"I'm so glad we're going to be alone for a while," Jessica said from behind. "There's a million things I have to tell you, Ross!" Her long fingers tightened on mine and I bit my lip. I'd have to do this whole thing quick and get back to the house and get the girls packed. Jessica's flowery smell came to my nostrils as I made her duck under a low limb and I was afraid again. Afraid of what being close to her could make me do.
"Why are we in such a hurry, Ross?" she called, panting.
I slowed and she took my arm with her free hand. "We're going to another meadow. Higher up."
"We'll be all alone?" she sighed. I could almost see her blind green eyes hopeful and hungry behind the dark lenses of her glasses.
"Yeah, we'll be alone." I stopped to let her catch her breath.
Jessie leaned her face against my shoulder, her tits heaving under the white silk of her blouse. Suddenly her soft voice was urgent and quavery. "It's been four days, Ross! Four days since I felt your body next to me."
"Better save your breath," I said quickly, starting off again. "It's a long climb." How in the hell did a guy go about turning off a chick? I wondered. How in hell was it done?
The high meadow was just the way I always remembered it. There were a few, trees that'd grown bigger now and the gurgling water had changed its course a little, but the small stand of wild grass and the cliffs above were unchanged. I stood looking up at the sheer granite bluffs towering against the sky-blue background until I got dizzy. I remembered earlier times at the same spot, but never one with a girl. Jessica was sitting on the grass by the stream. She'd taken off her boots and her slim bare feet were tucked gracefully to one side.
"What does it look like here, Ross?"
"Cliffs." I sat down beside her. "Big ones. I guess you can hear the stream yourself. There's more aspen than pine right around here." I was thinking that everything would be cool. I could tell Jessie everything that had to be said and take her back to the house and…
Her hand suddenly brushed my arm and she fumbled until she'd gripped my fingers. She was trembling all over. "Make love to me, Ross – now!"
"There's a few things I have to talk…"
"We can talk forever, but now I need you!" Her voice was quavering and heavy with passion.
My will power was fading fast and as I looked at her full, pouting lips, I wondered what it would feel like to have my cock between them. But Jessica would probably never consider sucking a cock, not like Sheila had done it. I shook my head hard to get rid of the crazy thoughts and started to stand up. Jessie tugged me back down, then started unfastening her silk blouse. With each button pulling loose, I could see more tender tit. It was as if I couldn't get up and I couldn't make her stop, but I was fighting to keep my hands off of her at the same time. The blouse folded back and my cousin slipped her slender arm out of it. Then she yanked down her corduroy hip-huggers and slithered out of them. The crotch of her silk lavender panties was dark with wetness. A sudden breeze blew Jessica's black hair across her face. She tossed her head and pushed it back away.
"You do want to, don't you?" she asked, slowly taking off the dark glasses.
I was staring at the damp silk panties and the way they clung in between the folds of her flooding gash.
"Yes, I want to."
I tore off my shirt and pants and grabbed Jessica's panties, almost tearing them in my eagerness to get them off. She gave a hungry moan and shifted her hips against the grass. Like an oil-soaked flower her pussy bloomed out, the smaller petals parting, too. The soft depression where her hole began was swimming in honey. I stretched out over her and started petting the soft places on each side of her cunt mound, those hat hollows between her thighs and outer pussylips. Jessie whimpered and tossed her head against the grass. I slipped two fingers into the beginning of her slit and pushed it down along the deep, hot V. Jessica's ass writhed and she hugged me close. With a slow, even rhythm I began to massage her clit, rolling it between my thumb and finger until my cousin's lithe body twisted with the feeling. My cock was a rigid snake against one of her soft tan thighs. I guided it up, rubbing between the open folds of her pussy until the knob was shiny wet with cunt juice.
"Never let me go!" Jessie gasped, biting my neck, then kissing the same spot. She rolled her ass, and I could feel her sex butter smearing my cock, wetting both our bodies where they were about to join. The ring of pussy hole dilated back and my cock popped inside her hot cunt. Then Jess clenched her cunt muscles and I felt the feathery membranes close down around my aching tool.
"That's fantastic!" I said, kissing her so hard on the mouth that her lips curled back from her teeth.
She tightened her cunt again and held my prick there while she squirmed her hips around in a teeing circle.
"I want it to be good for you, Ross." Her face clouded over. "But today you must be careful."
My cock wasn't all the way inside her cunt yet, but I stopped moving my hips and looked into her face. "What do you mean, Jessie?"
My cousin bit her bottom lip. "Ross, I hate to ask you this, but do you have something? Something you could be so… so…" Jessica took a long breath, held it for a moment and let it out.
The message finally got through my thick head. "Don't you have that diaphragm thing anymore?"
"It's gone." I watched her pretty eyebrows arch down. "I was certain I had it in my suitcase, but when I went to get it this morning…" Jessie shrugged.
"You put it inside you every time we take a walk?" I was beginning to realize just how straightforward my beautiful cousin was about sex. Jessie smiled and pressed my palm against her lips. "Yes. I know what I want." She sighed. "But this time there'll be nothing to stop a baby from happening."
My first suspicion was that Janey had taken the diaphragm, but then I knew that couldn't be right. She probably didn't know what one looked like any more than I did. Sweet Jessica moved her crotch and the walls of her pussy caressed my cock hotly. I pushed another inch into her soft hole.
"So what'll we do for now?" I asked.
Jessica shivered and hugged her arms around my back. "Maybe you could be careful this time," she sighed. "I love you so much, I just know we'd make a baby. And this is the chanciest part of the month, too."
I could think of a dozen reasons to stop, but with my cock surrounded by all that hot female meat and Jessica starting to move her ass under me again, my reasoning just kept short-circuiting until I was kissing and caressing my lovely cousin's body like I didn't care. Her long nails carved into the cheeks of my ass as she drew my prick deeper into her snug twat.
"The shape of your cock is so big," she breathed, "it makes me feel really full!"
All my well-made plans to tell Jessica why she had to return to Crossbury were muddled beyond repair. I even found myself wanting to take her with me. Yeah, even though she was blind and my cousin. The thought of waking up beside sweet-smelling Jessica and just rolling over and…
"Kiss my nipples, Ross. Oh, hurt them a little!" I sucked one brown stalk between my teeth and nibbled down while I tongued it hard. Jessica's hips thrust up from the ground until it seemed that only her heels and shoulders were touching. I fanned my fingers out under her beautifully shaped us, kneading and clutching the firm, warm meat of it Jessie gave short little grunts of pleasure as our bodies pressed together. The lips of her cunt were peeled back so that her clit was squished juicily against the kinky tangles of my crotch hair. She ground her ass around savagely and I felt her throw a heel behind my leg to increase the pressure.