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“Celebrate what?”

“I’m about to buy out one of the other Six investors. I’ll own a one-third stake after this meeting.”

“Kane! That’s fantastic. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just did.”

“I mean sooner. That’s the best news.”

He shrugged. “I meant to, but you distracted me with your body.”

“Yes on dinner. I can’t wait.”

“Maybe, uh . . .” He stroked a hand over his beard, his nervous habit. “Maybe we can also talk about me trying to see Brooklyn?”

My heart leapt with excitement. “Yes, we can.”

“Come whenever you can. I’ll see you then.”

He kissed me again and left, giving me a crooked, heart-melting smile on his way out the door.

I sat back down, opening the chocolates and sighing happily as the first one melted in my mouth.

“So,” Cara said, appearing in my office with a huge grin. “He came to see you here?”

“Yeah. He was in a mood when he left this morning, so he came to apologize.”

“With a Tiffany box?” She was eyeing my desk. “Damn, girl, you’ve got him wrapped around your little finger.”

“I’m really into him, too, you know.”

“The paralegals were hitting on him in the lobby. It was so funny.”

It didn’t sound funny to me. I felt a stab of possessiveness. Still holding the necklace, I held it out to Cara. “Will you put this on for me?”

She came around my desk and took it. “K? Oh, no. No, no, no. That is too sickeningly sweet.”

“Shut up and put it on me.”

“I can’t believe things are this serious between you guys.”

“I don’t know why not. He’s the best man I’ve ever been with.”

She made a skeptical humming sound. “You just seemed like an odd match. But I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks. What about you? Are you still seeing that guy from the club?”

“I am.” She fastened my necklace and came back around to the front of my desk.

“When do I get to hear about him?”


“Okay.” I held out the box of chocolates and she took one. “Sit.”

She did. “Holy shit, that’s good.”

“I know, right?” I took a deep breath. “So I’m going to need your help with something.”


“This is confidential.”

She nodded and waited for me to continue.

“Kane has a daughter he’s never met. She’s nine. It’s a long story. She lives with her mother about an hour from here. He wants to request some sort of visitation. Will you—”

“Of course. And pro bono, of course. I’ll do whatever he needs.”


“I’m gonna need another chocolate.”

I handed her the box. She’d just agreed to take on a case that would’ve billed thousands for nothing, so it was the least I could do. This had to work out. I’d planted the idea of Kane trying to meet his daughter, and if it blew up, I’d feel responsible. For now, all I could do was hope Cori was receptive to Brooklyn meeting him. And more importantly, that Brooklyn wanted it, too.



I paused and took a second look at my reflection in the mirror above my bathroom sink in the club. How long had it been since I’d actually looked at myself? I’d avoided it for so long because what I saw was a man who was pissed off at the world and hated himself.

But something was different now. For one, I had a head full of short, dark hair. Shaving it bald had been part of making myself unapproachable. A guy with tats, a bald head and a permanent scowl who’s as likely to rip you a new asshole as say hello isn’t someone people even want to make eye contact with.

And my appearance hadn’t changed much, besides the hair. But I saw something so much different in the mirror.

I was with an amazing woman. I was trying to find a way into Brooklyn’s life. I was now one-third owner of one of New York’s hottest, most successful clubs.

It was worth. I saw a shred of worth looking back at me in my reflection. Given that I’d grown up with a dad who took off and never came back and a mom who slept with anything that moved and mostly ignored me, I’d never been told I’d amount to much.

Maybe I would, though.

A knock at my door snapped my trance.

“Yeah?” I called, walking back into my office.

“The champagne you requested, sir,” said Julio, one of my servers. He carried a stainless bucket with a bottle on ice.

“Perfect. On the table’s good,” I said.

He set it on the small table for two I’d had set up in my office. My rooms upstairs were booked so solid that I couldn’t even get one for dinner with Viv. We’d make do in here. All that mattered was that we got to be alone.

“I’ll text you when I’m ready for the first course,” I said. “No interruptions tonight.”

Julio nodded, looking frozen in place. His hands were balled into fists at his sides.

“You okay, man?” I asked.

He swallowed hard before answering. “Yes, sir.”

“You nervous? You’re not like this with customers, are you?”

“No, sir. No, I’m not. I am nervous because I really need this job and . . . you know.”

I cocked a brow in amusement. “No, what?”

“I don’t want to make you mad.”

That should’ve made me feel like shit, but I found it funny.

“Listen, Julio. I’ve got good news for you. My woman’s coming here to celebrate and I’m in a great mood. Nothing’s bringing me down tonight.”

His shoulders dropped slightly with relief. “That’s great.”

“You’re solid, man. Just keep up the good work and you’ve got nothing to worry about, okay?”

He almost smiled and his cheeks reddened slightly. “Thank you, sir. I’ll await your text.”

When he went to the door, I heard a rich, sweet voice greeting him.

“Hi, I’m Viv.”

He paused before answering. “Hello. I’m Julio and I’ll be your server tonight.”

“Okay. Well, nice to meet you, Julio.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Viv walked into my office and closed the door, leaning against it. “He’s scared to death,” she whispered. “Am I scary?”

“No, but apparently I am.” I went to her and brushed a thumb down her jaw line. “Can you believe anyone would be intimidated by me?”

She laughed and slid her hands beneath the bottom of my t-shirt, her soft hands resting on my bare skin. Every touch from her, even an innocuous one, unleashed my sexual desire.

“Do you have any idea how fucking amazing you make me feel?” I asked, kissing the spot beneath her ear that made her moan.

“Mmm, not half as amazing as you make me feel.” She slid her hands up my back beneath my shirt.

I needed her. Now.

As I moved my hand up her thigh, she let out a soft gasp. She kissed me, her tongue brushing across mine softly. It was all the encouragement I needed. I led her over to my desk, shoving the stack of papers there to the floor.

I spun her around and ran my hand over her round, firm ass. She put her palms on the surface of the desk and I unzipped her skirt, sliding it past her hips and letting it drop to the floor. Her jacket and the silky shirt beneath it were next.

Seeing her bent over my desk in nothing but a red bra and panties had my cock throbbing in my jeans. I unzipped them and took it out, stroking it as I ran a hand over the smooth fabric of Viv’s panties.

She let out another gasp as I lowered her panties to the floor, helped her step out of them and got down on my knees. Her ass was so fucking beautiful. I grabbed two handfuls of it and ordered her to spread her feet further apart.

When she did it I took in her sweet, luscious scent. I put a finger inside her wet pussy and she moaned. Then I added another one and she rocked her hips, fucking my fingers in a rhythm that made my pulse pound.