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“I like the ringtone on your phone,” she says as we cross the road. “It’s a great song.”

“Thanks,” is my only reply. There’s no way I’m going to tell her I’ve had it for the last five years because it reminded me of us. I’ve already lost enough of my manhood for one night.

As we walk underneath the Harbour Bridge and onto the grassed area overlooking the spectacular Sydney Harbour, my eyes seek out Jax. When I see the small table I asked him to set up, along with candles in the centre, my nerves kick in again. I want this night to be special, but I’m kind of feeling like a dick now. Jax is right. I’m a fucking pussy.

“This way,” I say as I guide her to the right. I see the smug smirk on his face as we approach. Fucker. He’s never going to let me live this down. When we reach the table I extend my hand to him. “Hey.”

“Hey,” he says with a smile before his eyes stray towards Indiana. I watch as he looks her over. His smile grows. Why that gets my back up, I can’t say.

“Indiana, this is my friend Jax.” Although I’m not sure for how long, if he keeps looking at her like that. “Jax, Indiana.”

“So, I finally get to meet the elusive Indiana,” he says taking her hand and bringing it towards his mouth. I wanna snatch her hand out of his, but I manage to rein myself in. I’d look like some pathetic, jealous jerk if I did that. Like hell I’m jealous. “Carter never shuts up about you.” Motherfucker.

“He talks about me?” Indi asks, looking over at me with a huge smile on her face.

“All the damn time.” The teasing grin he’s wearing when his gaze shifts to me tells me his trying to get me to bite. I’m not falling for his bullshit. He’s the biggest shit stirrer I know. I usually find his antics amusing, but not tonight. Not in front of my girl.

“I do not, arsehole,” I say trying to come to my own defence. Jax throws back his head and laughs. Prick.

“I’m just messing with you, mate,” he replies, slapping me on the back. I give him a look that says both, I know, and shut the fuck up. Payback’s a bitch. Indiana giggles from beside me. I guess she finds it amusing.

“Is this all for us?” Indi asks looking over the table setting in front of us. I’m grateful for the distraction. He’s making me look like a dick in front of her. He’s set up the table just as I asked. It’s just a small table covered with a white linen cloth. Two white ceramic plates, two wine glasses and silver cutlery. There’s a small vase with a red rose inside and two candles either side, in the middle of the table. He’s done a good job, for a cocksucker.

“It is,” I tell her, draping my arm over her shoulder. “Do you like it?”

“I love it,” she says as her arms encircle my waist and she smiles up at me. The smile is exactly what I was hoping for. It makes the ribbing I’ve been getting all day from Jax, worth it. “Thank you, Jax.”

“Don’t thank me. Just doing what the big fella asked,” he replies, flicking his head in my direction. The look Indi gives me when Jax says that has my heart thumping against my ribcage. I know in that moment, that everything Jax has said today is true. I’m well and truly fucked. “I’m going to duck off and pick up the food,” Jax adds looking at his watch. “Then I’m out of here.” I pull out Indi’s chair for her. Once she’s seated I lean down and place a soft kiss on her hair.

“I just need to speak with Jax for a second,” I tell her before Jax and I take a few steps away from the table. “Thanks for all your help,” I say extending my hand to him. He’s really gone above and beyond. I owe him big time. “I appreciate it. You did well for an arsehole.” He laughs at my comment.

“No problem. I aim to please,” he says pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I haven’t smoked since I was seventeen, the day Ross found my cigarettes in the car. I don’t miss it at all, but I could do with one right now. Anything to calm my fucking nerves. “For the record, I’d probably turn pussy for her too,” he replies, soft enough so only I can hear.

“Keep your eyes off her, she’s mine,” I grit out, and he laughs. Christ, he gets me every time.

“Fuck, you really have done your nuts over this one.”

“Fuck you,” is all I say. No point denying it, because it’s true. He’s just trying to rile me up because he’s a stirring prick. Even though he’s given me a hard time about tonight, I know he’s happy that Indi and I are finally working things out. He’s had to listen to me grumbling about the one I let get away a number of times when we’ve gotten drunk over the past five years.

He’s shaking his head and chuckling as he walks away. I make my way back towards the table. He’s set it up so I’m opposite her, but I move my chair around to the side before I sit. I want to be as close to her as I can get.

Yep, I’m a pussy.

“You okay?” I ask reaching for her hand.

“I’m great. I can’t believe you went to all this trouble for me.”

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” I say, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. Fuck me if I don’t mean every word too. She smiles and my stomach does a flip-flop. Jesus, I’m a goner. Leaning forward, I brush my lips with hers.

“Who knew you were such a romantic?” she replies when I pull back and lock eyes with her. Her words make me squirm in my seat as I tug at my tie, trying to loosen it. Great, she thinks I’m a pussy too. I’m far from a romantic. “Hey,” she says, reaching out and running her hand down the side of my face when she sees my reaction to her words. “I love this side of you. It’s very sweet. It beats the douchebag I usually get.” The playfulness I see on her face makes me chuckle. I guess my behaviour towards her has been pretty deplorable at times.

“Like I said the other day, you bring out the best in me.”

“I’m glad,” she says bringing her face towards mine. “You bring out the best, and sometimes the worst in me.” She giggles as her lips meet mine. That’s true.



Words cannot express what tonight has meant to me. It’s the perfect distraction. I didn’t think it was possible to love him more than I do, but the more he lets his guard down, showing me his vulnerable, sweet side, the harder I fall.

“Okay, you two lovebirds,” Jax says when he gets back. “You do realise you’re in a public place.” Carter and I pull away from each other. We made out the whole time he was gone. I’m so frustrated and turned on like you wouldn’t believe. Carter’s hands have not moved passed my face. I need his hands all over me, desperately. Why can’t he see that?

I clench my thighs together when he looks at me with hooded eyes. I can tell he wants me as bad as I want him. When Jax clears his throat from beside us, I tear my eyes from Carter, looking up at him. I feel my face flush when I see he’s smiling. “Get a room you two.”

“You’re just jealous, arsehole,” Carter says with a chuckle, making my blush deepen.

“Nope. I’m happy with my balls being exactly where they are, thank you.” Jax’s comment makes me laugh. I love the banter between these two. I’m glad Carter has a good friend like him. He was such a loner when he was young.

Jax places the box in his hands on the side of the table, opening the flaps. I have to hold in my giggle when I see what’s inside. With the elegant setup of the table and the location, I was kind of expecting something a little more than burgers and fries, but that appears to be what we’re having. It’s very Carter, and very us, I guess. Since that’s what we always seem to eat when we’re out together.

“Thank you,” I say when he places it on my plate.

“My mate owns a restaurant not far from here, so they’re not just any burgers, they’re his speciality. You won’t find better,” Jax explains as he places Carter’s food in front of him. They smell delicious. Next, he pulls out a metal thermos and passes it to Carter. “Since this is an alcohol free zone, Carter insisted on chocolate milkshakes as the beverage of choice.” I let out a small laugh. I think it’s very sweet.