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This book was automatically created by FLAG on June 21st, 2012, based on content retrieved from http://www.fictionpress.com/s/2836944/.

The content in this book is copyrighted by craziebabe45 or their authorised agent(s). All rights are reserved except where explicitly stated otherwise.

This story was first published on August 10th, 2010, and was last updated on May 12th, 2012.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated - please email any bugs, problems, feature requests etc. to flag@erayd.net.

Table of Contents


1. Wake Up, I Want You

2. Drugged

3. Best News

4. Appearances

5. No Reason

6. Exclusive

7. Persistence

8. Whores

9. Upside Down

10. That Moment

11. Weeping Willow

12. Balconies

13. Blame

14. Karaoke and Cigarettes

15. Rules of the Game

16. Surprise, Surprise

17. Fake

18. Interview with the Mistress Pt III

19. Mental Breakdown

20. Rashomon

21. Truth

22. Unintentional Lying

23. Epic Baggage

24. Revelations

25. Hope

26. Author's Note


COMPLETE! Sequeclass="underline" Lexi has moved on to better things, namely Ramsey, But things are amiss and she learns things about him that would make any girl turn away. Now he's trying to make amends and does what she least expects: invites her to Jack's wedding.

Wake Up, I Want You

SEQUEL WARNING: STOP BEFORE CONTINUING READING THE CHAPTER! If you have not read the first book Avoiding Commitment, then this chapter will not only NOT make sense to you, but also will RUIN the plot for the first book. Please stop what you are doing, go to my profile, and select the first book in this series if you have not already done so...unless for some reason you like to have the plot ruined before you read a book...TURN BACK NOW :)

Note: The characters, places, situations and events of this story are developed materializations of my imagination and therefore belong entirely to me. Distribution of this story is only permitted with my written consent, and any use of the aforementioned factors must be approved of also. Please do not steal; I shouldn't be punished for your lack of originality and dedication.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the name brands i.e. Nike, Coach, etc. that might appear in the story.

***IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Avoiding Commitment won a SKOW award for best villain! For those you that don't know, the Some Kind of Wonderful awards are romance based awards for online fiction. They are kind of big deal.

Avoiding Responsibility

By: K.A. Linde

W ake me up, I've been dreaming

Feels just like any other day

I'd sit you down, here goes nothing

But you're not gonna like what I say

-Cartel "The Perfect Mistake"

Chapter 1: Present

A sing-song tune echoed from a distant location far removed from the king-sized bed where Lexi Walsh lay curled up amongst the sheets. The muffled chorus of a popular radio song hit her ears causing her to roll over and bury herself farther into the depths of the bed. She felt an arm wrap around her waist and the warmth of a body pressing itself against her skin. The man trailed his fingers gently against her stomach, down the curves of her side, and over her toned thighs. She giggled as the touches turned a bit more demanding and rocked her body back and forth.

"Mmm," she groaned. "It's too early."

"I know," he agreed moving his hands back to her flat tanned stomach. "Too early for your phone to be going off," he whispered into her ear.

Lexi sighed heavily and nuzzled into his chest. "Agreed," she mumbled lacing their fingers together

"Are you going to answer that?" he questioned, his breath hot against her earlobe.

Lexi lazily shook her head and shifted ever so slightly imploring his lips to touch the sensitive skin around her ear. "Mmm, no," she said breathily.

"You sure?" he asked further succumbing to her wish.

She angled her body allowing herself a look into his hazel eyes and smiled. "Do I look like I want to get out of bed?"

A confident smirk crossed his face. "Not in the slightest."

"There's your answer," she muttered nuzzling further into his chest and yanking the sheet up around her bare shoulders.

He responded by holding her tight against him as his other hand swooped up and ran through the long thick strands of chocolate brown hair. He splayed the curls out across the creamy white pillow and brushed her bangs off her forehead. Leaning forward in bed and being careful not to adjust her easy slumber, he planted a light kiss on her forehead.

"That feels nice," she murmured into him.

"I thought you'd fallen back asleep already."

Lexi kissed his chest and held onto him a little tighter. "Not quite."

"So who could be calling you so early in the morning?" he implored conversationally.

Instantly, Lexi's heart sped up to an outrageous speed. She knew the reaction was entirely irrational. The last time she had been awoken at an early hour on a Saturday morning Jack had called her. That fateful conversation nearly a year earlier had led to an outrageous week where she had not only traveled to Atlanta to see Jack and his new girlfriend, Bekah, but had been suckered into attempting to convince said girlfriend that Jack was ready for marriage. What a sham that had been!

She had been set-up by Bekah and, inevitably, after a few rather inappropriate experiences with Jack, had convinced him that he was, in fact, ready to marry Bekah. And he had proposed. After six years of trying to work things out between her and Jack, he had proposed to another woman with a duplicate of the ring he had promised only belonged to Lexi. She had walked away with the closure she had desired from Jack, but returned to New York with a whole new world of heartache she hadn't exactly been prepared for.

But Jack hadn't called her since she had left him standing alone at the airport in Atlanta, and she knew he wouldn't be calling her now.

That didn't lessen the thumping of her heart though.

"I…I dunno," she told him turning back to face the open loft so that he couldn't see the dejected look on her face.

She had a list of people who could be calling her this early in the morning, but, regardless, she did not want to be forced from her tranquil environment to face the realities of the real world. And if she was honest with herself, a part of her was afraid that one day Jack would come crashing back into her existence.