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“No fucking way. You really did that? Why?” she asks.

“Because he was being mean to Carter. I hate the way he treats him.” She stops walking and turns to face me.

“You really like him, don’t you?” I shrug. The answer is yes, but I’m trying my best to fight what I’m feeling. No point wishing for something that’s never going to happen. “Why don’t you tell him how you feel? I can tell by the way he looks at you that he feels the same. This just proves it,” she adds, flicking the necklace around my neck. “When a guy buys a girl jewellery, it says a lot.”

“It’s a necklace with a dog charm on it, Meg. It’s not a damn engagement ring.”

“Why don’t you make a move on him? Maybe that’s what he’s waiting for.”

“He doesn’t want a girlfriend,” I tell her.

“He told you that?”

“Kind of. He said things could never go any further …” Shit. I clench my mouth shut before I say anything else. I didn’t mean to say that part.

“Any further? Any further than what?” she asks yanking on my arm when I try to walk away.

“Nothing,” I reply looking down at the ground. She’s gonna know I’m lying if I look her in the eye.

“You lying bitch. Spill. I know you’re keeping something from me.”

“I’m not,” I lie, raising my head and meeting her steely gaze. When a smile creeps onto my face she reaches out and pinches me. “Ouch.” I start to laugh as I rub my arm to try and relieve the pain.

“I’m waiting,” she says impatiently, raising her hand like she’s going to pinch me again.

“Okay,” I reply pushing her hand away. “We may have snuck into each other’s room and did some things. Not sex. Other stuff.”

“What? When? Why am I only hearing about it now?” she screeches in a high-pitched voice. I drag her towards the café, promising to tell her everything once we’re seated. She’s never going to shut up about this, I know it, but I don’t really have a choice. I can’t lie to her.


I tell her the whole sordid mess as we wait for our food to arrive. We’re sitting outside the café. I told her I wanted to sit out here for privacy so we could talk, but my real reason was so I could keep an eye on the pub where Carter is. I’m still wondering why he’s in there. I hope he hasn’t gone in to meet, or even worse, pick up a girl.

That thought makes me feel sick in the stomach.

“I can’t believe all this has been going on behind my back and I’m only hearing about it now. I tell you everything about my hook-ups,” she complains.

“Yes I know,” I reply rolling my eyes. “All the sordid details as well. Sometimes after talking to you I feel the need to bleach my brain.”

“Fuck off,” she says and we both laugh. We both stop talking when our food arrives so we can eat, although the whole time my eyes keep drifting over towards the building that houses Carter. Half an hour has passed since he entered.

When we’ve finished eating we ask for the bill. We split it and make our way back towards the car park. We don’t make it far when Meg turns and starts dragging me across the street. “Where are we going?” I ask.

“To see what lover boy is up to.”

“What? We can’t go in there, we’re underage,” I say horrified.

“So is he. We can both pass for eighteen. Well I can. Not sure about you,” she laughs.

“Ha ha, bitch. Just because I’m short …”

“Undo those buttons,” she says reaching for my top. I slap her hand away.


“Do you want to see what Carter’s up to?” she asks. Do I? I’m not sure. If he’s in there with another female, I don’t know how that’s going to make me feel. Not good that’s for sure. “Your only chance of getting in is those perky little tits of yours,” she says reaching for my buttons again.

“Fine.” I slap her hand away again and undo the top two buttons of my blouse. I’m not sure it’s going to help, but it’s worth a shot. I’m glad I wore my black lace, push-up bra today.

“Ladies,” the bouncer at the door says when we approach. I shouldn’t have even bothered with my buttons—he didn’t even look my way. Of course he couldn’t take his eyes of Meg’s girls. They’re huge and put mine to shame. What is it with men and boobs?

He opens the door and gestures for us to enter without even asking for any ID. He winks at Meg as she passes. I roll my eyes. My stomach is churning as we enter. This place is a dive. It smells of stale beer and cigarette smoke. If my dad knew I was here, he’d kick my arse and probably close this place down.

“I can’t see him,” I say as my eyes dart around. “Let’s go.”

“Oh, stop being a big baby.” She grabs my arm and drags me further into the establishment. This is the first time I’ve been in a place like this. I hope none of my dad’s friends are here. I grab hold of her hand and clutch it tight.

As she pulls me further towards the back, I scan the room. I feel like everyone’s eyes are on us. We walk past one table and this guy with a shaved spiky head and tattoos all up his arms looks me up and down before licking his lips. Ewww.

“Can we just go, Meg,” I beg. “This place is creeping me out.”

“Not until we find your lover boy.”

“He’s not my lover boy. Stop saying that,” I angrily whisper. “He’s probably already left.”

“The way you were scoping out this place from across the street, I think you would’ve noticed if he had.”

“Ha ha. Please, can we just go?” Pulling me over towards the wall, she places her hands on my shoulders.

“Stay here and don’t move.”

“Where are you going? Don’t leave me here alone,” I plead. I can hear the horror in my own voice as I speak. Meg just laughs.

“You crack me up. Stop being such a goody-goody. Live a little, babe.” She releases my shoulders and turns and walks away before I even get a chance to protest. Great. My eyes nervously scan the room. When they land on that tattooed, scary guy again, I find him staring at me. Shit. He gets up from the table and starts making his way towards me. Double shit. My heart is beating out of my chest.

I’m kind of relieved when I notice he has boobs. It’s really a she. Or a shim. Whatever you want to call it. They’re way too big to be man boobs. I still don’t like the way she’s looking at me though. God, I hope she doesn’t want to fight me or something.

“Hi,” shim says when she stops in front of me.

“Hi,” I manage to squeak out.

“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?”

“Ummm … ummm.” I want to say something, but can’t seem to find the words. She takes a step closer. She’s now mere inches from me. I can smell the alcohol on her breath. What the hell does she want? My question is answered almost immediately when she reaches out and grabs me right between the legs. I’m frozen with fear, or shock. Shim has hold of my vagina and there’s not a damn thing I can do or say to stop it.

She’s not even touching me up, just holding it, like I said, “Excuse me could you hold my vagina for a second?” which of course I didn’t. I stand there for what seems like forever while this stranger has hold of my crotch. I want to ask her to let go, or at the very least push her away, but I’m terrified. She’s twice the size of me. I briefly make eye contact with her. She’s smiling at me. Can you believe it? She’s standing in the middle of a public bar, holding my fucking snatch, smiling. Crazy bitch.

“Hey. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” someone says from behind her. Relief floods through me when I recognise Carter’s voice. “Keep your hands off my fucking girl,” he warns as he pulls her off me. As horrified as I am right now, I’m happy. He called me his girl.

“Sorry bro,” shim says holding up her hands in defence before backing away. My eyes meet Carter’s. Oh crap, he’s pissed.

“What the fuck?” he says. “Why are you here?”

“Ummm … Meg needed to use the bathroom,” I fib. There’s no way I’m going to tell him we were here spying on him.