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“I don’t think so,” I laugh as I snatch my clothes out of his other hand. “And the teddy you stashed in your pocket,” I demand holding my hand out to him.

“Fuck no. That’s for later,” he replies as he pulls it out, placing it into the top drawer of his bedside table. “So is this,” he adds, pulling my pink vibrator out of his back pocket. Fucking hell. I’d forgotten that was in there.

“Give me that,” I snap as I lunge towards him, but he’s too quick. He raises his arm, holding it high in the air so I can’t reach. When I jump to try and grab it, he starts laughing. “Carter,” I whine. “Give it to me.”

“Sorry, beautiful. I can’t do that. From this day forward, I forbid you to use it without my permission. If you want to get off by a toy,” he says waving it in my face, “then I’m gonna watch.” Forbid me my arse. Who the hell does he think he is?

“You can’t forbid me to do shit,” I retort, folding my arms across my chest.

“I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but you’re mine now. So, I can, I will, and I just did.” He places his finger gently on the tip of my nose, so I swat it away.

“You’re an arse,” I retort, but the mine comment he made is not lost on me. I’m smiling on the inside.

“I know, but I’m your arse,” he says pulling me into his arms, covering my mouth with his. He slides his hands up my outer thighs, moving them under his T-shirt and cupping my arse. “Fuck you look sexy wearing my clothes.”


D-day. My stomach is in knots as we travel to the hospital for my MRI. Positive thoughts. That’s what I keep telling myself. Carter, my dad, and Elizabeth are with me for moral support. I’m grateful, but if I had my way I would’ve gone it alone. Hearing that I had a tumour the other day was the worst, but seeing the look of devastation on Carter and my dad’s faces was even harder.

When we arrive, I have to see the doctor first. He just wants to touch base and explain what will be happening today. Of course Carter follows me into the room without a formal invite. Presumptuous arse. I do love how supportive he’s been, but I still narrow my eyes at him when he sits beside me in the doctor’s office looking all smug. Naturally, he smiles and reaches for my hand when I do that. It’s obvious he enjoys getting under my skin.

The procedure seems pretty straightforward. The doctor explains that an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce detailed pictures of organs, soft tissue, bone and virtually all other internal body structures.

There are no side effects associated with the scan, but he informs me that I may feel claustrophobic being confined in such a small space for around an hour. If that’s the case, I’ll have a buzzer in my hand that I can press, and I can be given a light sedative to relax me if needed. Personally, I think staying still for that long is going to be the hardest part.

“When will we have the results back, doc?” Carter asks.

“I’ll schedule an appointment for tomorrow. We can discuss the results and figure out a plan from there,” he replies, smiling briefly as he stands and walks towards the door. “I’ll get the nurse to escort you to the imaging room. They’re waiting for you.”

“Thank you,” I say rising from my seat.

“Yes, thank you,” Carter adds, reaching for the doctor’s hand when we reach the doorway.

“I’ll see you both in the morning.”

The nurse informs Carter that he won’t be able to come in, but he still insists on walking with me all the way. He pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head before I enter.

“I’ll be right out here waiting for you,” he says. And that’s exactly where I find him when I’m done.

The whole experience was very daunting, so I’m relieved when it’s over. The four of us decide to stop off and have some lunch on the way home. Not much is said about the MRI and my appointment tomorrow. It’s like a dark cloud hanging over our heads. I’m not going to worry until I have to. I’ve already been diagnosed with a tumour, so it can’t get much worse than that.

When we arrive back home later that afternoon, Dad invites Elizabeth inside for a coffee. When we’re alone, Carter pulls me into his arms. “I’ve gotta run a few errands,” he says planting a soft kiss on my lips. “We’ll do something together later, okay?” His fingers travel down my sides, cupping my arse in his hands. He pulls me against him and covers his mouth with mine. I’m looking forward to spending time with him later. I wish it could be now, but he has a life outside of me. I can’t be selfish. He’s been putting his needs aside to be here for me since my diagnosis.


After taking LJ for a walk, I watch a movie while Dad and Elizabeth sit in the kitchen. When it’s finished and Carter still hasn’t returned, I head to my room. I’m surprised to find a large white box wrapped in a red bow, sitting on my bed. I have no idea how it got there. It wasn’t here when I left this morning. My first thought is Carter. My head snaps in the direction of his place, but he’s nowhere to be seen.

I’m smiling as I approach the bed. I lean forward towards the box and listen, for what I’m not sure. A tick? Which is dumb I know, we’re not kids anymore. That’s when I notice a card has been slipped underneath the ribbon. Sliding it out I read, Indiana, that’s been handwritten on the front of the envelope. Well it’s definitely for me.

Hesitantly I open it to read what’s written on the card.

I want you to be ready at 7:00pm, sharp. I won’t take no for an answer. You know I won’t hesitate to throw you over my shoulder if I have to. Make sure you’re wearing


what’s in the box. Nothing else. I know how stubborn you are, so I’ve taken the proper precautions to make sure this happens.

Carter. x

My first thought is, how dare he boss me around like that? Who in the hell does he think he is? Needless to say, I’m smiling like a damn fool when I think it. I secretly love his demanding side. It turns me on. I’ve been missing him since he dropped me off earlier. I love that he wants to spend time with me.

I start to wonder what he means by saying he’s taken the proper precautions. I know him, that can’t be good. I can only imagine what’s inside the box.

Reaching for the bow, I untie it. If it’s something he wants me to wear, I’m apprehensive to see what’s inside. If it’s skimpy lingerie, I’m gonna kick his arse.

Removing the lid, I gasp when I see what’s inside. It’s a dress. A beautiful, and by the looks of it, ridiculously expensive dress. It’s a pretty jade green colour, and the fabric is soft and shimmery. Lifting it out of the box, I hold it up. It’s exquisite. It sits just above my knees and has shoestring straps. My gaze moves to the tag. It’s my size. How did he know that?

I guess when he was in my room getting my clothes yesterday he could’ve snooped. Ugh! I wouldn’t put it past him. I place the dress against me and twirl around in a circle. My smile grows. I love it. Never in my life have I owned something so pretty.

When I carefully lay it on my bed, I notice a pair of matching green heels in the bottom of the box. They are the right size as well. Although sceptical, I’m extremely touched that he would do this for me. This is something the real Carter would do. The sweet one. Not the bastard he pretends to be most of the time.

To be honest, this is the last thing I expected. My thoughts drift back to the note. What does he mean I can’t wear anything else? Is he trying to say I’m not allowed to wear any panties? That’s definitely something Carter would suggest. I rush straight to my underwear drawer. I gasp when I look inside. It’s empty. All my underwear is gone. Everything. The only thing left is a lone box of tampons.

My eyes immediately move towards Carter’s bedroom. He’s standing at his window with my white lace thong hanging from the tip of his finger and a smug look on his handsome face. What an infuriating arse. A big, fat, beautiful, infuriating arse. As annoyed as I am with him, the gorgeous, playful smile on his face has me smiling too. I’m tempted to go out and buy the most unflattering pair of granny undies I can find, just to spite him, but the thought of being panty-less around him actually excites me.