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“I’m going to miss you,” I tell her. Because I am.

“I’m going to miss you, too.” Now I’m the one smiling like a fool. When she starts rattling off her number, I pull my phone out so I can program it in.

“I’ll call you, alright,” I say sliding the phone back into my pocket.

“Okay. Drive carefully.”

“I will.” I stand there looking up at her. Why is it so hard for me to walk away? “I’m sorry I woke you.”

“I’m glad you did.” My eyes drift from hers down to her lips. I want to kiss her so fucking bad, but I’m not sure if she’d want that. Fuck it. I’ll never know if I don’t try. Reaching up, I cup her face in my hands. I’m going in.

Gently, I pull her face forward until her lips meet mine. I give her a soft, sweet kiss. Not the kind I’d like to give, but anything more than this and I’ll never leave. When I pull away, I rest my forehead against hers.

“I’ll be back Friday night.”

“I look forward to it,” she whispers.

“Go back to sleep.”

“Okay,” she breathes as she straightens, reaching for the window.

“Bye, beautiful.”

“Bye, Carter.”

I’m smiling as I walk back towards my car. I swear there’s even a spring in my step that wasn’t there previously. Taking out my phone, I send her a quick text.

Dream of me …

Her reply makes me laugh.

You wish. x


For the next few days she’s on my mind night and day. Even though I’d like to, I refrain from calling her every fucking hour. I manage to limit it to one text in the morning and a call each night. Monday night we talked for nearly an hour. It’s amazing how much you can learn about someone when you sit down and have a full-on conversation with them.

I still give her a hard time whenever I can. I’m not sure I’ll ever tire of riling her up. It’s too much fun. She gives as good as she gets. I love that about her. She’s really opened up to me over the past few nights, and I have with her. It’s all the silly insignificant things I’m learning about her that I love most.

Like how she prefers savoury food over sweets. That’s because she’s already plenty sweet enough. She has a vast taste in music. Her favourite colour is pink. When she was little she wanted to grow up to be a fireman or a princess. She’s wanted a horse since she was four years old. All the little things that make her, her. That make her special.

Last night we talked for nearly three hours until Indi eventually fell asleep with the phone next to her ear. I stayed on the line for ages afterwards, just listening to her breathe like some crazy-arse stalker. I don’t know why I torture myself like that. It only made me want to climb through the phone and hold her in my arms.

What’s she fucking doing to me?

I shook my head with disgust when I finally ended the call and headed into the bathroom for a cold shower. I haven’t even looked at another girl since I first went back home for the funeral. My eyes are only for her. She’s under my skin again, but this time I’m afraid it’s for good. Fuck me. I may as well cut my damn balls off and mail them to her.


One more sleep. I sound like a fucking kid. It’s Thursday and all I can think about is tomorrow we’ll be together again. I’ve been wishing the days away all week. Not only for the weekend to roll around, but for the nights to come so I can call her.

After finishing off a job, I look at the time on my phone. 1:00pm. I was running late this morning so I didn’t get time for breakfast. My receptionist, Justine, got me a coffee on her way to work. She always does that. She’s a good kid.

There’s a twenty-minute break before my next job so I decide to head out to get some lunch. I need some fucking food. “I’m getting something to eat,” I tell Justine as I walk past the front desk. I’m not even out the door and my phone rings. Ross’ name lights up my screen. Fuck. Why would he be calling me in the middle of the day? My heart is beating out of my chest when I answer the call. My first thought is something is wrong with Indi or my mum.

“Hey, Ross. Is everything okay?” I ask before he has the chance to speak.

“That’s why I’m calling you. I’m not sure, son. Has Indi mentioned anything to you about the headaches she’s been getting?”

“What? No. Why?” This is the first time I’m hearing about it.

“She’s been getting a lot lately. She didn’t tell me, but I’ve noticed she’s been lying down a lot during the day. That’s not like her. This morning I confronted her. Apparently she’s been getting them for the past two weeks.”

“She hasn’t said a word.” Sure I’m not happy about it, but she’s been going through a lot lately, so I don’t think much of it. “I’m sure it’s nothing, Ross. It’s probably just stress.”

“That’s what she said. I’m worried, Carter. She won’t go to the doctor. She’s so damn stubborn sometimes.” You can clearly hear the frustration in his voice. “I was hoping you could talk to her.”

“If it was anything serious, I’m sure she’d go and see about it,” I say trying to reassure him, or maybe myself.

“I don’t think you understand, Carter. This is exactly how things started with Isabella.”

“Hold on,” I say. He’s lost me. “Who’s Isabella?”

“My wife. Indiana’s mother.” My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. Now it all makes sense. She died of a brain tumour. Oh fuck, does he think Indi has a tumour? When my knees buckle beneath me, I place my hand against the wall in front of me to hold myself up. “Carter. Are you still there?”

“Yes. She needs to go and see about it straight away,” I blurt out in a panic.

“I’ve tried to make her. She won’t listen. I even lost my temper with her this morning. I’ve never screamed at her before. Never. Carter, I can’t lose her too,” he pleads. When his voice cracks it feels like a knife is being plunged into my heart. The thought of losing her is unfathomable.

“Leave it with me,” is all I say as I end the call. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. My shoulders slump and my hands fist in my hair as I exhale a huge breath. This can’t be fucking happening. When I’m steady on my feet again, I turn to face Justine. “Cancel all my appointments for the rest of the week.”

“Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”

“I’ve gotta go,” I say as I turn and push through the door.

Fuck. I think I’m gonna be sick.




I’m hiding out in my room away from my dad when Carter comes barrelling through my door. Have I got my days mixed up? I thought he wasn’t coming back until tomorrow night. The look on his face tells me he’s not happy. He stalks towards me without uttering a word. Suddenly, I’m lifted from my bed and slung over his shoulder in one swift motion.

“Carter! What the hell?” Has he lost his damn mind?

“If I was you, I’d keep that trap of yours shut. I’m in no need for your bullshit,” he snaps as his hand comes down hard on my arse. Ouch.

“What the fuck is your problem? Put me the hell down, arsehole.” All the blood is rushing to my head making it throb.

“Zip it,” he says as he storms through the kitchen heading towards the front door. I’m upside down, but I can clearly see the smile on my father’s face as I pass.

“Daddy, help me. He’s lost his mind,” I scream.

“Sorry, Pumpkin. Can’t do that. It’s for the best.” What? Next thing I know, I’m being seated in the passenger side of Carter’s car. Immediately I try to get back out. I’m not going anywhere with this crazy-arse bastard.