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Lying in bed, I try not to think about what they’re getting up to over there. I know it’s not homework that’s for sure. Not where Jennifer Darcy is concerned. Dirty slapper. She’d have to be one of the biggest sluts at our school. She’s really pretty, in that overly made up kind of way. I’m sure she could get the guys without spreading her legs, but she seems to revel in the fact that she’s known as the school whore. Meg calls her a human mattress.

She’s got that one right.


I’m feeling like shit when I wake the next morning. I tossed and turned for hours before finally falling asleep. I can’t believe how much it ate at me knowing that skank was in his bedroom. If you’d asked me last week if I was the jealous type I would’ve said no. I guess I would’ve been wrong.

I can’t stand him so it shouldn’t worry me. I heard her leave a few hours later. She was giggling like an idiot when he helped her out the window. Yes, I’m ashamed to admit I got up and peaked through my blinds.

I wish I could change rooms so I don’t have to witness this crap. I get the impression Jen is going to be just one of many in his long line of conquests. I know what some of the girls in this town are like. They’ll be lining up for a chance to be with that douchebag. Yuk.

I hope his dick falls off.

Unfortunately, we only have three bedrooms in this house. So moving rooms isn’t an option. The room my mum and dad shared when she was still alive is off limits. My dad couldn’t bear to sleep in there without her once she passed. He’s been sleeping in the spare room ever since.

Compared to the other houses in the street ours is quite small. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice house, just not as grand as the others. My dad was adamant when he married my mum that he wanted his family to live in a nice area. I guess he’s seen a lot of bad things being a police officer. My mum being a schoolteacher and my dad working on the force meant there wasn’t a lot of money coming in. They managed to secure this block of land, but could only afford to build a smaller house. I love it though. It’s perfect for us.

I’m sure Mr. Shepard next door has heaps of bedrooms in his huge house. Why he chose to give Carter the bedroom facing mine, I’ll never know. With Carter’s attitude though, he probably wanted to stuff him away at the back of the house, away from them. I don’t blame him.

After I eat breakfast and rinse my bowl and cup, I set about getting things ready for my dad when he wakes. I feed Lassie before heading to the bus stop. I made sure I left earlier this morning. I didn’t want to risk running into that arsehole again.

As I wait for the bus I scan my newsfeed on my phone. I’m not in the mood for dreary Facebook this morning, but I need something to pass the time since the bus won’t be here for another twenty minutes. I hate how Carter has only been here a few days, and is already disrupting my life.

My head snaps up when I hear the loud rev of a car. I must admit I’m surprised when Carter pulls over to the curb in front of where I’m standing. “Get in the car, kid,” he snarls. His ridiculous command makes me laugh. He’s fucking kidding, right? His eyebrows rise as he waits for me to do as he’s asked. I don’t think so buddy.

Looking back down at my phone, I continue to scan through my page. He’s got a nerve after the way he’s been treating me. I’d never admit it, but I’m a tiny bit thrilled he came looking for me. How dumb is that?

“I’m going to give you to the count of three to get in this car,” he says annoyed. I roll my eyes as I continue to ignore him. I hear him growl and I have to fight back the smile that threatens to come. I like that my defiance is getting to him.

“One … two …” I can’t believe he’s actually counting. I feel the corners of my lips turn up in a grin. When I hear his car door open, my head snaps up. “Three. I warned you,” is all he says as he grabs hold of me and throws me over his shoulder.

“Carter,” I scream. “Put me down.” He ignores my order as he marches around to the passenger side of the car. His hand is sitting at the base of my arse, holding me in place. I shouldn’t like the feel of his hands on me, but I do. It makes me wonder what it would be like if he held me properly. Not like a bag that’s just been thrown over his shoulder. Ugh! I hate that I’m thinking about how it would feel to be held in his arms. I’m sure it would feel amazing.

No it wouldn’t, I’d absolutely hate it. Liar.

Opening the door, he plonks me down on the seat. “Put your seatbelt on,” he growls as he stands over me like a thug. I just look up at him in horror. I can’t believe he just did that to me. Leaning forward, he grabs hold of the seatbelt.

“Give me that,” I snap as I narrow my eyes at him. “I can put my own damn belt on. I’m not a child.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” he says giving me a smug, gorgeous smile. God, he annoys the hell of out me. Why does he have to be so ridiculously handsome?

He waits until my seatbelt is fastened before making his way around to the driver’s side. I have a good mind to make my escape, but going by his antics just now, he’ll probably come after me.

No words are spoken on the drive to school. Unlike yesterday when he dropped me off down the road, today he heads straight to the car park. I want to make a smart remark about his reputation, but I don’t.

“Make sure you’re here this afternoon, or I’ll come to the bus stop and get you again,” he warns. Ignoring him, I get out of the car and slam the door. I hear him laughing as I walk away. I could seriously slap him right now.


“What’s up your arse?” Meg asks when we leave our first class. “It’s unusual to see you in a bad mood.”

“One guess,” I reply as we make our way towards the lockers.

“Your hot neighbour?”

“Yes. And he’s not hot. He’s an arse.” She nudges me with her shoulder and chuckles. This isn’t funny. Doesn’t she realise he’s ruining my life?

“He may be an arse, but you can’t tell me you don’t think he’s good looking.”

“I hadn’t noticed,” I snap. I hear her scoff at my words. She obviously doesn’t believe me. In all honesty, who wouldn’t notice him? He’s very noticeable—for a prick that is.

“You fucking liar,” she laughs.

“He’s okay,” I shrug like I’m not affected by his looks. It’s a lame shrug too. I’m not even fooling myself.

“He’s more than okay.”

“Alright he’s hot,” I admit, rolling my eyes, “but that’s all he’s got going for him.”

“What has he done today to put you in such a fabulous mood?” she asks sarcastically.

“What hasn’t he done is more like it.” When we reach my locker she stops, turning me to face her.

“Well spill,” she demands.

“For starters, just being in his presence annoys me,” I reply. It kind of turns me on too, but I’d never admit it.

“And? There has to be more than that. Your mood is nasty.” She raises an eyebrow impatiently as she waits for my reply. I want to say none of your damn business, but I know that’s just my mood talking. She’s only concerned for me. I can’t remember the last time I was this riled up.

I turn and place the key in the padlock. I’m feeling bad for being so snappy with her now. I’m lucky to have a friend that cares so much. I hate that Carter Reynolds gets under my skin like he does.

“My mood is that bad huh?” I ask with a sigh as I place my books in my locker and get out what I need for my next class.


“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take it out on you,” I apologise as I hook my arm through hers as we walk down the corridor towards her locker.

“Tell me what he did to upset you, Indi.”

“He told my dad about Brad. I’ve now been forbidden to see him.”