene.