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Meg has spent the whole week at my house, only going home to her parents’ at night to sleep. I’m worried about her. The last few days she seems withdrawn. I’ve asked her if she’s okay, but she keeps telling me she’s fine. She’s not fine, and I intend to get to the bottom of it when she comes over this morning.

I have all my things packed up for the move. I only have the last-minute things to do tomorrow morning. Carter is coming down, so I’ll have his car. Dad is driving mine and Elizabeth is going to follow us in hers, so it should only take one trip. I didn’t think I’d have so many boxes, but I do.

As much as I’m looking forward to moving in with Carter, I’m gonna miss my dad. He’s taken the next few days off work so we can spend some quality time together. I know I’ll only be two hours away, but I’m going to worry about him being here on his own. Sure he has Elizabeth living next door, but it’s not the same. It’s the only thing I’m struggling with. The only dampener on my big move.

I’m taping up yet another box containing more of my shoes when Meg arrives. Instantly I can tell she’s been crying. She looks like shit. “Hey,” I say standing and going to her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she replies, forcing out a fake smile. Nothing my arse. Grabbing her arm and leading her over towards my bed, we sit.

“Spill.” Instead of telling me what’s going on, she places her hands over her face and starts sobbing. “Hey,” I say softly, wrapping her in my arms. “Talk to me.”

“I’m okay,” she eventually replies, pulling away and wiping her eyes. Lying bitch. I raise my hand and pinch her arm. “Ouch,” she whines, a small smile tugging at her lips.

“You’ve got three seconds to tell me what the hell is going on.” It hurts me to see her like this. She’s usually so happy-go-lucky. I raise my hand, ready to pinch her again. “One.” God, I’m counting. I sound like friggin’ Carter. “Two.”

“I’m just sad, that’s all,” she answers, pushing my hand down.

“No shit. Why?” I ask, grasping my fingers around hers. “Are you homesick?”

“Huh,” she scoffs. “What home? I’ve had over fifteen in the past two years.” I squeeze her hand. I know moving around has been hard for her.

“Do you miss Drew?”

“Of course I miss him,” she says, tears rising to her eyes again.

“Well go to him. As much as I’ve loved having you home, you belong with your husband.”

“I told him last night I’m not coming back,” she admits as the tears stream down her face. Far out.

“What? Why?” I ask concerned and extremely shocked. I had no idea she was feeling like this. I wrap her in my arms.

“As much as I love him, Indi, I can’t live like that anymore. Coming home to Australia has made me see just how unhappy I am living over there. Every time we get settled, we up and move again. I can’t even leave the damn house without a friggin’ interpreter, because most of the countries we’ve lived in don’t speak English. I’m lonely. He’s gone most of the time. I just can’t do it anymore.” My embrace on her tightens when she starts to sob again. I’ve never seen her this upset before.

“Have you thought about starting a family? Maybe that will help fill in some of your time. Maybe then you won’t feel so lonely.”

“Drew said the same thing, but it wouldn’t be fair to bring a child into the world when we don’t even have a stable home.”

“Oh, Meg,” I say, sadness lining my voice. “Are you really prepared to throw away everything you have with Drew?”

“I can’t go back, Indi. I just can’t.”

“What did Drew say? Can he find another job?” I ask. I understand how she feels, but I can’t help feeling that she’s making a huge mistake.

“He was devastated. But he loves his job, I’d never ask him to leave it for me.” I continue to hold her why she cries. I don’t know what else I can do. Running may not be the answer, but I need to support her on this. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision for her to make. I pray that they can come to some agreement. They’re perfect for each other.

A while later, my dad takes us both out for lunch. Neither of us are great company though. Megan is clearly broken by her decision, and I’m not only worried, but I’m hurting for her too. I’m not sure if I can leave her when she’s like this. I may need to call Carter and put the move off for a few more days. She needs me.

“Wanna stay over tonight?” I ask later that night when we’re lying on my bed. “We could have a slumber party like old times.” I don’t want her to be alone.

“I guess,” she shrugs.

“Things have a way of working themselves out, Meg,” I say reassuringly, reaching for her hand as we lie side by side on my bed staring up at the roof. “Look at Carter and I. Who would’ve thought we’d be where we are today?”

“I’m glad things worked out for you both,” she replies.

“Things will work out for you and Drew too, you wait and see.”

“Thanks, babe. I hope so.”

And I was right. We didn’t have to wait long at all. Five minutes after I said that to her, my dad knocks on my bedroom door.

“Megan,” he says, popping his head around the door. “You have a visitor.” We both sit up just as the door pushes open all the way, and Drew waltzes in. Yes, I silently chant.

“Oh my God,” Meg squeals, leaping off the bed and into his arms. “What are you doing here?”

“I quit my job,” he replies, pulling her into a crushing embrace. I can tell by the dark circles under his eyes he’s been suffering too. My heart goes out to both of them.

“What? No!” Stepping back to make eye contact with him, she continues, “You loved that job.”

“I love you more,” is all he says.


“No buts,” he interrupts, cutting her off. “I can always find another job, but you my love, are irreplaceable.” He tenderly caresses the back of his hand down the side of Meg’s face before placing his lips against hers. Awww. Tears well in my eyes as I watch them together. I’m so glad things worked themselves out.


Carter arrives early Sunday morning. He was originally going to come Saturday night, but he still had some last-minute work to do at the apartment. God, I’ve missed him. As soon as I hear his car pull up in the driveway, I run outside to greet him. I’m still in my pyjamas, but I don’t care.

I jump off the front porch and bolt across the lawn as he’s getting out of the car. As soon as I’m close enough, I launch myself into his arms. “Fuck I’ve missed you,” he breathes into the crook of my neck as he wraps his arms around me tight.

“I’ve missed you too.”

“Let me look at you?” he asks placing me back on the ground. I smile up at him as he cups my face in his hands. “There’s my girl. I’ve missed your pretty face. It’s so good to see you’ve got your colour back.” My dad said the same thing yesterday. I even noticed how pale my skin was during treatment.

Before I get a chance to reply, his mouth covers mine. I’ve missed his kisses. He groans into my mouth when I deepen the kiss. When we finally come up for air, he rests his forehead against mine. “I can’t wait to get you home.”

That makes two of us.


A few hours later we’re on the road. Well, Carter and I are. My dad and Elizabeth are going to leave in a few hours to give Carter and I a little alone time. They’re picking up Carter’s grandmother on the way. I can’t wait to meet her. We’re expecting them around midday, so Carter is going to take us all out for lunch when they arrive. The three of them are going to stay over tonight, and since my car will be staying up here, my dad will travel home with Elizabeth tomorrow.

Carter and I talk the whole drive. It’s so good to be together again. I fill him in on everything that happened with Meg, and he tells me all about the renovations. I can’t wait to see the new apartment. “I was thinking, while I look around for a job, I might see if there are any animal shelters in the area. I could volunteer.” Carter reaches for my hand, bringing it up to his lips.