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“Because it’s my yacht.”

I almost tripped up the stairs. “You’re telling me that you have your own yacht,” I blurted out, not believing him for a second.

“That’s right.”

“Are you going to tell me the beach house is yours, too?” I challenged.

“No,” he crowed at me, as if owning a beach house at the age of seventeen was ludicrous but owning a yacht wasn’t. “My family’s been around for a very, very long time. Over the years, money just tends to…collect. Your family’s no different, Pasha.”

He grinned, clearly amused. I hadn’t thought about that. Technically, I had a huge mansion on the Fortunate Isle. What else did I have that I didn’t know about?

“Touche,” I snickered. Doing my best to ignore his father’s skull staring us, I followed Finn out onto the deck adjacent to his room. The view was magnificent. Sparkling blue water stretched out in every direction, soothing every cell in my body. The deck beneath our feet also held several comfortable looking lounge chairs and one massive Jacuzzi. I couldn’t imagine how incredible it must be up here at night under the stars.

“I haven’t had a chance to tell you how beautiful your hair is.” Finn gently played with an aqua highlight and I was hopelessly caught in his intense gaze. “It brings out your eyes. It’s incredible.”

“I don’t know how it happened, I went to sleep last night and they just appeared.”

“It’s all a part of the transition. Your body’s slowly transforming as you get closer and closer to your eighteenth birthday. You’ll become stronger as well.” I remembered how easy it had been to push Noah down on to the sand a couple months ago.

“Why now? Why last night?” I wondered, absently fiddling with the hem of my navy shorts.

“Being a direct descendent, you must have been exposed to something from your past or direct bloodline. That’s why most Chosen descendents don’t have to take a journey to the River, their essence is filled through the presence of their family or something that represents their family.” He smiled shyly at me, “That’s another reason why I gave you the aquamarine necklace.”

“Because aquamarine represents my mother,” I connected the dots.

“Right,” he confirmed.

“I had a reverie last night, but I had no idea where I was. There was an old man there.”

“Maybe that’s why your soul was drawn to him,” he suggested as his eyes lit up with excitement, “because he was in your past or a part of your direct bloodline.”

“What about you?” I questioned him, “Are you a direct descendent?” Unfortunately instead of an answer, Finn walked back into his room and returned with an object that he clutched firmly in his hand.

“This is for you,” he said as he dropped it into my open palm. It was heavy and solid as I rolled it back and forth with my fingers. I wasn’t really certain what I was looking at. It was a large black stone, smooth in texture and oval shaped. A smaller red stone was encased by the black stone; peeking out at various points along the exterior.

“It’s a black onyx surrounding a fire agate stone,” he expounded; seeing the question already in my eyes.

“It’s beautiful…” I whispered. It shimmered in the sunlight as it rolled back and forth in my hand. The black and crimson hues playing off of each other created an effect similar to a campfire; the dark coals supporting and feeding the brighter red flames. It was warm in my hand and sent energy up my arm the longer I held it. “What’s it for?”

“It has many uses, but for our purposes this weekend, it will act as a kind of beacon. Once we begin, you’ll understand. Until then, keep it close.” He watched me with reverence as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I will,” I breathed, slipping my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his solid chest and closed my eyes. I felt so safe with him; so protected. My heart warmed as he sighed happily and squeezed me to him even tighter. The hand that lightly rubbed my back tensed and his fingers trailed down the small of my back, clinching my lavender tank top as if they couldn’t keep themselves from travelling farther south. I looked up into those deep blue eyes; surprised by the passion burning within them. He gripped the fabric tighter, leaned his forehead against mine, and closed his eyes; his breath suddenly measured. Witnessing his restraint, my heart melted and then rapidly lit fire; erupting in a tidal wave of longing that crashed over me, washing away any trace of resistance. I tilted my head upward, bringing my lips dangerously close to his, causing the need swirling within me to become almost unbearable. As his breath caught ever so slightly, he opened his eyes and gave in to the heat pulsing between us.

His velvety lips met mine and I could feel the passion increase as each kiss became more intense; hotter. As my knees went weak, I reached out for the railing behind me to steady myself. He pressed my body against it; my hands holding on for dear life. He wrapped an arm around the small of my back, his hand squeezing my waist, while the other wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me impossibly close. My body went limp as he slowly caressed the tender skin below my ear; his embrace the only thing holding me upright. My legs had become numb with pleasure and my arms were now holding on to him, struggling to keep up with his fervor.

My heart was on the verge of exploding when he stood quickly, lifted me up and carried me inside. Which was good because there was no way my legs would have gotten me there. He gently laid me down on the bed, his lips never leaving mine. Unable to get enough of him, I pulled him down on top of me, eager to feel the length of his body pressed against mine. I ran my fingernails down the taught muscles of his arms and heard him groan as he kissed my earlobe. The tickle of his breath in my ear had my body responding in a way that threatened to cause the thin string of control I still had to unravel completely. Then someone knocked on the door.

“Hey Finn?”

At Ricker’s voice, Finn flew off of me in a flash, almost tumbling off of the bed. I stifled a laugh with my hand; failing miserably when it came out as a snort.

“Yeah?” Finn’s voice came out rushed and hoarse.

“The lighthouse is coming up on our bow. I think we’ve passed the house,” Ricker informed him.

“I’ll be right there!” he called out, sitting on the edge of the bed. I crawled over to the where he sat and wrapped my arms around him, kissing him square on the cheek. The rush of adrenaline still running through my system had made me a little hysterical and I couldn’t stop giggling.

Unfortunately for me and my need for oxygen, Finn grabbed me and began to tickle me relentlessly.

Laughing so hard that my stomach began to hurt, he finally relinquished his attack; leaving me gasping for air.

“As soon as...I find your…weakness, you’re in…trouble,” I threatened him through shallow breaths, falling short of convincing.

“I’ll be sure to sleep with one eye open,” he laughed at me and kissed me one last time, leaving me gasping for air all over again.

Chapter 5

While Finn hastened down to the control room to right our course, I strolled back out onto the deck. From this viewpoint I could see only water, but as the yacht made a wide left turn, a thin strip of land appeared. A towering lighthouse rose majestically from the sand, silently watching over the Cape and surrounding ocean. The black and white diamond design told me that this was in fact the Cape Lookout Lighthouse. Past the regal lighthouse, long expansive beaches were backed by massive rolling sand dunes and a forest of trees that resembled the live oaks on Bald Head. The lighthouse was the only sign of civilization I had seen thus far. There were no vacation homes, shops, or sunbathing tourists dotting the beaches. I leaned over the rail trying to pinpoint our exact destination, only to find more vacant beach and cresting waves.