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Pulling into my mum’s driveway, I look over towards Indi’s house. Her car and Ross’ are both parked under the carport. It makes me wonder why she’s not at work today. Unless she got a lift with that wanker.

As I turn off the ignition and go to exit the car, Ross comes out of my mum’s house. I smile as he walks towards me. I’m grateful to know he’s been here comforting her. My mum told me when we spoke on the phone that Ross had been calling in every day to check on her. He’d been bringing over food and running errands. He’s such a great guy.

I’ve called her every day since I left, sometimes more than once. She cried every time we spoke. I still find it hard to comprehend her devastation. Especially for Fuckwit. But, I guess I didn’t love him like she did. If only she knew what a cocksucker he really was, but who am I to burst her bubble? I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t think he was so wonderful if she knew how he treated me when she wasn’t around, or what he did to Larry.

“Hey, son,” Ross says smiling. I love how he always seems happy to see me. “I wasn’t expecting to see you back so soon.”

“I tried to get back here as soon as I could,” I reply, reaching for his outstretched hand. “How’s my mum doing today?” He shrugs.

“As well as can be expected.” From our phone calls I was kind of expecting him to say that.

“I appreciate you keeping an eye out for her. Is Indi home from work today?” I ask, flicking my head in the direction of her car.

“She’s been home all week.”

“What? Why? Is she sick?” I feel panicky when I ask that.

“Heartbroken more like it,” Ross replies, making my mind race. What does he mean by heartbroken? What the fuck has happened?

“Why?” Ross shakes his head in disgust. The anger rolling off him is as clear as day. What the fuck is going on?

“Thinking about it still makes my blood boil,” he confesses.

“Don’t leave me hanging. Tell me what the hell you’re talking about.” I can already tell I’m not going to like what he has to say.

“That lowlife, Mark,” he sneers. I don’t even know what he’s done, but I already want to kill him. “He took Indi to a fucking restaurant on the North Shore. He got upset because she didn’t accept his proposal, so the mongrel abandoned her. Left her all alone in a strange place late at night. She was an absolute mess when she called me to go and get her. He’s lucky I didn’t damn well kill him for treating her like that.”

“He fucking what?” I scoff. I can clearly hear the venom in my voice. Utter rage consumes me. My hands are trembling as I turn and walk back towards my car.

“Where are you going?” Ross asks reaching for my arm.

“To pay that prick a visit.”

“There’s no need. I’ve already done that.” I thrust my arm out of his grip.

“I don’t care. He’s getting one from me, too.”

“Hold on there, son. Don’t go off all half-cocked,” he pleads, coming around to block me from getting into the car. My brow furrows. “If you really want to help, go see Indi. She’s been locked in her room for days.”

I have to give him credit. He has a way about him. A way of calming me with a look or a few words. I guess he’s trained in this type of thing. I let out a frustrated sigh. I’d love to go see her, but if she’s broken-hearted over that putz, would she really want to see me? Fuck it. Seeing her is all I’ve thought about all week.

“Okay. I have something for her anyway.” Opening the back door, I pull out the envelope that contains the old drawings of Larry. I went searching for them before I returned. It’s not much, but it’s something. Shoving the envelope under my arm, I reach for the box that’s also sitting on my back seat.

“What’s in the box?” he asks smirking. I open one of the flaps and show him what’s inside. He chuckles and slaps me on the back. “She’ll love it. You’re a good guy, Carter. Don’t ever doubt that.” I felt compelled to get it for her. Fuck I hope she likes it.


“Indi. It’s Carter,” I call out knocking on her bedroom door. “Can I come in?” I’m really apprehensive about seeing her. I have no idea what kind of welcome I’m going to get. The nerves kick in as I stand and wait for a reply. I’m relieved a few seconds later when she opens the door.

Her eyes are all red and swollen. She looks so broken. The sight makes my heart hurt. I’ve never seen her like this before. I don’t like it. Where’s my fiery girl gone? It makes me hate that fucker even more. I place the box and the drawings on the ground and pull her into my arms. “I’m sorry,” is all I say. I’m not sorry that they broke up, but I am sorry about the way he treated her. I’m sorry that she’s so hurt by it.

She cries softly into my chest as I hold her. I’m still going to pay that prick a visit, whether Ross likes it or not. “I’m glad you came back,” she whispers. Relief floods through me when she says that. I was kind of expecting her to go all ninja on me again. I feel partly responsible for the predicament she’s in.

Was it my plea that stopped her from saying yes? 

“I told you I’d be back,” I reply looking down at her. “Your dad told me what happened.” She bows her head, taking a step back and wiping her eyes.

“It was for the best, I suppose. Can we not talk about it? I’d rather forget it ever happened.”

“Sure.” My eyes drink her in. Her hair is piled up on the top of her head in a messy bun. She’s wearing a cute pink onesie that, believe it or not, looks incredibly sexy on her. She looks just like the kid I fell in love with. There’s something so sweet about her. She’s like nothing I’ve ever known. Perfect is the word that springs to mind. “Can I come in?” I ask.

“Of course.” She moves to the side so I can pass. I hear a whimpering sound coming from behind me. I stop, remembering the gift. “What was that noise?”

“I bought you something.” Christ I hope I did the right thing.

“You did?” A brief smile crosses her face. Bending down, I pick up the envelope that contains the drawings.

“I found these. Don’t look at them now. They’re some drawings I did years ago of Larry. I thought you might like to have them.” Tears pool in her eyes and now I feel like a dick. It probably wasn’t a good time to give them to her. She takes the envelope out of my hand, hugging it to her chest. I resist the urge to console her.

“Thank you. I’ll treasure them.”

“I got you something else,” I say hesitantly. I’m now rethinking my decision. Bending down again, I retrieve the box. Jesus. I hope this doesn’t backfire in my face. Seeing how down she is right now, this could go either way. Extending my arms, I hold it out to her. “Open the flaps.” Another brief smile appears on her face as she places the envelope on her bedside table before her hands move towards the box. I lower my arms. After all she is a shrimp. She can reach the top, but won’t be able to see what’s inside if I don’t.

I hold my breath when she looks inside. “Oh. My. God. Carter. You didn’t …” When she looks up from the box, her beautiful green eyes are brimming with tears. Fuck. I’m not sure if that’s a good sign or not. “Oh. My. God,” she repeats.

“I hope you don’t mind. I know he’ll never replace …” I can’t bring myself to finish that sentence. “It was my way of trying to … you know … right the wrong.” I’m fumbling with my words like a damn fool. I’m not good at shit like this. I don’t know what to say to her. The way I see it, she tried to right the wrong that was committed against me all those years ago, and now I’m trying to return the favour. I also feel partly responsible for what happened to Larry.

Tears are streaming down her cheeks as she reaches into the box and lifts the little puppy out. I find I’m holding my breath again as I watch her. She clutches him to her chest and sobs. It warms and breaks my heart all at once. The puppy extends his neck and starts to lick her chin. Even through her tears, she giggles. “I love him,” she sniffles as her eyes meet mine. “I don’t know what to say, Carter. Thank you.” I place the box on the ground and pull her into my arms.