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There was the wild sound of her covering his face with wet kisses. "Jim, darling, let's make a baby!"

"I was gonna put on a rubber…"

"No, Jim!" she sighed, moving her ass more feverishly than ever, clutching his ass with her small freckled hands. "We can get married later…"

"Teeny," Jim protested.

I could see that he'd stopped pumping his cock in and out of her twat, but even though he was holding his rod deep, trying not to move, Teeny was doing all the humping far him. One of her feet was still planted firmly on the foam mattress, the other braced against the roof of my station wagon.

"Come, darling!" she cooed, hands fluttering along his bare back. "Put a baby in me!"

"Damn it, Teeny… we…"

My eyes were open wide as I took all this in. Teeny's little belly was quivering as she humped and squirmed her ass like a wild seal under Jim's hips. I saw his back heaving as he sucked in huge lungfuls of air and tried to hold on. But finally he gave a jerk, and I saw him plunging in and out of her buttery pussy again.

"Yes, my darling," Teeny choked, her voice throaty with passion. She clasped both legs over Jim's back and threw her head around until her blonde curls were a tangled mass of loveliness.

Jim grunted wildly and jammed his cock forward again and again, driving the wind from pretty Teeny's lungs.

"Oh, Christ!" she babbled. "Give me twins! Give me triplets!"

"Damn… Jesus damn!" Jim groaned.

I could tell the sap was already beginning to spurt from the tip of his cock. Teeny's toes fanned out and she dug her heels tighter against Jim's ass as he humped furiously. I could hear the cum smacking wetly around the pretty blonde's pussy and she had begun to giggle in a crazy, almost hysterical way as her own convulsions made her back arch up from the mattress.

"Shove it deep, Jim!" she rasped.

I rubbed a hand over my face and twisted back around in the seat. It was funny how hard I was breathing just from watching two other people fuck. I made a quick U turn and headed back to town. Teeny and Jim just lay there wrapped around each other until I hit Main. With the little curtains I'd made to hang over the windows it didn't matter that they were still undressed. It was like riding in a bedroom on wheels. I smacked the steering wheel with my fist. A lot of good it did me. But someday I was going to use it. When I could find a chick who liked to ball. Maybe there were girls in other towns who…

That was when the idea hit me. Maybe it was watching my buddy Jim do his thing with Teeny all wild and free like. Or maybe it was remembering that I'd finished paying off my Ford and had a hundred bucks saved up to boot. Even the Rolling Stones screaming out of my tape deck must have had something to do with it. But all these things coming down at the same time made something snap in my head. Right then I knew I wasn't going to go to pharmacy school next fall or work in my old man's drug store or hang around this dumb-ass town any longer. It would be simple to pull off, too.

Since I was going to the cabin anyway with Janey and since the folks would be coming up in a couple of weeks, I could plan to leave just before they got there. With plenty of firewood in for chilly mornings and the kitchen stocked with food, my sister would be able to make out all right for a day or so.

I tightened and untightened my hands on the wheel and let the tach creep up on the green-glowing dial. Maybe I could try California. Yeah, that was the place to go! There sure wasn't any law that said I had to hang around my hometown for the rest of my life. I could write my folks a letter when I got to the Coast and tell them I loved them and all that kind of thing. They'd understand and I'd be free.

My speed was getting toward fifty, so I cooled it down and cruised Main Street twice. Then I saw that Teeny was finally struggling into her panties again so I headed for the school parking lot where we'd left Jim's pickup truck.

When he got out, there was a stunned, numb look on his face and I remembered that Teeny's cunt was brimming with his cum… probably at the most dangerous time of the month, too. Teeny seemed pleased with her little victory, though, as she bounced up and down in her sneakers, round titties bobbing merrily under her pullover. She'd always been crazy about Jim and now it looked as if she'd managed to snag him. As I was about to pull away, Teeny leaned in the window. Her lips were full and soft-looking, and I found myself almost wishing she were my girl – even if her belly was full of jizz.

"Thanks, Ross, for letting us double with you." She gave a wink and flitted away. To me Teeny Buston already looked mighty pregnant. On the way home, I thought of just how easy it was to complicate your life. Jim had been out for a little action and now he'd be lucky to come out of it without a wife, a steady job, a kid and one of those stupid little bungalows out in the new development. I couldn't let my own plans get tangled up like that, even though it was still hard for me to think straight whenever I got close to a girl. But California would be different. Out there girls knew the score. They were out for a good time, too… just like the guys.

When the tach bumped five thousand, I tucked the shifter into second and got a little rubber. The Ford fishtailed a little and tore ass. Made me feel good. Now that I'd finally decided to do something about my life, things were sure looking up.


When I pulled into the driveway and clicked off the lights, I noticed that the upstairs guest room was lit up. That meant that Jessica was here. It was the only time Mom opened that room up. In fact, we'd even come to think of it as Jessica's room because she used it so often. Jessica was my older cousin and she spent just about as much time around our place as she did with her own mother. Most of the year, of course, she was at the school for the blind, helping children. That had been her specialty in college, and she was supposed to be very good at it. Maybe she was so good at it because Jessica herself was blind.

She was sitting oh the edge of the sofa when I came into the room, her head tilted a little as if she were listening. It was the way I always remembered my cousin. She always perched on chairs more than sat in them and when people talked, her nostrils flared a little, as if she were almost smelling the words. My mother pulled nervously at her dress as I slumped down in a chair.

"Ross?" Jessica asked softly.

"Yeah, Jess, it's me." There was something in the air. Something my mother felt uneasy about. It had to be something to do with going to the cabin, because I could see my blind cousin's hiking boots and a heavy sweater in a neat pile next to her feet.

"Jessica's going with you and Janey tomorrow," Mom said. "Your aunt and I decided it would do her good."

"Oh. Well, that's great."

The gold frames of her dark glasses glinted as she turned to look just past my face. It bothered a lot of people when she did that, but I'd gotten used to it long before.

"She's worked so hard with the children at school this past winter that we all agreed she should get away for a while." Mom looked hopefully at me, guessing that I wouldn't like the idea much.

Jessica folded and unfolded her pretty hands. "Are you sure you won't mind, Ross?" she asked. "I mean, if you don't want me along…"

"No. Really, it's all right." Actually, it wasn't worth a shit, but what could I say? I'd have to rethink my plans so I could still get away before my folks joined us all at the cabin. Jessica smiled prettily at me… or almost at me. Though there was no way really to be certain, I suddenly flashed on the idea that Jessica wasn't wearing a bra. She seemed especially feminine, too, waiting gracefully for when that she could go to the cabin with Sis and me. Feminine. I smiled at the unfamiliar idea. Somehow I'd always thought of Jessie as a blind person first and a girl way down the line some place. That she had fantastic legs and a trim, curvy body and tits like Teeny Buston… that didn't seem to matter. A blind person was just a blind person. They were… different. But now as I sat there looking at Jessica in her short skirt and bright-colored blouse, I found myself comparing her to girls I went to school with. Jessica may have sensed my stare, because she tossed her head so that her raven-black hair tumbled over the fronts of her shoulders. There was a tiny mole on her right cheek and I wondered idly if Jessie knew it was there.