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“Where did you go yesterday?” I ask. It’s none of my business, but it’s been eating at me all night. I’m not his mother, and I know one short, incredible, hot-as-hell kiss certainly doesn’t make me his girlfriend, but damn it I want to know.

“Out,” is all he says. I’m tempted to say, I know you went out, dumbass, but I don’t. I narrow my eyes at his evasiveness.


“For a drive.” Well that tells me a lot. Not. “Is that what’s this is about?” he asks.

“No,” I answer, because suddenly I’m feeling like a fool for even being upset about this. He doesn’t have to answer to me.


“I am not,” I snap, placing my hands on my hips.

“Yes you are. You’re upset that I went out, aren’t you? We share a kiss and now I’m not allowed to go anywhere without you. That’s a little unreasonable don’t you think?”

“If that’s what you think, then you’re even more full of yourself than I originally thought.” I turn and walk away. Not because I’m angry at what he said, but I’m embarrassed by the way I’m carrying on. He’s right. I am being unreasonable. I have no right to be angry with him. Real smooth Indi. He’s going to think I’m like that crazy bitch in fatal attraction. He probably thinks I’m going to cook his rabbit. Well, he would if he had one.

“Get back here,” he demands. Ignoring him, I keep walking. I only make it to the sidewalk before I’m lifted into the air and flung over his shoulder. He doesn’t say a word and neither do I. After he fishes out his key from his pocket, he opens the passenger side door and deposits me inside the car.

Somebody kill me now.

Silent. That’s how we remain all the way to school. That’s a good thing. I’m humiliated for acting like a spoilt child. I guess the name kid suits me now. “Be here this afternoon when it’s time to go home, or so help me,” he says in a warning tone once he parks the car. His ridiculous command almost makes me want to laugh. Almost. Instead, I’m relieved the car is no longer moving. Time to make my escape and get as far away from him as humanly possible.


“Spill,” Meg says as I approach my locker. I avoided her calls all day yesterday. “Nothing to tell,” I say, pushing her aside so I can put my bag inside.

“Indiana Isabella Montgomery.” She always uses my full name when she’s upset with me. Damn her. She’s not going to give up until I tell her everything. Closing the door, I lean my head against the locker and exhale an exasperated breath.

“We kissed. That’s it. Are you happy now?”

“Oh. My. God. I knew it. I was worried when you didn’t take my calls, but then I thought maybe you were spending the day with your hot-as-hell neighbour,” she says excitedly.

I wish.

Ignoring her I walk away, heading towards my first class. “Indi,” she calls out to my retreating back whilst running to catch up. She reaches for my arm pulling me to a stop. “What has gotten into you today? Are you angry at me or something?”

“No,” I reply turning to face her. The worry I see on her face brings tears to my eyes. Maybe everything that’s happened since he kissed me is the real reason I’m upset. I’m guessing that’s what it is.

Without saying a word, she drags me down the corridor into the ladies room. “What’s going on?” she asks when we’re away from prying eyes. I have no words. Placing my hands over my face, I start to cry. “What the hell?” She pulls me into her arms, holding me tight. “What did that bastard do to you?”

“Nothing,” I eventually say. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she pushes me back so she can see my face.

“Bullshit. In the twelve years we’ve been friends, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen you cry.” When a few other girls walk in, she pulls me into a stall, locking us in. I’m grateful for that. The rumour mill is rife in this damn school. If it gets out that I’m crying in the toilets, people are bound to make shit up.

I end up telling her everything. From the kiss, to him going MIA yesterday, and what happened this morning. “Babe, I think you’re reading too much into this.”

“You think?” I ask, because I really need her thoughts on this. My mind is all over the place.

“Yes. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation. I see the way he looks at you. He’s crazy about you, Indi. I can’t see him hooking up with someone else when he has feelings for you.” I shrug. Does he have feelings for me? Or does he just want to get in my pants, like Brad?

Once I’ve pulled myself together, she lets us out of the stall. I splash some cold water on my face before we leave. I’m going to try and put it out of my mind for now.

Carter Reynolds has messed with my head enough.

I manage to avoid running into Carter for the rest of the day. I did see him from a distance at lunchtime. Well, I saw his back as he stormed out of the lunchroom. Brad decided to come and sit with us today. I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it.

Since I gave Brad the brush-off, he hasn’t left me alone. I guess he doesn’t like being told ‘no’. I’m probably the first girl in history to ever turn him down. He can try all he wants, but I can assure you this is one pair of panties he won’t be getting into.

Following orders, after my last class I make my way to the car park. Carter is looking ridiculously hot leaning up against his car as I walk towards him. I try my best not to check him out, but my traitorous eyes seem to have a mind of their own. Ugh!

“Like what you see, kid?” he asks. God his cockiness annoys me.

“Whatever,” I retort, rolling my eyes as I make my way towards the passenger side. He chuckles as he climbs in. Neither of us speak for the first few minutes of the drive.

“Are you going to continue with the silent treatment?” he asks. I don’t answer. “Are you going to tell me what I’ve done to upset you, or are you just moody because it’s that time of the month?”

“What? Ewww. No. I can’t believe you just said that.” He throws back his head and laughs. It’s one of those rare moments. He’s absolutely breathtaking when he laughs like that.

“Well, at least I got you to talk to me,” he says all smug.

I let out a deep regretful breath. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” he asks glancing over at me.

“For my behaviour. It was uncalled for.”

“Are you going to tell me what upset you?”

“No. It was dumb. Just forget it,” I confess.

“Already forgotten,” he replies smiling as he reaches over and places his hand on my outer thigh. “For what it’s worth, if it was me that upset you, I’m sorry, too.” Wow. Did he just apologise? They’re two words I never thought I’d hear come out of his mouth.

Removing his hand from my leg, he places it back on the steering wheel. I find myself wishing he hadn’t. “I noticed Brad sniffing around you today,” he says a few minutes later.

“Yeah. I think I wounded his pride by telling him I wasn’t interested.”

“You told him that?”

“I told him last week. I’m guessing by his actions today he didn’t take me seriously.”

“Want me to have a talk to him?” he offers turning his head in my direction.

“No,” I laugh. “I can just imagine what you’d say. I’m a big girl. I can handle him.”

“You’re a big girl?” he asks sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. He’s suppressing a smile though, so I know he’s joking. “Do you have mirrors in your house?”

“Ha ha,” I reply as I reach over and playfully punch him in the arm. We both start laughing. I still have no idea where this thing is going between us, but I’m glad we’re kind of okay again.

When he doesn’t take the turn-off leading towards our street, I’m surprised. “Where are we going?” I ask.