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“What? No way. See, I told you he had the hots for you.” Of course she’d see it like that. It has nothing to do with how he feels about me. He’s a prick, plain and simple.

“He doesn’t have the hots for me,” I state.

“Yes he does. You didn’t see what I saw yesterday. He was definitely cut when you were on Brad’s lap.”

“If he has the hots for me, which I don’t believe for a minute, why did he have that skank, Jennifer Darcy, sneaking in his bedroom window last night?” She stops walking and pulls me over towards the wall so we don’t get bowled over by the other students rushing to get to their next class. Facing me, the first thing I notice is her eyes. They’re almost bugging out of her head from shock. Even in my mood, it brings a smile to my face.

“What? No fucking way. Really? God she’s a whore. Didn’t take her long. I can’t stand that human mattress.”

“I know right. Can you believe it? She was there for hours too. I know exactly what they were up to,” I say angrier than intended.

“Oh. My. God. You like him,” she screeches, slapping my arm in disbelief.

“What? I do not.” I try my best to act unaffected by her comment, but I fail miserably.

“Bullshit. Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have the hots for him.”

“I don’t,” I answer looking down at the ground. Fuck.

“Holy crap. You do,” she says slapping my arm again. Ouch. I hate that she knows me so well. We’ve been best friends since kindergarten. Inseparable you could say. I guess being in each other’s pockets for the past twelve years will do that.

“Stop hitting me,” I whine as I rub my arm.

“Well admit it then.” She raises her hand likes she’s going to hit me again. I have to hold back my smile. Bitch.

“Fine. I like him, and hate him if that’s even possible,” I admit, finally making eye contact with her. Of course she’s beaming when I do.

“I knew it,” she says smugly. She’s such a know-it-all sometimes.


God I wish she hadn’t figured out this thing, whatever it is, that I have for Carter. She hasn’t shut up about it all day. I’m surprised she isn’t talking weddings and babies, that’s how bad she’s been. At lunch I even threatened to move to another table if she didn’t let up. Thankfully that was enough to get her to stop.

She’s boy crazy. Always has been. She’s not only pretty, but has huge knockers so the guys love her. What is it with them and boobs? Me on the other hand, I like boys, but I’m not obsessed. I guess that’s why she’s so excited now that she knows how I feel about Carter.

Once school’s out, I’m in two minds on what to do. Part of me wants to catch the bus to defy him. How dare he order me around like that? The crazy part of me wants to be near him. Don’t ask me why. It’s not like he’s pleasant to be around.

As I stand here contemplating what to do, two arms slide around my waist from behind. “Hey there, beautiful,” he whispers in my ear. I know straight away that it’s Brad.

“Hey,” I reply, turning in his arms.

“We still on for Saturday?” Before I have a chance to answer, Carter appears beside us.

“You ready?” he asks. His voice is calm, but I can tell by his facial expression he’s anything but.

“Ready for what?” Brad says looking between the two of us.

“We’re going for a drive,” Carter replies all smug.

“You’re what?” Brad snaps glaring at me.

“He’s giving me a lift home. That’s all. We live next door to each other.” My gaze moves to Carter. I shoot daggers at him. Troublemaker.

“Actually, that’s not entirely true. We are going for a drive. I have to get a few parts for my car on the way home. I told your dad I’d be taking you with me.”

“Whatever,” Brad says to Carter, dismissing him before turning his attention back to me. I can tell he’s not impressed. “You gonna be online tonight?”

“Probably,” I reply, shrugging.

“Okay. I’ll message you later. I’ve got to get to football training.” I find his question and answer a little strange. We’re friends on Facebook, but he’s never messaged me on there before. He’s liked a few of my posts in the past and commented on some pictures I’ve put up, but that’s it.

When he leans forward and places his lips on mine, I’m taken aback. He’s never kissed me at school before. Well apart from the goodnight kiss I got when he walked me home from the party, he’s never kissed me. I’m sure it’s only for Carter’s benefit. Men. I’m surprised they don’t flop out their dicks and compare sizes.




I don’t know why seeing his lips on her right now bothered me, but fuck me it did. I thought after my hook-up last night I’d get this thing with her out of my system. Wrong. If anything it’s only cemented the fact that I have feelings for her. Which surprises me. I thought I was incapable of shit like that.

Whilst banging the blonde’s brains out, I hate to admit that her long, dark, silky hair, big green eyes and lips that I’m dying to taste crossed my mind more than it should have. It not only scared me, it pissed me the hell off.

What is it with her? I hate that she’s so easily drawing me in without even trying. I hate that I can’t seem to stay away. I hated it when that prick’s lips were on hers just now. I wished they were mine.

I should just drop her off at home. Better still let her get the damn bus. I can’t even tell you why I demanded she be in the car park this afternoon. Yes I can. I wanted to be near her. I also promised her dad I’d keep an eye on her.

That’s so fucked up. He thinks I’m protecting her from all these horny teenagers. When, in fact, I want her just as much, if not more than they do. If she’s got me this tied up in a matter of days, I hate to see what condition I’m going to be in when I leave here in a few months’ time.

The quicker I turn eighteen and get away from this place, the better.

We make our way towards my car. Neither of us speak. Maybe that’s a good thing. Christ, I hate this feeling I get when I’m around her. It’s foreign to me.

We’re not even out of the street before she opens her smart mouth. “What did you say to my father about Brad yesterday?” she snaps. Even though I can feel her eyes boring into the side of my head, I stay focused on the road ahead.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, kid,” I lie, trying hard to hold back a smile.

“Bullshit, Carter.” I don’t know why I like hearing my name coming out of her sexy mouth, but I do. I’d prefer it if she was saying it while I was buried balls deep inside her. Shit. I feel my dick twitch. Why did I let my mind go there? “I demand you tell me what you said.” Playing it cool, I shrug. “I mean it … so help me.” I chuckle at her words. What’s she going to fucking do?

“So help me what?” I say turning my head to look at her. Of course her eyes are saying everything without a single word leaving her mouth. It only makes me smile. Not the desired affect I’m sure.

“He’s forbidden me from seeing him. I want to know why,” she seethes.

“Your father’s a wise man. I’m sure he has his reasons,” I state calmly. Her hand is clenching the door handle so tight her knuckles have turned white. The anger is just rolling off her in waves. Seeing her like this makes my dick stir. She’s fucking hot when she’s mad. A real little spitfire.

“God you irritate me sometimes,” she retorts.

“Ditto, kid.”

“I’m not a damn kid. Pull the hell over,” she says through gritted teeth.

“What? Why?” I ask surprised.

“Because I’d rather walk than suffer one more minute in this car with you.” I laugh at her comment. Things don’t usually amuse me, but fuck me, she does.

“It’s not funny, arsehole. Why are you so hell bent on ruining my life?” That statement really gets under my skin for some reason.