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“Hulburg has been much on my mind of late,” Terov began. “We have followed events here with interest over the last year. Harmach Grigor was too weak to assert control over Hulburg’s affairs, but your able administration offers the greatest promise we’ve seen from Hulburg in many years. We are pleased to see an end to Hulburg’s disorders, but we believe that some of your other neighbors are much less pleased. Under Grigor Hulmaster, Hulburg could be safely ignored. Under Maroth Marstel”-Terov’s crimson gaze did not waver from Rhovann’s face, tacitly acknowledging the mage’s evident influence-“Hulburg is now a potential rival to cities such as Thentia or Mulmaster, and a power to be reckoned with.”

“We’re flattered by your estimation of our talents, Lord Terov,” Rhovann added in a dry voice. “However, I am not entirely certain I see your point.”

“Only this, Master Mage: you lack friends. Thentia has blood ties, albeit distant ones, to the old Hulmasters. Hillsfar and Melvaunt see you as a rising rival. Mulmaster simply lusts after the land and resources of the north coast. Recent events have swept Hulburg into dangerous new waters.” Terov clenched a fist, cupping it in the palm of his other hand. “It would be well for Hulburg to have a strong ally. Vaasa can guarantee Hulburg’s security against any Moonsea state.”

Rhovann leaned forward in his chair. “I see that Hulburg would gain the shield of Vaasan power against our Moonsea rivals,” the mage replied. “But I am not sure what interest Vaasa has in Hulburg’s security, Lord Terov.”

“We seek a window on the west, Lord Rhovann. We are hemmed in by hostile lands to our east and south, and to the north lies nothing but unendurable ice. However, we believe that a trade road could be established through the Galenas to Hulburg’s fine port. Naturally, the cost of driving a road through the mountains-and clearing a dozen orc chiefs and goblin kings out of our path-would be considerable. We’re not willing to undertake it unless we know that Hulburg will welcome Vaasan trade, and the forces necessary to protect that trade. There must be certain guarantees on Hulburg’s part.”

“What sort of guarantees?” Rhovann asked mildly.

“A sworn alliance with the harmach. We place great importance on an oath freely sworn. It rightfully binds both giver and recipient. There must be no possibility of evasion.”

“Your iron rings, of course,” Rhovann murmured, steepling his fingertips before him. Terov was not surprised that the mage understood what Vaasa’s lords required. Most folk in the lands near Vaasa knew the story of the Warlock Knights’ rings, devices that were often enchanted to make oaths sworn to their wearers-and oaths their wearers swore-inescapable. He thought the question over for a long moment. “You ask much, Lord Terov. The harmach has little interest in providing himself with strict and attentive masters, oaths or no oaths.”

Terov frowned. “I think you overlook the advantages of the arrangement,” the Warlock Knight replied. “Needless to say, tolls and tariffs alone stand to greatly enrich the rulers of Hulburg. There would be a need for more laborers to unload ships, drivers to muster and guide caravans, more armsmen to guard them … within five years Hulburg would be the richest city on the north shore. In ten you might eclipse Mulmaster and Hillsfar as well.”

“Few of our merchant costers would care to find Vaasan traders pushing them out of Hulburg,” Edelmark remarked. “Whatever we gained in new commerce, we’d lose from costers such as House Veruna or the Iron Ring. And Mulmaster’s fleet is a lot closer to Hulburg than promises of Vaasan assistance.”

Rhovann held up a hand, motioning Edelmark to silence. “I am not unaware of that, Captain. But it hurts nothing to hear Lord Terov out. What terms does Vaasa suggest, my lord?”

“In exchange for hosting a Vaasan trade concession, we can place a garrison of five hundred Vaasan soldiers at the harmach’s service. And, as I said, the harmach would be entitled to collect tolls on trade bound to and from Vaasa. I am sure the exact details of trade arrangements can be worked out. Do you agree in principle?”

“The final decision will be the harmach’s, of course. I must consult with him. As you have pointed out, agreements with Vaasa are not to be entered into lightly.” Rhovann shrugged. “It is a serious decision, and we must weigh your proposal with care.”

“As you wish. Take all the time to consider the question that you like.” The Vaasan lord’s lips twitched in a small smile at the notion of consultations with the harmach. Rhovann seemed to think that he could toy with him as long as he liked, dallying with Vaasa at his own convenience. Well, Terov was not accustomed to being ignored. He decided that the master mage of Hulburg could use a small reminder that he was not to be trifled with. “Of course, you will understand that if Harmach Maroth fails to come to an understanding with Vaasa in a timely manner, we will have no choice but to consider other alternatives. We are already engaged in certain preliminary steps to ensure that our interests are well looked after.”

Rhovann narrowed his eyes. “Such as the bungled assassination in Thentia?” The mage paused, studying the effect of his words; Edelmark scowled at Terov, but said nothing. “Yes, I am quite well informed about Vaasa’s machinations in Hulburg. You see, I have had several revealing conversations with High Prelate Valdarsel-well, his corpse-in the last tenday. I know now that he was a Vaasan agent who reported to you. And I know that he commissioned the attack on the Hulmasters in Thentia at your direction, a provocative act to say the least. So spare me your threats, Lord Terov.”

“You should not have left the Hulmasters alive in the first place,” Terov retorted. “I had no choice but to direct Valdarsel to eliminate the Hulmasters in exile. Any other Moonsea power-say, Melvaunt or Hillsfar-looking for an excuse to take control of Hulburg might do so under the pretense of ‘restoring’ the Hulmasters to their throne. Vaasa could not permit it.”

“My reasons for leaving the Hulmasters alive are my own,” Rhovann replied. “I wonder if you realize how much sympathy you created for the Hulmaster cause with your ill-considered attack.”

An angry reply came to Terov’s lips, but with iron effort he swallowed his annoyance. “Valdarsel’s failure was regrettable,” he admitted. “Had he succeeded, all the sympathy in the world wouldn’t have mattered for the Hulmasters. Unfortunately for both of us, the Hulmasters still live, and the possibility that some other kingdom might intervene on their behalf still exists. The best way to avert it is for the harmach to align himself with Vaasa-sooner rather than later. Your hold on power depends on it.”

Rhovann, on the other hand, frowned thoughtfully, weighing Terov’s point at length. “I am not so sure of that.” He stood, and gestured toward the door. “Accompany me for a moment, my lord. I want to show you something.”

“As you wish,” Terov replied. He rose to his feet and followed Rhovann; Saavi glided along a step behind him, and then Edelmark a few paces to the rear. The elf wizard led Terov through the castle halls to a broad staircase, descending to the floor below-halls and chambers built up around the living rock of Griffonwatch’s hilltop, if he had his bearings straight. They came to a long hallway with windows on one side looking out the sheer face of the crag. At the end of the hallway stood two towering, black-armored creatures whose faces were hidden behind grim iron visors. They guarded a door at the end of the hallway, halberds held motionless in their thick gray hands. Beneath their breastplates, their rune-marked flesh was sculpted into textureless slabs of claylike muscle.

Rhovann paused by the two guardians, turning to face the Vaasans again. “My runehelms,” he said, indicating the warriors with an absent wave. “Strong, fearless, nearly impossible to overwhelm through force of arms, and absolutely loyal to me. Very useful, as you might imagine.”