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Meet me in the woods south of the Celestrian at midnight. I have learned that there is an entrance there.

“My thanks, Daried,” Geran breathed softly. He scribbled a quick reply, and gave it to the same bird to carry back to his old mentor. Then he turned his attention to studying his spells, waiting for night to come.


14 Alturiak, the Year of Deep Water Drifting (1480 DR)

The Warlock Knight Kardhel Terov stood by his bedchamber’s narrow windows, gazing out at the gray winter morning and the snowy landscape. He’d conjured his small fortress atop a bare hilltop on the shores of Lake Hul, a little more than four miles from Hulburg. The magical tower was his prized possession, a stronghold significantly more spacious on the inside than it appeared. With an hour’s preparation, he could dismiss it into a distant dimension, only to summon it again wherever and whenever he happened to find himself in need of it. Not only did the iron tower provide him and his entourage with excellent protection against brigands, raiders, monsters, and other ill chances of the road, it also ensured a certain level of comfort in his frequent journeys. Terov was no stranger to privation, but he saw no particular virtue in it either.

He was interrupted in his reflections by a knock at the chamber door. “Enter,” he called, absently cinching his sleeping robes closer around his waist.

A tall, red-haired woman in gray robes let herself into the chamber. She wore a dark veil over her eyes-the emblem of the nishaadhri, the Bound Ones. In Vaasa, mages were permitted their studies only if they swore lifelong fealty to the Warlock Knights; Terov’s order was jealous of its power and had no intention of permitting anyone to wield arcane magic that they did not control in some manner. The Bound One bowed deeply before speaking, strictly formal even though she often shared Terov’s bed at his command. “We have word from Griffonwatch, my liege,” she said. “The harmach will receive us at noon.”

“Good,” Terov answered. “Have an escort of six armsmen made ready, Saavi. We will ride in an hour.” The veiled sorceress bowed and withdrew; a moment later Terov’s valets entered to assist him in dressing. That was another advantage offered by the tower-it could accommodate an entourage of a score or more, which only befitted a fellthane of his rank. They fitted him in his armor of black plate, chased with arcane sigils rendered in gold filigree, and then helped him don the long surcoat and surplice of red and black that went over the armor. A heavy broadsword was belted to his hip, and next to that a wand of black wood. As a rule, Warlock Knights did not appear in public unless armed and ready for battle.

When he was ready, Terov descended the iron stairs that circled the tower’s interior and emerged into the cold, clean air. His soldier escorts were already mounted and waiting for him, along with Saavi. He mounted, and settled his black helm over his short-cropped hair of iron gray. Without a word, he tapped his spurs to his horse’s flanks and rode off toward the road leading south to Hulburg. His bound sorceress and his soldiers took their places behind him.

The Vaasan lord set an easy pace, taking advantage of the ride to consider the challenge posed by Hulburg. A year before he’d secured the allegiance of the Bloody Skull orcs to sweep the Moonsea clear of obstacles to Vaasa’s expansion … but the small realm of Hulburg had proved more resilient than he expected. Not far from this very spot, the defenders of Hulburg had stopped Warchief Mhurren and his Bloodskull horde at the old dike known as Lendon’s Wall. Checked in his first move, Terov changed his tactics and dispatched the Cyricist Valdarsel to build up a faction loyal to Vaasa from the foreign laborers and gangs who thronged Hulburg’s poorer quarters. Yet that stratagem too hadn’t yet secured control of the city for Vaasa, mostly because the wizard Rhovann Disarnnyl had very ably seized the apparatus of power after the Hulmasters had been defeated. It seemed unfortunately possible that the mage Rhovann might prove even tougher to dislodge than the old harmach … which was why Terov had decided once again that a change in tactics might be in order.

For once, it was neither raining nor snowing, even though the skies were full of heavy gray clouds. A little less than an hour after setting out from his temporary stronghold, Terov led his small entourage up the causeway to Hulburg’s old castle, dismounting in the courtyard before the great hall. Several footmen in scarlet and yellow, the colors of Harmach Maroth’s family, hurried out to take the Vaasan delegation’s horses.

“Lord Terov?” A short, stocky officer waited on the steps leading inside. “I am Edelmark, captain of the Council Guard. Please allow me to show you inside. The master mage will see you soon.”

“Very well.” Motioning for his retainers to dismount and wait for him, Terov followed the mercenary captain inside, Saavi trailing a step behind him. Edelmark showed them to an antechamber first and allowed the Vaasans a quarter hour to shed their muddy outer garments, warm themselves from their ride, and take some refreshment. Then he returned to lead Terov through the castle’s maze of interior passageways and up several flights of stairs to a parlor whose windows looked out over the rooftops of the town below. Two council guards stood in front of the door, and saluted him as he approached before opening the door for the Vaasans and their captain.

The elf mage Rhovann stood by the large iron hearth in the parlor, glancing through several pieces of correspondence. Terov noticed that his right hand was covered by a glove, while his left was bare. Beneath his scarlet mantle, Rhovann wore a white tunic of elven graysilk embroidered with golden trees. As the Vaasans were shown in, the wizard set a piece of parchment down on a small writing desk littered with correspondence, and gave Terov a small bow. “A good morning to you, Lord Terov,” he said. “I am Rhovann Disarnnyl, master mage of Hulburg and chief counselor to the harmach. Captain Edelmark I see you have already met. I must say, this is something of an unexpected pleasure.”

“I thank you for agreeing to receive me on such short notice,” Terov answered. He motioned to his sorceress. “My nishaadhri, Saavi. You might think of her as a bodyguard and advisor.”

Edelmark studied the veiled sorceress more closely, while Rhovann gave her a mere nod; she was, after all, his servant. “Come, let’s sit down,” the mage said. He indicated several comfortable chairs arranged to face the fire.

Terov took the chair opposite, and motioned for Saavi to sit beside him. He glanced around the room, and frowned. “Forgive me, but will the harmach be joining us?”

“Possibly. He is but lately recovered from a long and severe illness and I am afraid that he must take care not to overexert himself. It falls on me to shoulder what duties I can to spare Harmach Maroth’s health.”

Terov frowned. He’d thought that he would be meeting the harmach today … but it seemed that would not be the case. It seems that our reports were accurate enough, he thought. The mage was clearly the power behind the throne. He considered insisting on speaking with the harmach, but decided that the most direct path to his goals likely led through his master mage anyway. “Perhaps later, then,” he said. “I have heard that he has been slowly resuming his public offices.”

“He has.” Rhovann allowed himself a small smile. “I will, of course, arrange a formal reception of your embassy before the harmach’s seat soon enough. But first I would like to get to the business of your visit, so that Harmach Maroth can be spared unnecessary details. Tell me, what brings a lord of Vaasa to Hulburg?”