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“What? The school is further down the road.”

“I know,” he says smirking. “If you’re so worried about my reputation, you’ll understand why I don’t want to be seen travelling to school with a kid in my car.”

“I’m not a damn kid,” I snap. “I’m one year younger than you.”

“Huh. You could’ve fooled me. You look like you’re twelve.” Abruptly removing my seatbelt, I get out of the car.

“Fuck you,” I say as I slam the car door shut. So much for not letting him ruin my day again.



I sit and watch her walk down the street towards the school. Why does she make me feel bad for being mean to her? I almost want to drive up beside her and tell her to get her sweet arse back in the car. Fuck that. Not happening.

Damn her arse is fine. My eyes are glued to it. Today she’s wearing these sexy as hell skin-tight jeans. Why does she have to be such a babe? Why can’t she be an ugly fucking troll or something? I feel my dick stir in my pants. Hell no. I need to get some action today—anything to get her face, those lips, and that sinful arse of hers out of my head.

I lose sight of her when I pull into the car park. That’s probably a good thing. Having her living next door is bad enough. Knowing how she affects me, and having to see her around school every day, isn’t going to be fun.

Parking the car, I grab my backpack and head towards the school office. My mum said I have to go there to pick up my schedule.


By the time lunch rolls around, I’m feeling pretty good. I’ve managed to avoid Indiana all day. I’ve even managed to organise my first hook-up with a pretty blonde. Don’t ask me what her name is. I’ve forgotten it already. The name’s not important anyway. I’m only up for a bit of fun, nothing more.

After I grab something to eat, I make my way towards a table. “Carter,” one of the guys from my math class calls out. “Come sit with us.” He seems like a cool enough guy so I head over to him and his friends.

“Thanks,” I say when I take a seat at the end of the table. He proceeds to introduce me to his mates. There are at least ten of them. I’ll never remember all their names.

Brad, the guy sitting opposite me sizes me up. I hate it when people do shit like that. I feel like I’m being judged. “You’re a pretty big dude,” he says flicking his head my way. “Have you ever played football? We could use a guy like you on our team.” He’s one of those pretty boys. The kind the girls seem to fall all over. Smug bastard. I don’t usually associate with his type.

“Nope. Not a fan of sports. Running around the field with a ball seems like a waste of fucking time if you ask me. The only physical exercise I like to do is the bedroom kind.” The other guys at the table laugh. He doesn’t seem impressed though. Fucker.

“You don’t just run around the field with a ball, you dick. It takes skill.”

“Whatever you say, man,” I shrug, like I don’t give a shit. He’s obviously offended by my comment. I choose to ignore the fact he just called me a dick. I’ve already made one enemy today, Indiana. That’s enough for one day.

The table goes quiet. I’m sure they’re waiting to see where this goes. I’m guessing nowhere unless he decides to call me another name.

I pick up my food and start eating. When I look up and make eye contact with him he’s glaring at me. If he thinks that’s going to intimidate me, he’s seriously mistaken. I don’t scare easy. I stare him down.

“Hey Brad, here comes Indi,” I hear one of the guys say. My head snaps towards the entry. What’s it to him? She’s walking towards our table. She has a friend with her. She’s not bad. I might need to add her to my list of conquests. I’m sure that would piss Indiana off.

“You tapped that yet?” one of them asks. I’m presuming he’s asking if he and Indiana have got it on. Why that pisses me off I have no idea. That cocksucker better not say yes.

“Not yet, but this weekend my parents are going away. I’m gonna invite her over,” he chuckles. The cock sitting next to him gives him a high five. I’d like to high five his fucking face.

“I bet you can’t get her to go all the way,” another one adds. Fuck. Am I going to have to take on this whole damn table?

“How much?” Brad asks.

“Fifty bucks.”

“You’re on,” Brad answers reaching over the table to shake his hand. Seriously, they’re making bets on her now? “It won’t be the first cherry I’ve popped and your fifty will make it all the sweeter.” He rubs his hands together when he says that. Like hell will he be having her over this weekend. I have no idea how I’m going to put a stop to this, but I will.

As the girls walk past, Brad reaches out and pulls Indiana onto his lap. “Hey, beautiful,” he whispers in her ear. It instantly gets my back up. Why do I care that his hands are on her? But fuck me, I do.

“Brad,” she giggles, trying to get up off his lap. I want to tell him to let her go, but I keep my mouth shut.

“Don’t make any plans for Saturday night, okay?” he murmurs in the crook of her neck. She pulls her head back and smiles at him. She has a pretty smile. When she’s around me, all I seem to get is a scowl. I guess with the way I treat her I deserve it.

“What’s on Saturday night?” she asks.

“You and me. We’re going to do something. Just the two of us,” Brad answers.

“Like a date?” she asks. When he looks around at the other guys sitting at the table and smirks, it takes everything in me not to lunge at him. My blood has reached boiling point. I try to act unaffected when the guy next to me mumbles, “A date with his bed.” I swear I want to knock him out.

“Yeah, a date. I’ll call you, okay?” Brad replies, smiling at her sweetly. Fucker. There’s nothing sweet about him. He’s a fucking snake.

“Okay.” He lets her go and she rises from his lap. Her eyes quickly scan the table before landing on me. The smile drops from her face and her eyes narrow. That makes my lips turn up for some reason. Sure I’d prefer one of the smiles she gave that fucker, but I like that my presence affects her.

“Hi. You must be new here,” I hear her friend ask. Tearing my eyes away from Indiana, I find her friend smiling down at me. She’s even prettier up close, but has nothing on Indiana.

I can feel Indiana’s eyes boring into the side of my head, so I decide to turn on the charm. “Carter,” I say, plastering a huge grin on my face. I extend my hand to her friend and she takes hold.

“I’m Megan,” she giggles, batting her eyelashes at me. That shit pisses me off. I hate it when girls act this way. Like the rest, she’s putty in my hands.

“Let’s go,” Indiana snaps grabbing her elbow and dragging her away. I chuckle. If talking to her friend pisses her off, I may have to do it more often.


“I think I’m in love,” Meg says as I drag her away from that arsehole. He can put on the charm for her. Why didn’t I get that kind of greeting when I met him? God, he gets on my nerves. I hate that seeing the way he was with Meg just now made me jealous.

“You need to stay away from him,” I demand as we weave our way through the other students, making our way towards our table.

“What? Why? Have you heard something about him?” she asks.

“That’s my new neighbour. The one I was telling you about.”

“Shut the fuck up,” she says looking over her shoulder in his direction. “No way. That hottie is your new neighbour? Damn girl, you get all the luck.”

“Don’t let his good looks fool you. That’s all he has going for him,” I say.

“With a face like his that’s all he needs,” she laughs.

“Meg,” I exhale, frustrated. “Please.”

“Okay. Don’t get your panties in a knot. Anyway, I think he has the hots for you.” Her comment makes me laugh. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.