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“Do you like it?” he asks.

“I love it.”

“Good. I’ve never bought a present for anyone before, so I didn’t know what to get you.” There’s definitely a sweet side to him. As much as he would hate me to say it, I’m seeing more and more of the real Carter. The one he tries so hard to keep hidden.

“Can you help me put it on?”

“You want to wear it now?” he asks surprised.

“Of course. I’m going to wear it every day.”

“You are?”

“Uh huh.” His face lights up. Taking it out of the box, I pass it to him. Turning around, I lift my hair out of the way. When his fingers lightly graze over my neck, I shiver and he chuckles. Arsehole. I swear he did that on purpose. Once he’s finished I’m surprised when he leans forward and places a tiny kiss on my shoulder, making my skin pebble with goose bumps.

I look at him over my shoulder. What is it with this guy that sends my body into overdrive? Nobody has ever made me feel the things he does, by just a look or a simple touch.

I’m surprised when I see a look of pure lust in his eyes. Just like the one he gave me that night when I was in his bedroom. His hands skim lightly down my arms before snaking around my waist. He then pulls my body against his. I can feel his erection pressing into my back. I guess I have the same effect on him.

His lips find my neck as they kiss a path up towards my jaw. I tilt my head to the side and softly moan. He turns me in his arms and my hands slide over his chest and around his neck, just as his lips meet mine. We agreed not to go there again, but when we’re together, it’s like there’s this magnetic pull drawing us to each other. I can’t explain it, but the way he looks at me sometimes, I know he feels it too.

A few minutes later when the doorbell chimes, we both pull apart from each other like we’ve been caught doing something wrong. How can something that feels so right be wrong? Carter clears his throat and I feel my face flush.

“That must be Meg,” I say brushing my hands over the front of my dress nervously. He runs his hands through his hair while staring at me, dumbfounded. I get the impression he doesn’t understand this thing between us either. “I better go answer the door.” I turn and walk away from him before he has a chance to say anything.

“Happy birthday, babe,” Meg says when I open the front door. “I saw your new car in the driveway. Eeeek. I’m so friggin’ jealous.”

“I know. I still can’t believe I have a car. Tomorrow, you and I are going for a cruise around town.”

“Awesome. Hey, are you okay? Your face is all flushed.” Which I’m sure only causes my face to go even redder.

“I’m fine,” I lie and she narrows her eyes at me. I hate that she can see straight through my bullshit. “Come in. Dad’s gone to pick up the Chinese food.” She hands me a present as she passes. “Thank you,” I say plastering a smile on my face.

I follow her out towards the back deck. She stops in her tracks when she sees Carter standing there, patting Lassie. Looking over her shoulder she smirks at me. Bitch. I guess she’s making her own assumptions as to why I was flushed when I answered the door.

“Carter,” she says turning her head back in his direction.

“Megan,” he replies with a nod. She smiles, looking between the both of us before she makes her way towards the table and takes a seat. I follow. I can just imagine what’s going through her head right now.

“Open your present,” she says when I’m seated.

“I still have one more present to open from Carter first.” Leaning forward I reach for the gift bag that’s sitting on the table.

“Oh. Did Carter give a you present before I arrived?” she giggles.

“Yes,” I answer. She’s such a smartarse. I know exactly what she is insinuating. “He gave me this necklace.” I hold it up for her to see.

“Jewellery? Hmm. Oh, that’s so pretty,” she says grinning when she leans over to get a closer look. “What else did he get you?” Her eyes move over to him and he squirms in his seat. Poor thing. Meg can be such a stirrer sometimes.

“You can open it later if you like,” Carter replies looking over at me.

“No she can’t. I wanna see what else is in the bag.”

“Meg,” I snap.

“What? I think it’s sweet that he got you a present.” Ugh! I wish I hadn’t said anything now. Opening the bag I pull out the other gift. I gasp when I unwrap the tissue paper. It’s a framed picture of Lassie and I playing fetch.

“Did you draw this?” I ask meeting his gaze.

“Yeah,” he shrugs nervously fiddling with the collar of his T-Shirt. I’ve never seen him look so unsure of himself. This picture is amazing. There’s so much detail in it. It looks exactly like us. Who knew he was so talented?

My eyes scan over the drawing and then I see the title written down the bottom. ‘My Man Larry and the Kid’. My gaze moves back towards him. I fight the grin on my face while trying my best to give him a dirty look. I know I’ve failed miserably when he laughs.

“Let me see,” Meg says snatching it out of my hand.

“Wow. You drew this? You should do this for a living.”

“I’m considering it,” he tells her. “I sold some of my drawings to a tattoo place a few weeks ago. I’m still surprised by how much money they made me.”

“No shit,” Meg says. Then she gives me a look. I know exactly what she’s trying to convey. I guess he didn’t go to see that whore-bag after all. I feel terrible now. It was wrong of me to make assumptions about where he got his money from. Meg even said there was probably a reasonable explanation, but being the stubborn person I am, I refused to listen to her.


Meg ended up sleeping over so I didn’t get any more alone time with Carter. I’ll admit I was disappointed, but it’s probably for the best. He’s definitely not a one-woman man, so I guess if this thing between us continues, I’m only going to wind up getting hurt.

Monday is a public holiday, so we have no school today. Meg and I spend the day cruising around in my car. “You wanna grab some lunch at the little café mum took us to a few weeks ago? I want to try that dish she ordered,” Meg asks.

“Sure. I might have the same. It looked yummy.” I park in the car park just off the main road. It’s near impossible to get parking on the street this time of day. It’s only a half a block walk to the café from here anyway.

Meg links her arm through mine as we walk down the street. “Is that Carter over there?” she asks pointing across the road. Of course my head immediately snaps in that direction. It’s him. My heart starts to race for some reason. I hate that he makes me feel like this.

“What’s he doing going into a bar?” I ask more to myself than her. He’s not even eighteen yet.

“I don’t know. Maybe he wants a drink.”

“It’s the middle of the day. He’s underage,” I say.

“So, we’re not all goody-goodies like you, Indi. I’ve been in plenty of bars before.” Reaching up, I pinch her on the arm. “Ouch. What was that for?” she laughs.

“I’m not a goody-goody,” I snap. Sure I haven’t done half the things she’s done, but since Carter has been my neighbour, I have crossed the line a few times.

“Name one thing,” she challenges. I can name a few, but I haven’t told her about the things Carter and I have gotten up to. Only because I know she’ll never shut up about it if I do. She stops and waits for me to answer. “Exactly,” she says when I don’t.

“I put dog poop next to Mr. Shepard’s car the other night.” Lame I know, but it’s the best she’s getting.

She starts laughing. “You did not.”

“I did too. He trod in it the next morning. He came bashing on our door screaming like a raving lunatic. My dad went off his head when he blamed Lassie.”