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I’m taken aback when I see Mr. Shepard hot on his heels. He grabs hold of Carter’s arm, roughly swinging him around. I watch on in horror. He is right up in his face, screaming. I can’t hear what he’s saying through the closed window, but he’s not happy. I feel sorry for Carter. My father would never treat me like that, no matter how bad my behaviour was.

Ugh! I can’t stand that man.

A few minutes later he storms out. Carter slams his bedroom door. His hands clutch either side of his head as he tilts it back, looking up at the ceiling. Poor thing. Seeing him like that tugs at my heart. I’m tempted to go over and see if he’s alright, but I don’t. He’s liable to take it out on me.

He must sense me watching, because his head snaps in my direction. I want to duck down, but it’s no use. I’m already busted. I give him a sympathetic smile, but the arsehole flips me off. He takes a few steps towards his window and abruptly closes his blinds. He makes me so mad sometimes.

I get a text from Meg saying she’ll be over in an hour, so I decide to go out back and play fetch with Lassie while I wait. I’m only outside a few minutes when I hear Mr. Shepard’s angry voice.

“I want the lawns and edges done. You better do a good job too. I’m happy to have your mother living here for free, but you need to earn your keep. I’m not supporting some bastard child that isn’t even mine.”

My hand comes up to cover my mouth. I’m both appalled and shocked he would say that to him. How dare he? “Yeah, well if I had my way I wouldn’t be here either,” Carter replies in a deflated tone. The cruel comments bring tears to my eyes. Everything in me wants to go over there and give that dipshit a piece of my mind. He has no right to speak to Carter in that way. I’m appalled.

“Just get it done,” Mr. Shepard snaps. “When you’re finished you can clean out the garage.” I hate him even more now. Poor Carter. I wonder if his mum knows he’s being treated this way. I’m going to mention it to my dad when he wakes. Maybe he can talk to him about it next time they’re working on his car.

A few minutes later I hear the lawnmower start. I sneak towards the wooden fence that divides our properties and peek through one of the gaps in the paling. A lump rises to my throat when my eyes land on him. His shoulders are slumped and there’s a frown on his face. He looks even more miserable than usual.

Our yards are big. It’s going to take him forever to do it on his own. My dad at least has a ride-on mower. Carter is doing it with a push one. I wish I could go over there and help, but I know he wouldn’t want me to. He’s too proud for that.


“Oh. My. God. His body is just as beautiful as his face. It should be a crime to be that hot,” Meg says. I turn my head to look at her. Her glasses are pulled low on her nose whilst she stares straight ahead.

My head turns in that direction, following her line of sight. I almost swallow my tongue. Carter is heading our way, shirtless. His abs are so defined. He’s wearing black swimming trunks that sit low on his hips, revealing his delicious V. Damn that body. It’s even more delectable than I imagined. All I can say is, ‘Thank God I’m wearing sunglasses’. I’m pretty sure my eyes are bugging out of my head right now.

“Hi, Carter,” Meg purrs from beside me.

“Megan. Kid,” he says with a nod when he reaches us. I wish he’d stop calling me that. Just because I’m short doesn’t make me a damn kid.

Is that a tattoo across his ribs? It is. It says Trust. I don’t think I know any other seventeen year old that has a tatt. He’s so bad-arse. I don’t know why I find that hot, but I do. I like that he doesn’t conform to societies’ ways, unlike me. I’ve always been a goody-goody. Always done what people expect of me. I like that he’s an individual and doesn’t seem to care what people think of him.

Meg and I are both laying on our stomachs. When I see his eyes travel the length of my body, I regret putting on this tiny revealing bikini. I feel so exposed. I swear I hear a groan come from him when his eyes land on my arse, but I’m not entirely sure.

“What’s the water like?” he asks when his eyes make their way back to my face.

“Nice,” Meg cuts in. “I’m sure it will reach boiling point once you get in though.”

“Meg,” I screech. That girl has no shame.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t think the same thing, kid,” he smirks. God he frustrates me. He’s so full of himself. I choose to ignore his comment. Instead, I roll over onto my back and pull my sunhat over my face. I hear him chuckle as he walks past me. A few seconds later, I hear the splash when he dives into the lake.

“He was totally checking out your arse and your tits when you rolled over. He wants you bad,” Meg chimes. I roll my eyes.

“He does not,” I snap.

“He so does. You should go for it. If you don’t, I might.”

“Don’t you dare,” I say removing the hat from my face and looking over at her. “Besides, you have a boyfriend, remember?”

“Derek’s starting to bore me. I think it’s time to find some fresh meat,” she admits with a sigh.

“You’re such a hussy,” I laugh.

“You should try it sometime,” she replies, winking at me.


My dad has one of his rare days off today, so tonight we’re going to have a barbeque on the back deck. I’m in the kitchen making a salad and potato bake to go with the meat. Dad’s in the shower cleaning up. He spent the afternoon working on Carter’s car again. He seems to be really enjoying it. Meg has gone home to get changed. She’ll be joining us as well.

“Hey, Pumpkin,” my dad says when he walks back into the kitchen. “What can I do to help?”

“It’s all pretty much organised. When Meg gets back you can heat up the grill. I’m just going to pop the potato bake in the oven now,” I reply.

“I invited Carter as well. Hope that’s okay.” My mouth curves up into a smile. I love that my dad has taken to Carter. He needs a positive male role model in his life.

“Sure. You like him don’t you?” I ask.

“He’s a good kid.” I have to agree with him. I think underneath the front he puts on and all the smart arse remarks he makes, he is too. I think he’s just misunderstood.

“Listen, there’s something I need to tell you. It’s about Carter,” I say turning to face my dad.

“I’m all ears,” he says grabbing a beer from the fridge.

“I know it’s none of my business, but Mr. Shepard was screaming at Carter this morning. He called him a bastard child and said if he wanted to live in his house he needed to earn his keep. He made him mow the lawns with a push mower and then clean out the garage.”

“He what? That man is a prick,” my dad sneers, anger clearly visible on his handsome face.

“My thoughts exactly, Daddy. I felt so sorry for Carter. I know there probably isn’t much you can do, but I thought you’d like to know. Maybe you can have a talk with him or something.”

“Leave it with me, Pumpkin,” he replies, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. “I’m going to go out back and clean the grill.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I’m lucky to have such a wonderful father. I love him so much.

I stay in the kitchen preparing things until Meg arrives. I’m secretly thrilled Carter is coming over. I know he won’t give me a hard time in front of my father. Well I hope he won’t. My dad would kick his arse if he knew how he treats me. Occasionally his nice side shines through, but not very often.

He seems different when he’s in my dad’s presence. I often hear them laughing while they’re working on the car. He has such a great laugh. It’s so different to the broody side I see. My dad’s a good man. He’ll be good for Carter.

Once Meg arrives, she helps me carry out what we need to set the table. We both got a lot of sun today so we look tanned. After I shower, I put on a white sundress. It accentuates my brown skin. “You look hot in that dress,” she says as she follows me out onto the deck.