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“Thanks. So do you. You always look nice.”

“I know,” she says, and we both laugh.

I’m stopped in my tracks when I walk out onto the deck. Meg wasn’t expecting it and walks straight into my back. Carter’s already here. I didn’t realise. He must’ve used the side gate. He’s sitting on one of the outdoor sofas. Lassie is laying across his lap. He’s laughing at something my dad has said. God he’s beautiful when he’s happy. Just looking at him takes my breath away and sends my heart into a flutter.

Meg shoves me from behind. “Do I need to get the mop to clean up your drool?” she whispers in my ear. Bitch. I ignore her smart remark and keep walking. Thankfully, Carter was too busy to notice me checking him out.

“Here’s my two favourites girls,” dad says when he notices us. Carter’s head snaps in our direction. I watch as his eyes travel the length of my body before resting on my face. The look he gives me does funny things to my girly parts. It’s hot. He hasn’t even noticed Meg yet. His eyes are glued on me.

My dad clears his throat. I look over at him. His eyes are moving between Carter and I. Crap. “Is the meat nearly ready?” I inquire, trying to distract him from saying something.

“Nearly,” he replies giving me a strange look. Knowing my father had witnessed the exchange between us makes me feel awkward.

“Okay, good. After I set the table I’ll get the potato bake out of the oven,” I say without making eye contact with him.

“Would you like another beer, Mr. Montgomery?” Meg asks my dad. God I love her. She must’ve noticed the look my father was giving us, so she’s trying to smooth things over. I love how she always has my back.

“I’d love one,” he answers. Disaster diverted. Meg walks back into the house while I set the table.

“Come on, boy,” I say to Lassie when I’m done. Although Carter doesn’t seem to mind that Lassie is sprawled out all over him, it’s a hot night so he can’t possibly be comfortable. The dog ignores me. He never does that. Damn traitor. “Lassie.” This time my voice is a little more forceful. He still doesn’t come.

“Larry’s fine, leave him. Aren’t you boy?” Carter says smirking at me as he runs his hand through the dog’s long mane.

“It’s Lassie,” I snap, placing my hands on my hips and pursing my lips. His smile widens. I’m sure he does that to annoy me. I hear my dad chuckle. He obviously thinks it’s amusing as well. I leave them both in a huff and head back to the kitchen.

Thankfully the rest of the night goes by without incident. Actually, we all seem to be having a nice time. I can’t believe how different Carter is tonight. My father really does bring out the best in him.

“It’s getting late, I should be getting home,” Meg says. She usually sleeps over, but she has to go to her grandmother’s house in the morning so she can’t tonight.

“I’ve been drinking,” my father says, standing. “I’ll get one of the boys from the station to come and give you a lift home.”

“No bother, Mr. Montgomery. I’ll walk,” Meg replies.

“I’ll walk you home,” I offer, rising to stand next to her.

“No. I don’t like the idea of Megan walking home on her own, and if you go then you’ll have to come back alone,” my dad says.

“I’ll go with them,” Carter chimes in. My dad’s eyes move to him as he considers his offer.

“Okay. It’s fine as long as Carter goes with you.” I look at my dad. Is he serious? After the look he gave us before, I’m surprised he’s comfortable with us being alone together now.


Once we’ve walked Meg to her door I hug her goodbye. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she whispers in my ear. It earns her a pinch under the arm. There’s not much she wouldn’t do. “Ouch,” she laughs. “Thanks for walking me home, Carter,” she adds looking over at him.

“No problem,” he replies. His hands are shoved in his pockets looking all cool, calm and sexy.

“Feel free to take advantage of my friend on the way home,” she says with a wink. Oh. My. Fucking. God. She did not just say that. Carter just laughs at her comment. I, on the other hand, want to crawl under a rock and die. I’m glad I pinched her now. I should’ve done it harder. She’ll pay for that remark tomorrow. I give her a look letting her know I’m not impressed with what she just said. She just smiles at me sweetly. Bitch.

We’re both quiet on the walk back. I don’t know what to say to him. I’m still dying inside from Meg’s words. In a way I hope he takes her advice, in a way I don’t.

I know I probably shouldn’t pry considering I get the sense that all dad talk is off limits, but I jump straight in. “Does your stepdad speak that way to you often?” I ask, trying to break the awkward silence.

“I guess,” he shrugs. “He’s a cocksucker. I can’t stand him. What my mum sees in him, I’ll never know.”

“I’ve thought the same thing. She seems so nice,” I tell him as I shake my head trying to make sense of it.

“You don’t like him either?” he asks, looking at me surprised.

“No. Neither does my dad. They nearly came to blows a while back.”

“Why?” he asks.

“Lassie did his business on his lawn. You know, a poop. Let’s just say he wasn’t impressed. When he screamed at me and made me cry, my dad lost it.”

“Larry’s a fucking champion,” he chuckles.

“Lassie,” I remind him.

“Sorry, kid,” he says draping his arm around my shoulder. “He’s always gonna be Larry to me. You’ve gotta admit Lassie is a shit name for a kickass dog like that.”

As much as his comment gets under my skin, I’m smiling like a fool. I can’t believe he has his arm around me. I take a deep breath, inhaling his cologne. It’s musky and manly and very him. I could drown in his scent. Ugh! It’s official—I’m pathetic.

The nights this time of year in the suburbs of Sydney are quite hot, but his body temperature next to mine feels fine. I’m certainly not complaining. “I used to watch Lassie on television with my dad when I was a kid, which I’m not anymore by the way.” He throws back his head and laughs. Ignoring him I continue. “After every episode I’d beg him to buy me a dog just like that. One day he came home with Lassie. Of course he wasn’t a Collie, but I didn’t care. They both had the long hair and similar colouring. My Lassie came from a litter of pups from one of the police dogs on the force. That’s how my dad got him.”

“Nice story, great dog, but unfortunately still a shit name for my man Larry.” I playfully elbow him in the stomach and he laughs again. He’s really let his guard down tonight. I wish he was like this more often. He’s actually not a bad guy when he’s not being an arsehole.

“I like it, so it’s staying,” I enforce.

“Well, I like Larry, so that’s what I’m going to continue to call him,” he counters, pulling me closer to his side. I’m so short compared to him that I fit neatly under his arm.

We walk the rest of the block in silence. I’m tempted to wrap my arm around his waist, but I don’t. I’m sure that his arm around me is nothing romantic on his part, just a friendly gesture. When we reach my place we stop walking. “Are you going to come in, or head home?” I ask.

“Nah. I think I’ll head home. Tell your dad thanks for inviting me over tonight,” he replies, dropping his arm from my shoulder and turning to face me.

“I will.” I turn to walk away. “Goodnight, Carter,” I say looking at him over my shoulder. He reaches out and pulls me back towards him. My body lands flush against his. Turning me to face him, his arms slide around my waist pinning me to him.

“Are you sorry I didn’t take your friend’s advice?” His voice is low and sexy. His eyes lock with mine, and my heart rate accelerates.

“What?” At first I’m not sure what he’s talking about, then it hits me. Meg’s comment. “No,” I screech screwing up my face.

“Liar,” he says smirking. “You were hoping I’d take advantage of you.”