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“Get in the car,” I demand when I pull up beside her.

“I don’t think so,” she snaps, narrowing her eyes. Christ, I love her attitude, but this free bus stop entertainment for all the onlookers has got to stop.

“Are you going to make me count again?” I sigh in frustration. This shit is getting old. She’s not alone at the bus stop this morning, but if she thinks it’s going to stop me from throwing her over my shoulder and hauling her arse in the car again, she’s mistaken.

A smile tugs at my lips as I watch her look around at the other commuters. All eyes are trained on her. I know I’ve won as soon as her shoulders slump and she lets out a deflated breath.

“Fine, arsehole,” she says sharply as she storms around the front of the car, making her way to the passenger side. It only makes my smile grow with satisfaction. Having the upper hand when it comes to her is the best feeling ever.

“Sleep well last night, Princess?” I ask once she’s settled in beside me. She ignores me. After the orgasm I gave her, I bet she slept like a baby. “I did,” I add. “I fell asleep with your delicious scent all around me.” I move my fingers up towards my nose when she looks in my direction.

“Ewww,” she says pulling my hand down. “You’re a pig.” I throw my head back and laugh. Why do I get so much pleasure out of riling her?

“You weren’t calling me a pig last night when my fingers were buried deep inside that heavenly pussy of yours,” I whisper as I lean towards her. I hear her breath hitch and I know she’s affected by my words. “If I remember correctly, it was ‘Ohhh, Carter’.” I’m not sure if bringing up last night is torturing her more, or me.

“Shut up,” she shouts crossing her legs. Her pretty face is flushed. My words are definitely turning her on. Knowing this is making my cock grow even harder. I want to keep going, but decide not to. I don’t want to push her too far. I’m just having a little fun.

For the rest of the drive, she keeps her head turned away from me looking out the window, refusing to speak a word. I notice her squirm in her seat a few times and I know she’s thinking about last night. “You okay over there, Princess?” I can’t help but note her breasts rising high as her breath hitches again. It makes me happy to know I affect her. I bet if I was to reach down between her legs I’d find her wet and ready for me. I clench the steering wheel tight, because now that’s exactly what I want to do. Touch her.

When we pull up outside the school, she’s out of the car in a flash. “Make sure you’re here this afternoon,” I demand, leaning over in my seat looking up at her standing next to her open door. Ignoring me, she slams it in my face before turning and walking away in a huff. I have a feeling she’ll show up. She knows what will happen if she doesn’t.

She manages to avoid me most of the day. That is, until lunch. I purposely make sure I sit at her table. At least that fucker Brad has got the message and stays away. I’ve copped a few death looks from him today. He’s real fucking tough when he has his mates around him.

“Can I join you ladies?” I ask when I approach them. Indi and Megan both say, “No,” in unison. I ignore them and take a seat anyway. They don’t say a word to me the whole time, but I’m not fussed. When the bell sounds, I rise. “It was a pleasure dining with you both,” I chuckle. I hear Indi growl as I walk away. It only serves to make my smile grow.

As I leave the lunchroom, Brad shoulder-barges me as he walks past. “Watch out fucker,” I say as he walks off. He laughs as he hurries away. Gutless prick. He’ll keep.

When the final bell sounds for the day I make my way towards the car park. As I approach my car, I notice a few people crowded around. As I get closer, I see exactly why.

What the fuck!


I debated whether to get a lift home with Carter, but he’s such a stubborn arse. I knew he’d hunt me down if I didn’t show up. I actually make it to the car park before him. As soon as my eyes land on his car, my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach.

I stand there in shock, until a minute or so later when Carter arrives. I watch on in horror as he drops his backpack to the ground. His hands fist in his hair and complete devastation crosses his face. I don’t blame him. I know how much he loves his car. Who would scoop so low? My first thought is Brad. I’m guessing it was him anyway. Lowlife.

Someone has slashed all four tyres. The windscreen is smashed in. There are dents all over the exterior and, what looks like paint, splashed across the hood. Someone has definitely taken to it with a baseball bat.

“Carter,” I say as I rush towards him. “I’m so sorry.”

I reach out and try to grab hold of his arm, but he shrugs me off. “Don’t,” he says through gritted teeth. He briefly makes eye contact with me before his gaze moves back to his car. His poor smashed up car. My heart hurts for him.

He looks angry. I’m not sure if it’s directed at me, or whoever is responsible for this. If it is in fact Brad, Carter may blame me for what’s happened. Either way, nobody deserves something like this. Reaching into my bag, I pull out my phone.

“Daddy, it’s me,” I say as soon as he answers. “Can you come to the school? Someone has trashed Carter’s car.”

“What? What do you mean trashed his car?” he asks.

“The tyres are slashed and the windscreen and exterior look like they’ve been taken to with a bat. There’s paint thrown all over the hood, too,” I reply.

“What?” he screams. “I’m on my way. If there’s any witnesses, make sure they hang around.” I can tell he’s upset. I know he loves this car just as much as Carter does. Who would do something so sick?

My dad arrives within five minutes. Carter is still standing there in shock. He hasn’t said a word. His body language screams what hasn’t been said. I feel for him. After my dad talks to all the bystanders, he makes his way back to us.

“Nobody saw anything,” he says in a disappointed tone. “Don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of this.” Carter still doesn’t speak. “We’ll get it back to the way it was, son,” my dad reassures him resting his hand on his shoulder. “I’ll help you.” Carter doesn’t react, but my father’s words make me smile. I know he means what he says.

Once the tow truck comes and takes the car away, my father drops us off at home. “Carter, wait,” I call out as he jumps out of the car and storms towards his house. He doesn’t stop. I feel my shoulders slump. I feel so bad for him.

“Leave him be,” my dad says from behind me. “Just give him some time to calm down. I can understand why he’s upset. Don’t take it personally.”

“Thanks for coming out,” I say when he leans down and kisses my forehead. He needs to get back to work. “I hope you find who’s responsible for this, Daddy.”

“Do you have any idea who may have done this?” he asks.

“I know he had a run-in with Brad Cartwright yesterday. That may be a good place to start.” I don’t go into detail. That’ll only serve to get me and Carter into trouble as well.

“Okay, Pumpkin. I’ll look into it.” He kisses me before getting back into the car. I stand there and watch him drive away. As I head towards the house, my eyes are fixed next door. I really want to go to him, but my dad said give him time to calm down. I think that’s a good idea. I decide to call Meg instead.

“What the hell happened to Carter’s car?” she asks. Thinking about his car makes me instantly agitated.

“Brad Cartwright would be my best guess.”

“You think?” she asks in a shocked tone.

“I’m not sure if Carter has any other enemies at school. Although with his attitude, he’s probably pissed a lot of people off,” I admit.