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I watch as he takes a sip of the soda before offering it to me. My eyes move from the cup back up to him. This salty popcorn is making me thirsty, but I’m not a fan of sharing drinks. Never have been.

“What? I don’t have cooties,” he says pushing the cup my way.

“That’s debatable,” I retort, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t.” The tone of his voice makes me believe he’s offended. Of course I know better. Carter doesn’t offend easy. He leans forward into my space. “If I recall, you’ve had your tongue down my throat. Actually, now that I think about it, you’ve had my cock in your mouth. You didn’t keel over and die, so take a fucking sip,” he says shoving the drink towards my hand. My eyes widen. I can’t believe he just said that. My head turns towards the people sitting behind us. I hope they didn’t overhear.

“Fine,” I snap, snatching it out of his hand. He smiles when I wrap my mouth around the straw.

“See, no cooties,” he says when I pass it back to him. It makes me giggle.

“It’s early days,” I whisper, leaning towards him. “I’m sure cooties isn’t an instant death.” He playfully bumps me with his elbow.

“Again, I resent that remark.” His comment makes me laugh.

A few minutes later, his antics continue. Picking up a piece of popcorn, my hand moves towards my mouth when Carter’s fingers suddenly wrap around my wrist, stopping me midair. My eyes immediately move to his as he gives me a mischievous smile. Tugging on my arm, I watch on in horror as he pulls my hand towards his mouth. His eyes are locked with mine as his lips slowly close over my fingers and he sucks the popcorn out of my grip. When his tongue darts out and he seductively licks the salt off my skin, I inhale a sharp breath and clench my thighs together as desire sweeps through me. I recall with ease how magical that mouth of his feels. Releasing his grip on my wrist, he licks his lips.

“Delicious,” he breathes. Far out. He has me so turned on right now. Ugh! I’m sure that’s his plan.

I find myself stealing glances at him as we watch the movie. He’s so gorgeous. He seems to be enjoying it. I’ve caught him laughing a few times. It brought a smile to my face. Seeing him happy does something to me. I can’t explain it. He’s come so far in the last five years. He’s nothing like the troubled teen I knew all those years ago. He seems to show more of the real Carter these days. You have no idea how that makes me feel.

I’m surprised that apart from the popcorn incident, he now actually seems to be behaving. About halfway through the movie, that changes. I see him watching me out of the corner of my eye. Pretending I don’t notice, I keep my focus trained on the screen ahead. Then he goes and does one of those fake-arse yawns. You know, those lame ones you see in the movies. The ones that have the guy yawning with their arms stretched wide, before slyly wrapping it around the girl’s shoulder.

“You did not just try that lame move on me,” I laugh.

“What? I yawned,” he says giving me a sheepish grin. He doesn’t fool me for a minute. “Ain’t a guy allowed to yawn these days without the girl getting the wrong idea?”

“You’re such a nerd sometimes,” I say throwing a piece of popcorn at him. He picks it up off his shirt and pops it in his mouth.

“That may be true, but the nerd always gets the girl in the end.” He winks at me before looking back at the screen. Of course he doesn’t remove his arm. Giving up, I rest my head on his shoulder and he pulls me in closer. When my eyes look up at his face, he’s smiling. It has me doing the same. I love being in his arms. I’ve really missed it.



Today’s gone better than I expected. Going to the movies is not something I thought I’d ever do, well not as an adult anyway. When I was a kid, that’s a different story. Unfortunately, back then my mum could never afford to take me.

I offered to take Indi because I thought she’d like it. Girls like that shit don’t they? I’ve never dated before so this is all new to me. I just wanted us to be together. To spend time with her any way I could.

Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed the movie we watched. I was sure she was going to pick some sappy chick flick, but she did good. Real good. My highlight though, was her.

After we left the cinema, I casually slipped my hand into hers, lacing our fingers together. She didn’t seem to mind, which pleased me more than I care to admit. Whenever I’m near her, I have an overwhelming desire to have my hands on her. I know we’re taking it slow, but a touch here or there isn’t too much. I can tell by the way she reacts to my slightest touch that she can feel this thing, whatever the fuck it is. It’s still as strong as ever. Given half the chance, we could be explosive together. I know it.

We walked a few blocks until we found a nice restaurant, laughing and talking about the movie as we did. This is the closest I’ve ever come to being on a real date. But fuck me if I don’t want to experience all that with Indiana. I get a buzz whenever I’m with her. It’s electric. She makes me feel alive. When we were kids, the feelings she evoked within me freaked me the hell out, but now I embrace them. I need them. I crave them. Crave her. I’ve denied myself for too long.

Later that afternoon, Ross invited my mum and me over for a barbeque. Having the three most important people in my life together is a great feeling. Is it wrong that I wish we were a family, because I do? I wish Ross was my father, but more than anything, I wish Indiana was my girl. I guess if I eventually get her, I’ll get him by default.

I’m gonna try my damned hardest to make that happen.


It was late by the time mum and I arrived back home last night. I’d planned to drive back to Newcastle, but decided to leave early this morning instead. I was enjoying my time with them too much. I didn’t want it to end. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like part of a family. My mum even seemed happier than she has since Fuckwit died. There were no tears, and even a few smiles.

Ross and Indi both walked us out, so I never got to say the proper goodbye I would’ve liked. She knows I’m going back home again, but I promised her I’d return at the end of the week.

It’s 5:00am when I throw my bag in the car. I need to get on the road before the traffic gets too bad. Peak hour is a real bitch. I’ll never get back in time to open the shop by 8:30am if I don’t leave soon.

I’ve looked over in the direction of Indiana’s bedroom a dozen times since waking, hoping to see her light on. I’m silently willing her to wake up. I need to see her one more time before I go. It’s going to be five long days before I’m back. I exhale when I open the driver’s side door. Her room is still bathed in darkness. I continue to stand there staring. Fuck it. I gotta see her.

Jogging over to her window, I tap lightly. “Indi. Indi. Are you awake?” I hear LJ bark from inside her room. I know that will wake her. Good boy. I need to bring him back a huge motherfucking steak when I return. Her light comes on so I tap again. “Indi. It’s me, Carter.”

“Carter. What are you doing? It’s 5:00am,” she says in a sexy-as-fuck sleepy voice that has my cock stirring. It takes every ounce of control I have not to jump through that window and have my way with her. She rubs her eyes and squints as she tries to adjust to the light. She looks so fucking sweet when she just wakes up. Her hair is all over the place, but fuck me if she isn’t the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“I know. Sorry. I just wanted to see you again before I left.” She smiles when I say that. “Can I get your number, if that’s okay? I’d like to call you during the week.”

“You would?” Her face lights up like she’s surprised that I’d want to. Doesn’t she realise how hard these five days away from her are going to be for me?