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“Wow, these are amazing. Did you do these?” she asks making eye contact with me. I nod. “They’re great. Oh I’d love this one on my arse,” she says pointing to the image of a skull laying across a bed of roses. Her comment makes me smile. I bet she’s got a nice arse, too.

“I’ll give you a hundred and fifty dollars,” Jax says suddenly. I shrug.

“I guess.” I still can’t believe he wants to buy them.

“Alright.” He flips through the book and counts how many drawings there are. “Fifteen,” he says leaning over to pick up the calculator off the counter. He presses some numbers into it. “That’s … two thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars,” he adds. “You happy with that?”

“You’re paying me a hundred and fifty dollars per drawing?” I ask in disbelief.

“Yeah. Did you think it was one fifty for the lot?”

“I did.” I feel stupid now. Jax laughs and shakes his head at my naivety.

“These are good man. I’ll make more than my money back in one sitting. They’re going to sell well. I already know a few guys that are gonna love these.”

“Shit,” I say, smiling as I shake my head. Who knew a few little drawings could make me that much cash? I’ll be able to get those parts I put on hold for the car now.

“I’ve got a client coming in shortly. I’ve gotta go set up. Candice will fix you up with the cash. It was nice meeting you man,” he says shaking my hand. “If you have any more drawings you wanna get rid of, you know where to find me.”

“Thanks,” I reply. I’m still shocked. This is fucking awesome.

“No, thank you. Catch ya on the flip side,” he says walking towards the back rooms. I like him. He’s a cool guy.

Candice opens the register and starts counting out the cash onto the counter. “There you go, handsome.” She gives me a flirtatious smile when she hands me the money.

“Thanks,” I say, taking the money and shoving it into my pocket. I watch as she carefully tears out the pages with the drawings on them before picking up a pen and writing something inside the cover of my pad.

“Here. I wrote my number inside. If you ever want to hook up give me a call. I’d like to see what else you can do with those hands of yours.” I chuckle at her comment as I reach for my sketchpad. I like a woman who knows what she wants.

“Sounds like a plan,” I say with a wink as I turn to walk out of the shop. Usually I’d be all over that, but I need to sort this shit out with Indiana first. Fuck me.

I decide to get something to eat. Since I left the house so early I haven’t even had breakfast. There’s café a few doors down, so I head in that direction.

Once I’ve eaten I head back to my car. It’s not even midday and I have no plans to go home yet. If I can avoid seeing Indiana all day, I will. Now that I’m cashed up I guess I can do whatever I want.


It’s dark by the time I sneak back into my room. Indi’s bedroom light is off. She’s probably already asleep. Fuck knows what I’m going to do about school in the morning. I’m not sure if I want to give her a lift. Having her near me isn’t a good idea. I need to get these feelings I have, sorted out first.

“Carter, are you in there?” my mum asks knocking on my door.

“Yeah, Mum. Come in.”

“Where have you been all day? I’ve been worried,” she asks, concern etched on her face.

“Just went for a drive. That’s all.”

“Are you okay?” she says, coming to sit beside me on the bed. I recognise that tone. She’s worried. I hate making her worry.

“Yes. I’m fine,” I reply, forcing out a reassuring smile.

“You’re not happy living here, are you, Carter?”

“I’m fine with it, Mum. I just wanted to get out for the day. Honestly.” That’s such a fucking lie. I hate it here, but the thing is, she doesn’t. I can tell she’s happy. All I want is to see her happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I’m not going to ruin this for her.

Pretending to be happy here is the least I can do for her. I’m sure I’ll be able to stick it out for a few more months. I hope.

“You sure? I’d hate to think that you weren’t.”

“I am, Mum. I like it here.” Another lie. I hate lying to her, but I’m doing it to protect her, so I guess that makes it okay.

“Okay. I’m glad,” she says placing her hand on my knee, giving it a squeeze before she rises from the bed. Leaning down, she kisses my forehead. “Night, baby. I love you,” she adds, gently caressing the side of my face.

“I love you too, Mum.”

After a quick shower I jump into bed. A few minutes later my phone dings. I reach for it in the dark. Fucking Jen. She wants to know if she can come over. If I knew losing myself in her pussy would help I’d say yes, but I know it won’t. Last time I was with her, all I did was think about Indiana. I place my phone on the bedside table, ignoring her message.

When I open my eyes, I look at the clock beside my bed. It’s 7:00am. Fuck I don’t feel like going to school today, but I have to. I think I’ll head off early so I’ll miss Indiana. I’m still not ready to face her after that kiss.

My mum has breakfast ready for me when I walk into the kitchen. I like spending this time with her. Fuckwit has already left for work, so it’s just the two of us. Just like old times.

“I’ve noticed you’ve been spending a lot of time with Ross next door,” she says placing a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

“Yeah. He’s helping me with my car. He knows all about that kind of thing.”

“That’s nice. I’m glad he’s helping you. I must thank him next time I see him. You know John would help you if he knew about cars, don’t you?” she says like she actually believes that bullshit. Who’s she fucking kidding? That arse wouldn’t help me. Christ he really does have her fooled.

“Yeah,” is all I say, struggling to swallow the food in my mouth. I guess I’d rather have her think he’s nice to me. The alternative would only upset her.

When I head back to my room to grab my backpack, I see Indi sneaking out the gate and hurrying down the side of her house. She must have the same idea as me. Why does that piss me off? I was willing to sneak off without her, but now I know she’s doing the same, I’m not happy about it. Not one fucking bit.




I hear a “Hey,” as I rush down the side of the house. Crap. I want to keep walking, but I can’t. I guess I’m busted. Stopping, I turn around. Carter is hanging out of his bedroom window frowning. I sigh when I see him. “Where do you think you’re going?” he snaps.

Is he serious?

I’m pissed with him and I can’t even tell you why. Okay, I can. I laid in bed for hours the other night reeling over that kiss. I didn’t know what to think or do about it. Then yesterday morning, I heard his car start up at the crack of dawn. I ran to my window just in time to see him backing out of the driveway.

He didn’t come back until after 9:00pm. He was gone for over fifteen hours. Did he stay out all day to avoid seeing me, or was it something else? Or should I say someone else? Why that thought bothers me I can’t say, but it does. A lot. So many scenarios went through my head as the hours ticked by and he didn’t return. The later it got, the more worried I became. Was he with Jen? Or worse, his ex-landlady?

“I’m going to catch the bus,” I snap, folding my arms over my chest in annoyance.

“Like hell you are.” He jumps out of his window and makes his way towards me. I turn and start heading for the street. “Hey,” he says reaching out to grab my arm when he catches up to me. “What’s up your arse?”

“Nothing,” I say, trying to free my arm from his grip.

“Well why are you sneaking off then?” I can tell by the tone of his voice that he’s hurt. Turning around, I face him. Shit. He is hurt. It’s written all over his face.