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My leg won’t stop bouncing as we sit in the doctor’s room waiting to be called. I’m trying my best to act cool, but I’m failing miserably. I cross my legs at the same time Carter reaches for my hand. It’s just the two of us today. My dad called before we left the hotel, but Carter talked him out of coming with us. Knowing my dad, he wouldn’t have been impressed, but Carter did promise to call him the minute we had the results.

Carter brings my hand up to his mouth, placing a kiss on my knuckles. I smile at him trying to let him know I’m okay, even though my stomach is churning inside.

“The doctor will see you now, Ms. Montgomery,” the nurse says from behind her desk. Carter stands first pulling me up with him. He laces his fingers through mine as we walk down the small corridor towards the doctor’s room. I’ve given up on trying to stop him from coming with me. Secretly I’m glad. I need him. He’s quickly becoming my rock.

“Whatever the doctor says, we face it together,” Carter whispers in my ear as his hold on my hand tightens. I’m not sure if I could get through this without him. He’s been wonderful. I give him a tight, nervous smile when his eyes meet mine. I’m afraid if I talk right now, I’ll cry.

The doctor greets us at the door. He shakes both our hands before offering us a seat. As soon as we’re seated, Carter reaches for my hand again. My eyes dart towards him. His eyes are planted firmly on the doctor. His brow is furrowed, worry clearly visible on his face. This time, I squeeze his hand as calmness settles over me. I suddenly realise that whatever the doctor is about to say is irrelevant. We have each other. For how long, who knows, but in this moment that’s all that seems to matter.

My eyes leave Carter when the doctor speaks. “I have your results from the MRI, Indiana.” I hold my breath as I wait for him to continue. “I’m pleased to say there’s no secondary cancer present.” My cheeks puff out as I release my breath slowly. My eyes move to Carter, and the relief on his face is evident. His gaze meets mine and his lips turn up into a beautiful smile.

“That’s great news,” Carter says turning his attention back to the doctor. “What happens from here?”

“Well, I’d like to put Indiana on a course of steroids for the next two weeks to relieve any swelling around the tumour, then we can get started on the radiation therapy. I have some information I’d like you to read through in the meantime. It will answer any questions you may have. It also outlines the benefits, risks, and side effects that may arise, things of that nature.”

“What are the risks and side effects?” Carter asks. I’m glad he’s got it together enough to ask questions. My mind is on overload at the moment.

“The risks are minimal. That’s why I’ve chosen this avenue instead of surgery. The tumour is small so you’ll be receiving small doses of radiation over a six-week period. Longer if required, but I’m pretty confident it won’t be needed. The radiation will kill off any cancer cells and hopefully prevent it from growing or spreading. As for the side effects, you may not experience any. People react quite differently to the treatment. You may feel nauseous, or have a loss of appetite. It’s important you eat correctly whilst undergoing the radiation therapy. There’s a list of foods and things you should avoid in the package. You may experience fatigue and some hair loss, but again, every case is different. Your skin on your head may become dry and itchy, but there are creams that can help with that. All in all, nothing too serious. The benefits far outweigh all of that.”

There’s so much to take in it’s making my head spin. If this radiation therapy is going to cure me, then I’ll take any side effect they want to throw at me. In the grand scheme of things, if it’s going to save my life I don’t really care.

“Everything you should and shouldn’t do is clearly outlined in the pamphlets inside the envelope. Please read up on them. It’s best if you know everything going into this.”

“We will,” Carter assures him. I’m feeling very overwhelmed by it all.

The doctor must see the indecision on my face because he adds, “You’re young and healthy. You have everything on your side, Indiana.” He gives me a reassuring smile as he passes me the envelope. “I’ll get you that script for the steroids.” I watch as his fingers move over the keyboard in front of him before he reaches for the printed script in the tray. “If you have any concerns after reading through the information, don’t hesitate to call me. It’s pretty straightforward and should answer any questions you may have.”

“Thank you,” I say as he leans over the desk handing me the script.

“I’ll get you to make an appointment with me for one week’s time, and we can discuss any of your concerns and get you prepared to start the treatment the following week. What type of work do you do?”

“I’m between jobs,” I admit. I still can’t believe Mark fired me, the arsehole. It’s not like I could’ve kept working there under the circumstances, I suppose, but I’m eager to find something else. I love what I do. I miss my animals.

“Well maybe that’s a good thing. You’re going to need plenty of rest during the course of the treatment, so maybe you should put that off for a few months. Or at the very least, find casual work.” Thankfully I live at home with my dad, so I can survive without money for a little longer. I do have savings I can dip into if needed.

When he stands, Carter and I follow. Carter reaches for his hand first before I do the same. “Thanks, doc,” Carter says as we’re leaving.

As soon as we exit the building, Carter pulls me into his arms before swinging me around. “I’m so fucking happy,” he says before placing me back on my feet. “Well I’m happy things aren’t worse than we thought. I still hate that you have to go through this.” He cups my face, giving me a sad smile. “You’ve got this in the bag. You know that right?” he adds confidently as he pulls me into a crushing hug. “I’ve gotta call your dad. He’s waiting to hear back from me.”

I smile as he releases me and pulls out his phone. Although what lies ahead is daunting to say the least, his happiness is infectious.



We stop off at the pharmacy on the way home and pick up the steroids. I can’t wipe the smile off my face. I know we still have a long road ahead, but after today’s results I’m hopeful. She’s tough. My fiery little kick-arse. I have every confidence she’ll come out of this cancer free. I’m not even going to entertain the alternative. I refuse to go there. I’ve just got her back. I won’t lose her again.

“You okay?” I ask when we pull into her driveway. She’s been pretty quiet all the way home. Well, ever since I told her I’d be heading back to Newcastle later today. I wish I could stay longer, but my shop needs me. She’ll always be my first priority, but I have a backlist of clients since I’ve cancelled so many appointments. I’m going to be taking a lot of time off when the treatment starts, so I’ll need to stay on top of it until then.

Doesn’t she realise how hard it’s going to be for me being away from her?

“I’m fine,” she replies reaching for my hand and forcing out a smile. She’s not fucking fine. Why do chicks say that shit?

“You sure? You know you could always come home with me. I’ll have you back in time for your appointment next week.” Her smile widens when I say that, and I can tell she’s giving it some serious thought. I’d love to take her back with me. I’m not sure why I didn’t think to ask her before now. I guess I was scared she’d say no.

“I don’t know,” she answers with a shrug. “You’ve got work every day. I’m only going to get in your way.”

“Bullshit. I live above my shop. I converted it into an apartment when I bought the building. I’ll be right downstairs. You can come and go as you please. Or I can come upstairs in between clients. The beach is across the road, and I have a small grassed area out the back for LJ.” I sound so fucking pathetic the way I’m rattling everything off in the hope she’ll say yes. Taking her home with me is a brilliant idea. I want her by my side, in my space. I need it. I’m not going to be able to concentrate all week having her so far away from me. “Please say you’ll come,” I beg, clutching her hands in mine. “If you hate it up there, I’ll bring you straight back.”