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I’d slept in this Saturday morning, catching up on the sleep I’d lost this week. Every orgasm had been worth it, of course, but it was nice to feel rested when I got up. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and smiled when I saw two texts from Kane, both sent in the middle of the night.

Kane: U up? I know I said I wasn’t coming over tonight, but things are under control here and I might.

Kane: You must be asleep. Call me if you want to have lunch tomorrow.

I sighed softly and set the phone beside me in bed, wishing he was here. He wasn’t the affectionate type most of the time, except when we were in bed together. After sex and before I had to get up in the morning, he’d run his hands through my hair, say sweet things in my ear and hold me close against his hard, warm chest. He liked to play a game where he drew letters on my back and I had to guess what word it was, but every single time he spelled the word fuck and accused me of trying to get laid again when I guessed it. And every single time, it made me laugh.

After some coffee and a shower, I went to my hair salon for a blowout and met Cara for an hour of shoe shopping. By then it was after eleven and I decided it would be okay to call Kane. He often went on just a few hours of sleep and I didn’t want to wake him up on one of his only days to sleep without being woken up by my alarm.

His voice was low and sleepy when he answered. “Hey.”

“Hey, sorry I woke you up.”

“No, it’s good. I can’t believe I slept this late. I went to bed at four.”

“You needed some sleep. I did too.”

He gave a skeptical grunt. “What I need is you beside me in this bed.”

“That can be arranged.”


“Text me your address.”

There was a pause. “My place is small and . . . bare bones.”

“Kane. Send me the address.” I smiled at the thought of him in his bed waiting for me. “I’ll be there soon.”

He sent me the address and I took a cab there, walking around to the alley where he’d told me his door was. When I knocked, he opened it wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants.

“Get that fine ass in here,” he said, stepping aside.

He was right about his place being small and bare bones. But it was neat and felt just right for him. A king-sized bed anchored the room, its white covers a mess. A leather couch sat at the foot of the bed across from a big-screen TV, so he could watch from the couch or the bed. The kitchen area had compact, stainless appliances and dark granite counters. The kitchen table was small, with just two chairs. The smells of coffee and leather filled the air.

“I like it,” I said, my gaze wandering to the bicycle hanging from the ceiling in one corner.

“Thanks.” He handed me a mug of coffee and I took a sip. “Did you get some sleep?”

“Yes. I’m sorry I slept through your texts last night.”

“Don’t be, you needed the rest.”

I looked him up and down, arousal making me warm between my thighs. The intimacy of seeing him here, in his place, was affecting me. His defined upper body muscles didn’t hurt, either.

“See something you like?” he asked in a teasing tone.

“Yes.” My cheeks warmed as I admitted my ogling. I set down my shopping bags and cup of coffee. “Sit down on that couch for me, would you?”

“How ‘bout if you sit on my face instead?”

I smiled. “Sit down.”

He did, his legs spread casually as he looked at me, brows arched in a what now expression. I got down on my knees in front of him.

“Oh, Viv . . .” He groaned as I wrapped my hand around his shaft through his pants. After a few seconds, I reached for his sweats at his hips. He arched up so I could pull them down, and his erection sprang out as I did.

“Mmm, this is what I want,” I said, licking the head of him gently. His exhale was long and soft, his eyes watching me.

I ran my tongue over his veined shaft, teasing him for a couple minutes before finally taking all of him into my mouth. His sharp breaths and deep groans helped me quickly discover exactly how fast he liked it.

Having him in the palm of my hand was intoxicating. His fingers wove through my hair, pulling as I sucked him faster and harder.

“Jesus . . . Viv.” He groaned as I added my hand, working him up and down with my mouth at the same time.

Though I didn’t want it to end, I felt him at the edge of release. His muscles tensed and his pull on my hair was hard.

Fuuuuck.” He tried to pull back as he started coming, but I took him all the way to the back of my throat, tasting his release.

It stretched on until his muscles slackened and he released my hair. I eased my mouth away slowly and climbed onto the couch beside him.

“You just get more and more amazing,” he said, pulling me against him.

I kissed his chest, contented by the warm strength of his body.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” he said in my ear. “We’ve got stuff to do.”

“We do?” I looked up at him, surprised.

“Yep. And all of it’s happening in my bed. We’re gonna make the guys in the gym next to us so fucking jealous of me.”

Nothing sounded better than spending the next few hours in bed with him. Kane picked me up, carried me to the bed and tossed me onto it. Delicious anticipation coursed through me. Whatever he had in mind, it would be good.


I had time sheets spread out across my desk when Jeff knocked on my door and walked in.

“What’s up?” I asked, glancing at him.

He sat down in a club chair in front of my desk. “Just haven’t talked to you in a while.”

“The suites have been booked solid for a couple weeks now and I’m down two servers.” I looked down at the time sheets, where I was working on covering the server who’d quit without notice a couple days ago. “And I haven’t been working as many hours.”

Jeff smiled and pulled two cigars from an inner pocket of his suit jacket, passing one to me. “Yeah, about that . . . must be going good with you and Viv.”

I held the cigar a few inches from a nose and inhaled its woodsy hazelnut scent. Nodding my approval at Jeff, I took my cigar cutter from a desk drawer and cut a wedge from the end of my cigar. Then I passed the cutter to him.

“It is going good with Viv,” I said. “And I’m keeping tabs on what’s happening here when I’m gone. Rosie’s my second set of eyes on the floor.”

“I’ve been telling you since we bought into this place that you were working yourself into the ground. I’m glad you’re working less. And it’s nice to see you with a girlfriend for once.”

I grunted and ran my cigar near the edge of my cigar lighter. “I guess that’s what you’d call her. Does that make me her boyfriend?”

Jeff smiled. “Yep. You guys are like two high school kids in love.”

I glared at him. “You just keep your goddamn eyes off her, you got it? She’s not like Jen Winslow.”

“Ah, Jen Winslow.” Jeff grinned. “She was hot as fuck. And having both of us at once was her fantasy. How could I deny her that?”

“You ever walk in on me and Viv with your dick out and I’ll break your pretty fucking nose. I’m serious. She’s mine.”

Jeff raised his hands in mock surrender. “Got it. Nothing like having an attorney on standby, right?”

“I don’t need an attorney these days. Neither should you. You’re good, right?”

“Hell yes. You know I’m straight now.”

I nodded and watched my cigar end take on an orange glow. I’d met Jeff in prison, and we’d vowed to go straight and start a business together after we got out. I was released before him, and I’d used that time to work and save some money for us. He was like a brother to me, and even though he’d never shared my bad habit, he supported me in my recovery. I’d been forced to be clean in prison, but after my release I’d had to make a conscious decision every day not to use.