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I’m pulled from my thoughts a few minutes later when I hear a horn sound in the driveway next door. Standing, I make my way to the window to see who it is. Instantly I feel my blood pressure rise. There’s a fucking guy in Indi’s driveway.

I know I have no right to be mad, but I am. I’m the one who walked away from us. It would be selfish of me to expect her not to move on. To be honest, as much as I’ve missed and thought about her over the years, I had no intentions of ever coming back for her. Sure I thought about it, constantly, but I believed it was for the best if I didn’t. Seeing this rude prick just now though has me doubting my decision.

He sounds his horn again and I see red. I don’t fucking think so buddy. If this is her boyfriend, and I hope it isn’t, someone needs to teach him some manners. I slide open my window and jump out, just like old times.

“Hey,” I say when I approach the driver’s side window.

“Hey.” The first thing I notice is he’s a fucking pretty boy. I should’ve known.

“Why are you sounding the horn?” I ask annoyed.

“What?” he says squaring his shoulders. If he thinks that’s going to intimidate me, he’s mistaken. I don’t scare easy.

“Are you deaf as well as fucking rude?” I ask, placing my hands on the open window of the door, causing him to pull his head back. Gutless prick.

“Who are you?” he asks with trepidation.

“Who the hell are you?” I’m in no mood for this back and forth bullshit.

“I’m Indiana’s boyfriend.” My heart sinks. She couldn’t possibly be going out with this dick. I have to take a few seconds to recover from this devastating revelation.

Fuck, she has a boyfriend.

“Well if you are in fact her boyfriend, why the hell are you honking your horn? If you were a gentleman, which it’s quite obvious you’re not, why aren’t you getting out of the car to get her like she deserves?” I snap.

“It’s none of your business.” Like hell it isn’t.

“I beg to differ,” I sneer, folding my arms over my chest. I give him a look that surprisingly has him opening up to me.

“Her father can be very intimidating,” he admits with a sigh. “I’m not sure if he’s keen on me dating his daughter. I get the impression he doesn’t like me much.”

“I can see why,” I reply, giving him a look that says I don’t particularly like you either. Because I don’t. Not another word is spoken while we have a kind of standoff staring competition. My eyes are fucking burning, but there’s no way in hell I’m blinking. I’m not backing down. Immature I know, but there’s no way I’m letting this prick win.

“Carter,” Indi snaps from behind me. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Trying to teach this moron some manners,” I answer turning to face her. Thank fuck she showed up. I don’t know how much longer I could’ve lasted. I blink a few times to try and moisten my dried up eyeballs.

Sweet Jesus. I inhale a sharp breath as my eyes take her in. She looks gorgeous in that sexy-as-hell red dress.

She still takes my breath away after all this time. I hear her dick boyfriend open his car door from behind me. “Get back in the car,” I say through gritted teeth without even looking his way. I can’t, because my eyes are glued to her. When I hear his door close, I smirk to myself. Just what I thought—coward. She deserves so much better. So much fucking better. My smile widens when I hear her growl at me with disdain. She’s so fucking adorable when she’s pissed off.

“Look, Indi,” the wanker says from within the car. “How about we give tonight a miss?”

“What? No.” She frowns, pursing her lips at me before turning her attention back to him. “I’ve just spent the last hour getting ready, Mark.” I can tell. She looks stunning. I have to stop myself from licking my lips as I drink her in. What I wouldn’t give for a taste of grown up Indi.

Before he gets a chance to reply, I turn my head and glare at him. Silently warning him not to change his mind. His eyes dart from me to her as he swallows nervously.

“Carter,” she snaps. “How could you?” She places her palms on my chest and pushes me. I have to hold back my smile. She’s so damn cute. “You’re only back a day and you’re already trying to make my life miserable,” she sneers, pushing me again. Christ I’ve missed her smart mouth.

“You’re glad to have me back,” I say smugly. She falters for a second before answering, making me think whatever she’s going to say is the opposite of how she really feels.

“No, I’m not.” Bingo. She’s fucking glad. I knew it.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t missed me,” I say so only she can hear as I take a step closer. I’m so close now her perky little tits are almost brushing against my chest. Her scent envelopes me, making my dick come to life. I could drown in her smell, in her. I’m tempted to move in even closer, but I don’t. Even after all this time I remember exactly what her soft, warm body feels like pressed against mine. When her eyes widen and I hear her breath hitch, I know damn well I’m right. She’s missed me just as much as I’ve missed her.

I saw how content she was in my arms earlier today. If this wanker holds her heart, there’s no way she would’ve been so comfortable letting me hold her. For some reason it gives me hope. Maybe all is not lost.

Her hands come up giving me another shove. She’s pretty strong for a squirt. “Didn’t you learn your lesson the other day?” she scoffs, cocking one of her eyebrows. Shit. I take a step back as my hands instinctively cover my crotch. My fucking boys are still paying for my little prank with the sponge. I’m pretty sure they couldn’t survive another blow like that.

The determined look on her face has me retreating another step. I hold up one of my hands in defeat, while my other hand protects my nuts. If I had a white flag I’d be waving that fucker with a vengeance right now. What is it with her? When did she become a ball-busting warrior? I wonder if pretty boy has ever been introduced to her knee. Scratch that. I just witnessed him in action. He doesn’t have any balls.

“Okay. I get the message loud and clear. Please don’t go all ninja on my nuts again,” I plead. Her face relaxes slightly and I see a small smile play on those luscious lips of hers.

“Good. Now stay the hell away from me,” she says as she walks around me and gets into the car. My heart sinks as the car reverses out of the driveway. That prick gives me a smug look and I have to hold myself back. Indiana’s eyes lock with mine briefly before she turns her head and looks out the passenger side window. Fuck. My damn heart hurts.

Stupid fucker.

Once the car is out of sight, I head back into the house. I need a fucking drink. Opening the fridge I grab a beer before shoving it back on the shelf. I’m not drinking anything that belonged to Fuckwit. Besides, the mood I’m in calls for something stronger. Heading back into my room, I grab my car keys. Time to get shitfaced.


A few hours later, I’m halfway through my bottle of Jack when I hear a car pull up next door. I’m not sure if it’s Indi and her boyfriend, or Ross. I drag my drunken arse off the bed and head to the window to look. It’s Indiana.

I’ll admit I’m pleased that she isn’t spending the night with him, but I feel a pang in my heart when I see her lean over the centre console and lock lips with him. I remember all too well what a spectacular kisser she is. When his hand comes up and threads into her hair, pulling her in closer, I have to look away.

I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol running through my veins or not, but I want to jump out of this window and drag that cocksucker out of the car and away from her. I’m blaming the alcohol. Coming back here was a mistake. I think I was better off not knowing what she’s been up to.