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‘Yes, sir!’

Calamus jerked his head at a huddle of men under the north-facing portico. Pavo noted their overly developed muscles and heavily scarred torsos. The doctore summoned one of them over. ‘Amadocus!’

A veteran turned towards Calamus and trudged towards the doctore with a grunt. Pavo studied the man. He had white skin the colour of chalk and a mane of light hair, with a darker beard shaved close at the cheeks. His muscles were clearly defined. His veins bulged like rope on his forearms and neck. He stopped beside Calamus as the doctore gestured to his scars.

‘Tell the men how many matches you’ve fought.’

‘Thirteen, sir,’ he answered in heavily accented Latin. Pavo noticed that the veteran had a stubborn, hostile look in his deep-set eyes.

‘And how many times have you lost, Amadocus?’

‘Never, sir.’

‘Never!’ The doctore beamed with pride at the reply, Pavo noted as Calamus swung his icy stare back to the recruits. ‘You miserable buggers might look at this haggard face and see a man who’s taken his fair share of knocks. Amadocus is a scrapper, plain and simple. But thanks to my instruction he’s still alive while his many opponents are taking a nice long trip through the Underworld.’

Calamus nodded at the veteran. ‘That will be all, Amadocus.’

‘Yes, sir,’ the Thracian replied, no discernible expression on his face.

Pavo watched Amadocus march back towards the huddle of veterans as Calamus glared at the new recruits. The doctore took a deep breath and turned his head in the direction of a balcony overlooking the courtyard. ‘Now stand upright, the lot of you. Your lanista, Vibius Modius Gurges, wishes to introduce himself.’

Calamus stepped aside. Pavo craned his neck and saw a figure float into view at the balcony. He had a small face with thin lips with eyes set deep into their sockets. His skin was stretched tightly across his face. He rested his hands on the balcony plinth and stared curiously at Pavo for a moment before addressing the men.

‘Calamus is your mentor, your doctore. He will turn some of you into legends of the arena, gods willing,’ Gurges said, flicking his eyes from Pavo over the rest of the group. ‘But I am your master. I own you, body and soul. All of you have a solemn promise to me to be burned, bound, beaten and killed by the sword. Some of you will fulfil that promise before the year is out. A lucky few will live a little longer. Most Romans consider you the dregs of humanity. But I don’t.’ Gurges raised his head to the heavens, then clasped his hands in front of his face. ‘In fact, I envy you.’

Gurges paused and sucked in a deep breath. ‘I envy you because you get the chance to die a glorious death. In Rome, as some of you might know, there is no greater honour. Crowds will cheer your name. Women will want to be with you. Even some men will want to be you. Children will talk of your legend for years after your blood has run dry.’

Gurges paused. A wicked smile tickled the corners of his mouth as a slave emerged carrying a silver tray with a single wine goblet balanced on top. The lanista scooped it up and toasted the recruits. ‘To your success,’ he said. ‘Or not.’

He drained the wine in a single gulp, then nodded to Calamus. ‘As you were.’

‘Back to training!’ Calamus barked at the gladiators. ‘New recruits at the palus. Move it!’

Pavo paced towards the wooden posts located in the middle of the training ground with a heavy heart. The posts were a short step from a sundial used to time the length of each exercise. Training like a common legionary, thought Pavo. His privileged life as a tribune in the Sixth Legion suddenly seemed a distant dream.

‘Not you, rich boy,’ the doctore ordered. Pavo stopped in his tracks and shot a puzzled look at Calamus.

‘Is there a problem?’

‘The lanista wants a word,’ Calamus replied.


A household slave ushered Pavo down a wide passageway with a vaulted ceiling painted in bright colours. At the end the slave turned left and stopped outside a bronze-panelled door with posts sheathed in carved marble. An intricate mosaic on the floor depicted a gladiator combat between a pair of lightly-armoured fighters with whips.

At that moment the door swung open and Pavo lifted his eyes from the mosaic. The lanista stood in the doorway. Up close he looked even shorter and thinner than he had on the balcony, Pavo thought, as if he had shrivelled up. His arrogant demeanour had disappeared. Now a serious, dark expression was cast over his features.

‘Come in,’ Gurges said.

Pavo followed the lanista into an office with contrasting marble tiles covering the floor and richly decorated walls. The lanista eased himself onto a chair behind an oak desk and nodded to his slave.

‘Fetch more wine,’ Gurges said. ‘The Falernian. Not that piss I ply my guests with.’

The slave shuffled outside. Gurges leaned back in his chair. Pavo stood in front of the desk, his arms resting by his sides.

‘I am the lanista of the oldest and grandest ludus in Paestum,’ Gurges said. ‘Well, the oldest, though perhaps no longer the grandest. Fucking hard to make an honest living these days.’

Pavo said nothing, unsettled by the lanista’s loose tongue. He saw that Gurges’s eyes were glazed and it occurred to Pavo that this probably wasn’t the lanista’s first drink of the day. Gurges folded his arms behind the back of his head and pushed out his bottom lip.

‘The high priests might turn their noses up at my work, but when it comes to keeping the mob happy, they need people like me. Men who live and work among the lowest scum Rome has to offer, looking for a champion.’

The slave returned with a fresh goblet of wine. Like everything else in the lanista’s home, it appeared expensive and crass. Gurges admired the goblet for a moment. Then he said to the slave, ‘Fetch Calamus. I want an update on the injured gladiators.’

‘Yes, master,’ the slave replied and quickly departed from the study. Gurges took a gulp of wine, and set the cup down on the desk with a sharp rap. A few drops splashed over the oak. His eyes were wide and angry as they fixed on Pavo.

‘You can handle a sword, from what I hear.’

Pavo shrugged. ‘Well enough.’

‘Good. I trust you’re aware of the deal I cut with that slippery Greek?’

‘Pallas,’ Pavo muttered through clenched jaws. ‘The snake.’

‘You’re to die within the year, for twenty thousand of the Emperor’s sestertii. I’ll honour the deal, because I’m a man of my word. But there’s nothing from Pallas to dictate what I do with you in the interim. For one year you belong to me, body and soul. And for that year, you’ll fight. A lot. I intend to pitch you into the arena at every opportunity. And I expect you to win. I know what you posh lads are like, I’ve had a few pass through my ludus in my time. One boy, he shoved his head through the wheels of the cart on the way to a fight. Chose to snap his bloody neck in half rather than face the arena and left me out of pocket, the selfish prick.’

Pavo took a deep breath. ‘There’s only one man I want to face. The man who killed my father.’

Gurges stroked his chin thoughtfully. ‘And who might that be?’

‘Hermes of Rhodes,’ said Pavo icily. ‘The Emperor ordered my father to fight him to the death in the arena. Hermes showed him no mercy or respect. Disembowelled him, then cut off his head and paraded it around the arena like a trophy. He disgraced my father and my family name in front of thousands. I will fight him, and I will have my revenge.’

Gurges steepled his fingers on the desk and studied the son of the legate in silence. ‘Hermes, eh?’ he said after a long pause. ‘That won’t be easy to arrange. Hermes is officially retired now. He only comes out into the arena for a hefty fee. We’re talking a hundred thousand sestertii.’