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“Careful, girls,” her crisp voice had become layered and forced, “If you call…you might just get an answer.” She chuckled, but the sound came out as more of a hiccup. Bianca’s once serene features had contorted into a smirk and her bright green eyes had darkened considerably; becoming the greenish-brown color of a murky sea. The pain in my chest suddenly dissipated.

“Bianca?” Carmen asked cautiously; observing her with suspicion.

“I don’t think that’s Bianca anymore…” Phoebe murmured to Carmen. Willow swiftly clamped a hand over Phoebe’s mouth.

“Ah, Bianca…nice girl. A little too talkative though.” A sly smile slithered across her face and she scrupulously began to circle us. I regarded her aversion to the outermost salt ring.

“Then…who are you?” Carmen spat at her. Her hostile and annoyed tone towards the ghost paralyzed us with fear as we awaited her answer. Thankfully, Bianca only laughed again, but her murky eyes collided with mine and her steps stalled behind Phoebe. As she raised an eyebrow, I realized with dismay that I knew exactly who she was. Suddenly the piercing pain in my chest exploded and I slipped into unconsciousness.

When I snapped open my eyes again, I saw that the world had been transformed. The lightness I felt told me my soul had been involuntarily snatched from my body. The fact that I could see myself slumped over below was the more glaring clue. Phoebe, Willow and Carmen were scrambling around me, calling my name and lying me on my back. My mind reeled as I tried to figure out what had just happened. As one startling possibility slammed into me with force, I locked onto the eyes of my true attacker.

“What did you do?!” I screamed at her. She just rolled her eyes at me and shook her head, moving closer.

“Relax. You’re not dead. I just wanted some…privacy.” A wicked sneer spread across her glossy lips and her golden eyes twinkled. The fact that I hadn’t just experienced my own demise calmed me instantly. Now I was just pissed off.

“Why are you here, Nadia?” I shot back with annoyance, narrowing my eyes at her. She stood before me, appearing darkly ethereal in a long, black strapless maxi dress with an imposing pendant necklace taunting me from her neck. The deep red stone shimmered with the orange and yellow of a dancing flame as she stepped towards me with fluent grace.

“Fire agate. Isn’t it simply amazing?” she purred and touched the stone. “It represents perfection…naturally.” She curtsied; alluding to her obvious arrogance. My thoughts catapulted to the beacon Finn had given me; the fire agate emerging from the onyx.

“So why are you here?” It was amazing how her presence could ruin a perfectly good night. “I just wanted to size up my competition…or lack thereof…” she scrunched her nose at me.

“This isn’t a game, Nadia,” Finn’s voice swept over me like a warm blanket on a cool autumn night, as he stepped out of the darkness of the dunes. The fervor in it was unmistakable.

“Oh isn’t that sweet! Our dark Prince Charming has come to the rescue,” she snickered and continued to glare at us. Finn was instantly in her face; menacing and terrifying.

“Release her soul,” he commanded with chilling calmness.

“But I was having so much fun!” she pouted, reaching up to touch Finn’s cheek. He swatted her hand away and her eyes turned steely; her tone sarcastic. “Uh, fine. But only because you asked so nicely.”

I was instantly overcome with the motion of my soul slamming back into my body with immense speed. I opened my eyes to the disturbing sight of my roommates in an all-out panic.

Willow’s blue eyes were filled with tears; desperately attempting to heal me and wake me up. They smothered me with relieved hugs as I managed to sit up.

“Oh my God, are you okay!?”

“What happenened?!”

“I didn’t know what to do!”

I hugged them back; scanning the beach frantically in search of Finn. “Where’s Finn?” I asked no one in particular.

“Finn?” Carmen scratched her head and examined me with confusion. I sensed movement to my left as Finn’s dark figure stepped out from behind a shadowed sand dune.

“Are you okay, Pasha?” He approached me, his blue eyes heavy with affliction.

“I am now.” I latched on to him and he gently kissed my forehead.

“What happened?” Finn addressed the other three girls. Phoebe stepped forward, her eyes darting between the dunes and the water, probably for fear of another ghost appearing and waging an attack.

“Well we were having a séance and there was a ghost and then she changed into somebody else and then Stasia passed out and then we didn’t know what to do or what happened to her!” Her words spewed from her mouth with desperation.

I looked down at the hourglass trace adorning her ankle and the white sand beneath her feet which had begun to tremble and shift from her frenzied emotions.

“Phoebe, calm down. You’re going to cause an earthquake.” Carmen wrapped her arm around her. Phoebe grinned sheepishly.

“No more séances - I think we’ve had enough excitement for one night.” Finn’s eyes flitted down to mine with adulation, but the storm brewing behind them told me he was trying to make light of the situation for the other girls’ sake. A river of dread trickled down my body; saturating every pore with fear.

As my roommates headed for the boardwalk, I held Finn back. “So, how do you know Nadia if she just transferred from the House of Metis?” I asked him, trying not to sound too accusatory.

“I’ve known Nadia for a long time,” he turned to face me. “She is from the House of Metis, but she also graduated last year. It would seem she’s pretending to be someone she’s not. I haven’t figured out why, but I think I have a good idea.” A chill ran down my spine as I remembered seeing the gray smoke swirling around her, not to mention the sickening feeling I got whenever she was around.

“So if she’s not a transfer student, then who is she?”

“Do you remember me telling you about Persephone?” he asked hesitantly.

“Queen of the Underworld...Jaded…Don’t mess with her,” I counted off on my fingers.

“Right,” he nodded, amused at my offhanded attitude. “Nadia is Persephone’s daughter.”

Well that explains a lot.

“She’s… princess of the Underworld?” I asked incredulously, and Finn chuckled darkly.

“I guess you could call her that, but she’s mainly just a direct descendent like you and I.” So I have something in common with the princess of darkness. Excellent.

“But wouldn’t that make her a goddess? If her father’s the King of the Underworld and… well…a god?” I asked perplexed.

“Persephone isn’t the most faithful of spouses. Nadia’s father is an Oceanid, which puts Nadia in the Order of Nymphs and technically, just a descendent,” he explained. “Just a very powerful and immortal descendent whose soul belongs to the Underworld.” More excellent news. A puzzle piece clicked into place within my thoughts.

“The smoke is her darkness,” I murmured to myself in disbelief.

“What’d you say?” Finn looked up in surprise.

“I’ve seen this gray smoke coming off of her and I couldn’t figure out what it was. But if her soul belongs to the Underworld, it would be the darkness I’m seeing, right?”