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I didn’t follow Jack. Instead, I hid in the one room we shared. The nursery wasn’t finished, at least, not to Jack’s specifications. But the room thrilled me, so peaceful and waiting for the excitement to come. The pregnancy wasn’t how I planned it, but at least I had control over that aspect of my life.

The rest of my life?

The complication I never should have let into my heart just slammed the door and walked out. But I had no idea what I’d say if I chased and caught him.

Don’t go.

Let’s talk.

You have no idea how much you mean to me, and it scares me to admit it.

“Any of those would have worked.” I sighed, but the tightness inside me didn’t go away.

I sat in the rocking chair and held one of the dozens of stuffed animals dressed in Rivets’ gear Jack bought. We had too much stuff for the baby—furniture and gadgets, pillows and blankets, so many onesies they were multiplying into twosies. But a child only needed one thing.


And so did I.

It was time to make some decisions.

Real decisions.

Not just where I was going to sleep at night or what we would do for dinner. We hadn’t even thought of names yet. We just…existed. Together. In the moment. Stationary.

I should’ve made the first move. How many real relationships did Jack ever have? He didn’t know anything about a functional romance.

Did we even have a romance?

So far it had been nights curled together. Sex. Gentle smiles. Teasing. More sex. The occasional flirty glance and promise of more.


Passionate, unbelievably heated love-making.


What we had was real. It had to be. I wasn’t just imagining how his hands felt or the words he murmured or the way he looked at me. When Jack took me to his bed and entered me with a cock so big and powerful and loving, we became more than two people in the heat of desire.

How long could I deny that I needed him? We had a peace together. Comfort. We offered ourselves to each other and earned so much more in return.

And yet…we never took it.

It scared me. And there was a reason for it. A big reason. One that lodged in my throat every time I went to admit it.

Jack had to feel it too. God, I hoped he did.

Or I was about to make an even bigger fool out of myself.

My phone rang. I lunged at my purse to grab it, hoping it was Jack. It wasn’t. Worse, I didn’t like the sudden twinge in my tummy when I moved. I took a deep breath and let the discomfort pass.

Was that a normal pain?

I hesitated to answer the phone. Jolene didn’t have any reason to bother me, and I braced myself before I greeted her.

“Leah?” Jolene spoke in a rush, too busy to call without spilling her coffee and banging her keyboard. “Oh, Leah, I am so glad to talk to you. Do you have a minute?”

The rocking chair was comfortable enough, at least. The only real crisis was that the Rivets’ bad boy quarterback was pissed off, rogue, and determined to find trouble to prove how much he had changed. Sure. It was a great time to take a call.

“What’s up, Jolene?”

“First…how are you?”

I didn’t really want to deal with pleasantries. “Fine.”

“And…the baby?”

Now she cared about the baby? I remembered her last words to me, a chastisement for my recklessness and disregard for my own life. Apparently, I’d let Jack ruin me.

I disagreed.

But I rested my hand on my tummy, stroking the little bump. I shifted, but the weird discomfort still ached through me. I really needed to take it easy. Probably spent too much time in the heat today.

“The baby’s good,” I said. “Everything’s normal.”

“Know the gender?”

“Not yet. We wanted it to be a surprise.”

“You?” Jolene’s voice cracked. “A surprise?”

I glanced over the sunshine yellow walls and neutral green blankets and toys. “Jack’s suggestion.”

“And you went along with it?”

“Well…” I smiled. “Yeah. He thought it’d be sweet if we found out together.”

“I can’t believe that works with your…plans.”

Oddly enough, it did. Everything about the baby made sense with Jack. “So long as he or she is healthy, that’s all we want.”

“Wow.” Jolene hesitated. “So you and Jack…?”

Wasn’t that the question of the evening? “Yes?”

“Leah, you know he isn’t the one for you.”

“Jo, stop—”

“Just listen to me. I know he’s handsome, and it’s fun, and now there’s a baby involved, but this isn’t the life you wanted. I worry about you.”

“You worried so much you fired me.”

“I want you back.”

The rocking chair went still. I nearly burst out of it. “Back?”

“At the agency. It was wrong to fire you.”

“It was probably illegal too.” Except I knew better than to challenge a PR team and a good friend to a legal dispute.

Jolene sighed. “Jack’s reputation isn’t something we can fix.”

I bit my lip. “He’s really trying to change.”

“It’s too little, too late. You want to believe he’s a different man—”

“He is.”

“Come on. To anyone else, he’s still the trouble-making womanizer skirting the law and now having illegitimate children.”

“I know what you think happened, and you’re wrong. The baby wasn’t an accident.”

“That’s even more concerning. Do you really want to abandon everything you worked so hard to achieve for Jack Carson?”

“Maybe I was working towards the wrong things?”

She snorted. “Oh, knock it off, Leah. You’re not getting married. You’re out of work. And you’re having a baby with a man you never imagined you’d be saddled with.”

“I’m not saddled with him.” In fact, I was supposed to be keeping him on a leash. It was my fault for letting that chain break. “I like my life. I can handle myself. I promise.”

“I want you to come back to work for me,” Jolene said.

“You mentioned that already.”

“I’ll give you a raise and a company car.”

I sighed. “That’s great, but you realize I only have five and half months I can work.”

“You’d get maternity leave. Come on, Leah. I’m trying to help you.”

“I don’t need help.”

She lowered her voice. “And when he leaves you?”

“He won’t.”

“This is Jack Carson. He’s a walking, talking liability. A risk. I want to make sure you’re taken care of, and you know he’s not dependable. Hell, we spent day after day thinking of photo ops and events to make him seem responsible, and the two of us together couldn’t make it realistic.”

“That was before.”

“You need to plan for what comes after.” Jolene hesitated. “The offer for your job stands, but I can’t allow the scandal into my office. If you come back to work, I want you to be alone.”


“Break it off with him before it gets too complicated and you’ll have your old job with a raise and perks. Leah, I chose you to be my assistant because you’d be a partner one day. Have the baby, and after he or she is born, we’ll make the arrangements for you to get that promotion.”

My heart fluttered, thudded, and crushed. This wasn’t happening. My dream job floated within my grasp, and all I had to do was reach out, take it, and seize everything I ever wanted. The baby. The career. The prospects.

But no Jack.

Tears prickled my eyes. I couldn’t turn on him. Not now, not for a raise or promotion or offer that would give me a comfortable life. I would never trap myself in a passionless existence again. Before him, I hadn’t understood what I needed in life. I did now.