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‘Bloody hell!’ Kathy and Brock swore in unison, then Kathy ducked forward to the glove compartment, groping inside for the Asp extendable baton that she kept there. She hurled her door open, flicking the baton out as she jumped.

As she ran forward Kathy saw that Ali and his companion had closed with the attackers, the big cafe owner giving a great roar as he pitched himself on top of one of them. Another one turned, raising his club to strike Ali, but was pulled down too with a flying rugby tackle from Ali’s mate. The third attacker didn’t pause, charging on, his attention fixed on the two cloaked Arab women. He ripped the headdress off one, then thrust her aside and turned on the other, grabbing her round the neck, club arm raised, just as Kathy reached him. She lashed at his upper arm with her baton and felt it connect with his elbow with a crunch, then heard his wild shriek echo across the rain-soaked cemetery as he released the woman and stumbled backwards.

She yelled at the men struggling on the ground, ‘Police! Don’t move! Stop fighting!’ but they took no notice whatever of her. They were punching furiously, arms and legs flailing.

Briony Kidd ran to Kathy and grabbed her sleeve. ‘Do something! They want to kill her!’ she screamed. ‘They’re crazy! Save her! Get her away!’

Kathy looked quickly around. The hearse was on the move, bouncing across the burial area as it turned in a wide arc and back onto the road heading in the direction of the exit. The three women, wide eyed and terrified, were clustering around her. The man she’d struck was bent over, cursing as he nursed his arm, and his companions seemed to be getting the better of the fight on the ground.

She said, ‘Come on, quickly,’ and started ushering the three women towards her car. As she hurried them along she looked back and saw the man she had disarmed pointing at her with his good arm. He was yelling something in a language she didn’t know, and his two companions were struggling to their feet, disengaging themselves from Ali and his friend who lay on the ground.

Kathy bundled the women into the back of her car and jumped in behind the wheel, tossing the Asp to Brock. The blood was pounding in her ears. She felt elated and thought, I did OK, I didn’t blow it. But no sooner had she formed this thought than it was overwhelmed by a wave of nausea that flooded through her. She gripped the wheel tight, fighting to hold it down. Her skin felt icy and she began to shake.

‘Let’s go, shall we?’ She heard Brock’s voice, incredibly calm, at her shoulder, and half turned to see his eyes on her white knuckles. She nodded stiffly and dragged one hand off the wheel to ram the gear stick home. As the car jumped forward the three attackers stumbled to a halt, gasping for breath, then the injured one screamed something and they turned and began running for their car. As she passed them Kathy was startled to recognise the man she had struck as Sanjeev Manzoor, proprietor of the Manzoor Saree Centre on Shadwell Road. And at the same moment he clearly recognised her, for he let out a great cry of fury and began shaking his good fist at her.

Kathy drove as fast as she dared along the cemetery road, watching her mirror for any sign of the purple car behind.

‘Are any of you hurt?’ Brock was asking, stretching back over his seat at the three women in the back as he pulled out his phone. The most distraught was the shrouded figure in the middle, sobbing steadily while the other two tried to comfort her. ‘Is she hurt?’ Brock repeated.

‘She’s pregnant,’ Briony said, glaring at him as if it were his fault.

‘How much?’

‘I don’t know.’ She looked questioning at the other woman wearing the chador. ‘Fran?’

‘Six or seven months,’ Fran offered, looking worried.

Brock turned back to Kathy. ‘We’d better get her to a hospital. I’ll call for assistance.’


The cry from the back was so loud and firm that Brock swung back with surprise and saw the weeping woman in the middle staring at him.

‘I don’t need the hospital! I’m all right. And anyway, he’ll find me there.’

‘We’re police officers,’ he said reassuringly. ‘We’ll protect you.’

But this information only seemed to distress the woman more. She looked pleadingly at Brock and sobbed, ‘No, no. No police, please. No hospital.’ She turned to the women on each side of her and began whispering frantically. As he watched them, Brock’s uncertainty grew. Although the pregnant woman had the dark eyes and brown complexion of an Arab or Asian, she had spoken with a broad London accent, and, looking more closely at her, she seemed very young, no more than a girl. The other woman wearing the chador, Fran, had the same white complexion as Briony Kidd, who looked the oldest of the three, and also the most decisive.

‘Look,’ she said to Brock after some whispered conversation, ‘all we need is for you to get us away from here and drop us somewhere. A tube station or somewhere. We can look after ourselves after that. We don’t want to press charges against those men or anything.’

Brock was about to reply when Kathy muttered ‘Damn!’ and brought the car skidding to a halt. They had reached an older part of the cemetery and the roadway was narrow and meandering, hemmed in on each side with stone obelisks and angels and dripping yew trees. Ahead the road crossed an ornamental stone bridge, now blocked by a funeral procession coming sedately towards them. Kathy was forced to pull hard over to let them through. The leading hearse slowly passed, then one by one the long cortege of following cars came rolling over the bridge.

Kathy was still watching her mirror. After a while she murmured to Brock, ‘Company.’

He looked back through the rear window and saw the purple car approaching in the distance. It slowed as it saw them and the other procession, but didn’t stop, creeping steadily forward.

Briony caught the expression on Brock’s face and looked back over her shoulder to see what he was looking at. When she turned back she was frowning with doubt, biting her bottom lip.

‘Briony, back there you told me they wanted to kill your friend,’ Kathy said. ‘Was that a lie or the truth?’

‘It could be true,’ she muttered. ‘I don’t know.’

‘I don’t think you’ve got any choice but to let us help you.’

She said nothing. The other two had seen the purple car now and were whispering together in agitation.

Brock said, ‘Let’s do a deal, Briony. We’ll get you somewhere safe and listen with an open mind until you’ve explained to us exactly what this is all about. Otherwise we’re heading straight for Tooting police station and I’m going to charge the lot of you with affray.’

The three women looked at each other, then the pregnant girl wiped her eyes and said in a whisper, but with firmness, ‘Yes,’ then added, ‘please.’

Brock nodded and turned away and started pressing buttons on his phone. The last car of the cortege finally cleared the little bridge and Kathy drove off just as the purple car came up behind. Together they accelerated away, driving fast enough to attract disapproving looks from mourners leaving the chapel near the cemetery entrance. At the gates Brock told her to go right and they turned into the general traffic, their tail sticking close behind for over a mile until first one, then a second police patrol car joined their progress and pulled the other car over. The women watched through the back window until they were out of sight.

‘What’ll happen to them?’ Briony demanded.

‘We’ll start with carrying an offensive weapon in a public place, and see where we go after that. It rather depends on you, and your other two friends.’

‘Yes, what about George!’ Fran cried. ‘What about George and Qasim!’

‘Qasim has a mobile phone,’ the pregnant girl said, and reeled off a number.

Brock made her repeat it, dialling as she spoke. After several rings a hoarse voice said, ‘Hello?’