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I can’t wait to see what tonight holds for us.



We have no idea what tomorrow’s going to bring, so tonight I want to do something special. I want to take her out before she gets her results. Before the treatment starts. Give her a night to remember. Something to hold on to if the times ahead get tough, which I’m sure they will.

As I walk up the steps towards Indi’s front door, the nerves settle in. I’m not cut out for this shit. My stomach is in knots and this damn tie feels like it’s choking me. I hate wearing these fuckers. I wipe my sweaty palms on the front of my pants before knocking. A few seconds later the door swings open. Fuck me.

I inhale a huge breath and hold it as my eyes take in what’s in front of me. “Wow,” is all I manage to get out. I knew that colour would look perfect on her, but the image I had in my head doesn’t even come close to what she looks like in the flesh. I chose the green because the moment I saw it, it reminded me of her eyes.


“Hey,” she says smiling.

“Hey. You look nice.” Seriously, nice doesn’t even cut it. Gorgeous, sexy as hell, edible, would’ve been a better way to describe her. My eyes move to her perky little tits beneath the dress. Even without a bra they sit perfectly. The sight of her hardened nipples underneath has my cock stirring. I thought this no underwear thing was a brilliant idea, now I’m not so sure. How in the hell am I going to be able to keep my hands off her all night?


“You look nice too,” she replies, breaking my train of thought. When my eyes meet hers, the corners of her lips turn up. “Very handsome.” Christ, she has me smiling like a damn fool. What is it with her? I clear my throat and tug at the air-constricting tie around my neck. “Do you want to come in?” she asks. I look down at my watch. We really need to get going if we’re going to make it on time.

“We’re pressed for time. Are you nearly ready to leave?”

“Yes, I just need to grab my coat. I’m allowed to wear a coat aren’t I?” she asks sarcastically, rolling her pretty green eyes.

“Of course. You’re going to need one,” I chuckle. It is winter after all. She’ll freeze in that dress without one. I don’t want her getting sick.

“Where are we going?” she questions. If she thinks I’m going to tell her, she’s mistaken.

“It’s a surprise,” I tell her. I organised something simple, but sweet. Just like her. I know my girl well enough. She’s not into all the pretentious crap.

“I should’ve known that’s what you’d say,” she replies rolling her eyes again. Her attitude turns me on. I want to back her up against the wall and have my way with her, but that will come before the night’s out.

I follow her down the hall towards her bedroom. My eyes are glued to that incredible arse the whole way. That little sway in her hips makes my dick twitch. I’m tempted to reach out and run my hand up her legs and under that dress, to make sure she hasn’t disobeyed me, but I know if I do we’ll never get out of here. Although the anticipation is killing me, there’ll be plenty of time for that later. Tonight is about her and making memories. My cock can wait.

“I have pretty good taste,” I admit as we walk towards my car.

“How so? Or do I really want to hear the answer?”

“The dress,” I reply opening the door for her. My hand brushes over her arse as she lifts her leg to get into the car. I grin to myself when I hear her breath hitch. I don’t feel a panty line and my dick stirs. Good girl. For once she did as she was told. Knowing she’s naked under that dress is going to make keeping my hands of her impossible.

“You did well, but some underwear to accompany it would’ve been nice.” The sarcastic tone in her voice makes me chuckle. I don’t think so, beautiful.

“Nope. You’re perfect just the way you are. Plus, it will give me better access to that magnificent pussy of yours,” I whisper leaning towards her ear. I hear her take in a sharp breath, and it brings a smile to my face. This is going to be fun. Or torture. I’m guessing for both of us.


The drive into the city isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. We’re pretty much on time. I sent a quick text while we were stopped at a red light, letting Jax know we weren’t far away. He’s been giving me shit about tonight all afternoon. He thinks I’ve turned into a pussy. This night was so last minute, so I had no choice but to ask for his help. Maybe he’s right. Who knew giving your heart to a woman meant handing over you manhood as well? Fuck me if she’s not worth it though. I’d be anything, even a pussy, if it made her happy.

My hand has been sitting just above her knee for most of the drive. I’m impressed that I had the willpower not to slide it between her legs. At one stage, as my fingers drew lazy circles on her skin, her legs slightly parted. I knew it was an invitation to venture up further, but even then I stood strong. By the time I’m finished with her tonight, she’s going to be so hot and ready, she’ll be begging me to fuck her. It will be the perfect way to end our evening.

When I pull into the parking bay by the curb I reach for her hand, bringing it towards my lips to place a soft kiss on her knuckles. Her eyes are planted firmly on my mouth against her skin. I watch as her tongue darts out and moistens her bottom lip. Everything in me wants to kiss her. So that’s exactly what I do.

Reaching across the console I slide my hand around the back of her neck, bringing her lips towards mine. When she opens her mouth and slips her tongue past my lips, I groan. My cock strains against my pants. I should’ve held my resolve, because now that I’ve had a taste, I don’t want to stop.

My fingers inch up her inner thigh as her legs willingly open. She wants my hands on her just as much as I want them there. As I slide under her dress, Let Her Go starts to play. Fuck. My phone. It’s probably Jax. Reluctantly I pull out of the kiss and retrieve it from my pocket. Damn him. “How far away are you, fucker? I’m freezing my nuts off here,” he complains.

“I’m just parking the car,” I reply as my eyes meet Indiana’s. Christ she’s beautiful. Her big green eyes are locked with mine. Her flawless skin is flushed from her arousal. Her full lips are red and swollen from my kiss. I’d like nothing more than to skip the first part of the evening and take her straight to the hotel, but I can’t do that. I remind myself, tonight is about creating memories—tonight is about her.

“Good. Hurry up, pussy, so I can get the fuck out of here.” I chuckle at his comment.

“We’ll be there in a minute.”

“Who was that?” Indi asks when I end the call.

“My mate Jax. You’ll meet him in a minute.” I lean forward and brush my lips with hers. “This,” I say when I pull back and point between the two of us, “will have to wait till later.” She gives me a disappointed smile. I feel the same. She’s all I’ve thought about all day. In all honesty, it’s just going to make the ultimate prize at the end of the night all the more sweeter. I only hope my aching cock and blue fucking balls can wait until then. I’d like nothing more than to bend her over the hood of my car right now and plough into her sweetness.

After I help her out of the car, she wraps her black woollen coat around herself. “It’s freezing tonight,” she says slightly shivering.

“I’ll keep you warm,” I tell her as I snake my arm around her shoulder and kiss the top of her head.