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As we stand there chatting, Indi walks across the front lawn. She must have caught the bus home. “Pumpkin,” her father says when she wraps her tiny arms around his waist. He leans down and kisses the top of her head. “How was school, baby girl?”

“School was okay.” She looks my way and narrows her eyes. I feel the smile on my face grow. I may not think much of her, but I like her spunk. I love that my antics get under her skin. I also admire the fact she gives as good as she gets. Most girls in her position would cry.

“Have you met Carter yet?” her father asks.

“Yes, we’ve met,” she replies dryly. “I’m gonna go and do my homework. Did you get the meat out of the freezer?”

“I sure did,” he says.

“Okay, I’ll get started on dinner soon.” When she walks away we both stare after her. My eyes are glued to her arse. I’m pretty sure her father’s aren’t.

“She’s such a good kid,” he says. “I’m lucky to have her.” I don’t reply. How can I? My feelings for her are all over the place. I hate and lust over her all at the same time. It’s totally fucking with my head.


After I’ve changed I head back to the car where Ross is already waiting. He’s laid out some tools on the ground. Apparently they belonged to his father. He seems really keen to help me. I can already tell I’m going to enjoy spending time with him. I hope he will feel the same about me too.

He reminisces while we work and has some funny stories. Time goes by pretty fast. I’m really enjoying hanging with him. He’s not only a nice guy, but he’s taught me a lot already.

“What do you think about your daughter dating?” I ask out of the blue.

“Why?” he answers frowning at me. “Do you want to date her?”

“Me? Fu … Ummm no.” I can’t believe I almost drop the F bomb in front of him.

Cocking his head he asks, “Why wouldn’t you want to date her?” He says it like he’s offended I don’t want to. Jesus. Why did I even bring this up?

“I just heard something today at school.” I know that it’s low of me to tell her father what Brad said, but there’s no way I’m letting her go to that cocksucker’s place on the weekend. Especially now I know what his intentions are. I’m not jealous or anything. Well that’s what I’m telling myself. It just doesn’t sit well with me.

“What did you hear?” he asks turning his head in my direction while we’re both bent over the hood of the car. I see his grip tighten around the wrench in his hand. His knuckles have turned white. Maybe pissing him off while he’s holding that bludgeoning tool in his hand wasn’t my smartest move.

“One of the guys I was having lunch with today … Brad.”

“Brad Cartwright?”

“I don’t know his last name,” I state.

“Tall. Blonde. Footy Captain. Cocky bastard.”

“Yeah, that’s him,” I chuckle.

“Can’t stand that kid. I went to school with his old man. He was exactly the same,” he says. “What did he say about my girl?”

“Look. I don’t want to cause any trouble for Indi.” Because I don’t, I just don’t want her going near Brad.

“I want to know what he said. If someone is saying shit about my little girl …”

“It’s not like that. It’s just …”

“Just what, Carter?” he snaps. I can tell his patience is wearing thin.

“He was bragging to his mates that his parents are going away over the weekend. He plans on inviting her over.”

“He fucking what?” he screams, standing to full height and bumping his head on the raised hood in the process. I feel like a prick for saying something. Snitching’s not my thing, but the idea of her going over there and being taken advantage of by that douche makes my blood boil for some reason.

His face turns bright red as he stands there rubbing his injured head. “I’m sorry. I just thought you’d like to know.” I feel like such a hypocrite. I invite girls over with the sole purpose of fucking them all the time.

My hope is now that he knows he’ll put a stop to it. At least I didn’t mention the side bet he made with his mate. “Don’t be sorry,” he says gripping my shoulder. “I appreciate you looking out for my girl. She’s alone a lot of the time with these crazy hours I work. I worry about her. Knowing she has you living next door now makes me feel better.”

Now he’s making me feel like a fraud. Not only have I thought about doing exactly what Brad wants to, I treat his daughter like a piece of shit. Why am I suddenly consumed with guilt?


Later that night, I sit in my room in complete darkness watching Indiana sitting at her window seat. I don’t usually do this kind of thing, so I feel like a stalker. She’s on her iPad again. I presume she’s messaging with someone because occasionally she throws her head back and laughs before typing a reply. I find myself smiling as I watch her. What the hell is she doing to me?

A few times she gazes towards my bedroom window. Logically I know she can’t see me. It’s pitch black. It did make me wonder. When my phone dings, alerting me I have a text message, my heart starts to race thinking it’s her. Of course it couldn’t be. She doesn’t have my number.

It’s my hook-up, Jen. I only know her name because she includes it in her message. She’s on her way over. I told her to come down the side of the house. I’m gonna sneak her in my bedroom window. Luckily my bedroom is on the ground floor.

Why Fuckwit chose to live in a house so large is beyond me. It’s way too big for one person. Well technically there’s three of us now, but before we moved in it was just him. You only have to look at his fancy-arse clothes and the ridiculously expensive European car he drives to know he’s a showy prick.

It’s not like I can bring her in through the front door. Fuckwit has already informed me, while living here I’m forbidden to have girls in my room. Screw him. His demands only make me want to defy him.

Ten minutes later I hear a tap at my window. “Carter. You in there?” Flicking my bedroom light on, I make my way towards the window. “Carter,” she says again. Thankfully, my mum and Fuckwit are sleeping in an upstairs room at the front of the house.

“Keep it down,” I tell her when I open the window.

“Sorry,” she says smiling up at me. I’d forgotten how pretty she is. Why does the image of a certain beautiful, annoying kid pop into my head as I help pull her through the window?

My head snaps up looking over towards Indiana’s bedroom. I’m surprised to see her staring straight back at me, a frown on her face. Being the bastard I am, I flip her off before closing the blinds. I don’t need her penetrating gaze putting me off my game.

I’m going to fuck blondie with everything I have, hoping to get Indiana out of my mind once and for all.



I don’t know why seeing that skank, Jennifer, sneaking into Carter’s bedroom upsets me, but it does. A lot. I’m already pissed off with him for ratting me out to my father. Seeing this just sends me over the edge. Tears burn my eyes, but I manage to hold them in. Fuck him. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of making me cry.

Feeling deflated, I say goodbye to Meg and I log off Facebook before climbing into bed. The fact that I’m actually upset only makes me angrier. Why does he get under my skin so much? The way I’m feeling right now, I know sleep isn’t going to come easy.

When my dad finally came in for dinner earlier tonight, he forbid me to have anything to do with Brad Cartwright. It shocked me. Not only have I not told him anything about Brad, he’s never forbid me to do anything.

I know Carter must’ve said something to him while they were working on that stupid car of his. He had to have. Why else would my dad say what he did? Why is Carter so hell bent on making my life so miserable? I was happy until he moved in next door. Arsehole.