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The devastation I see on Carter’s face hurts. A lot. Sure this wasn’t planned. To be honest I’m not sure how I feel about it, but the look on his face pisses me off. I’m not sure if I want to cry or punch him. He hasn’t said a word to me all the way home.

“Carter. I’m sorry,” is all I say reaching for his hand. This wasn’t planned he’s got to know that.

“We have to get married,” he replies, taking his eyes off the road to glance at me. Umm, no.

“I’m not marrying you just because I’m pregnant, Carter,” I snap. That’s ridiculous. He pulls the car immediately over to the curb, screeching to a stop.

“You don’t want to marry me?” he asks in a whisper as the colour drains from his face.

“Eventually maybe, but not now.”

“What? Why?” I can see the hurt etched into his features and it makes me feel bad. Of course I’d hoped one day we would get married, but I’m not going to force him into marrying me just because we’re going to have a baby.

“Because it’s ludicrous to get married just because of this,” I state.

“Bullshit,” he snaps. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself. Turning my body in my seat, I face him and reach for his hand again.

“Look, Carter. I’m not going to force you into marrying me just because I’m pregnant. That’s wrong. I want you to marry me because you want to, not because you feel you have to.”

“For fuck sake, Indiana. I want to marry you,” he says raising his voice.

“Eventually maybe, but not now. You only said it because I’m pregnant.”

“We’re getting married, Indiana, and that’s final.” He lets go of my hand and starts the car again before pulling into the traffic. God he’s infuriating sometimes.

“Like hell we are,” I spit. I turn my face to look out the passenger side window when I see his head snap in my direction. This conversation is over.

When we pull up outside the tattoo parlour, I immediately get out of the car and start walking towards the clinic. “Where are you going?” he calls out.

“To work,” I reply without turning around. He made me sit at that damn doctor’s surgery for over two hours. I’m behind now.


My head is all over the place as I try and concentrate on the job. I feel awful about what happened with Carter. I’ve been tempted to go next door for the past few hours, but it’s probably best we both calm down first. We can hash it out tonight. One thing is for sure; he will not be forcing me into marrying him.

When Mrs. Kennedy and her cat, Felix, leave, Meg knocks on my door. “Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” she asks placing her hands on her hips. She’s been trying to get it out of me since I came back from the doctors.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out. She’s going to find out soon enough anyway.

“What? Oh. My. God,” she squeals throwing her arms around me. “Why are you in such a mood then? Aren’t you happy?”

“I’m happy, but shocked. It wasn’t planned.”

“So, who cares? You and Carter love each other. You’ll make great parents. You’ve only gotta look at the way you guys treat LJ to know that.”

“He wants to get married now,” I say sighing.

“No fucking way. He proposed?”

“More like demanded. I’m not marrying him just because I’m pregnant,” I snap.

“Why?” she asks, giving me a strange look.

“Because it’s preposterous.”

“It is not. It makes perfect sense,” she says, rolling her eyes like I’m being ridiculous. “You know why he’s doing this right? The bastard thing.”

“I know,” I reply. “People have children out of wedlock all the time these days. It’s no big deal.”

“It’s a big deal to him. You know how he is, Indi. He’s not going to let you win this.” That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t want him to feel like he has to marry me.

When Meg leaves, her words play on my mind. The thought of being married to Carter excites me, but I don’t want to rush into things. I don’t want to get married for all the wrong reasons.

Not even ten minutes pass before she’s knocking on my door again. “A delivery just arrived for you,” she says smirking. I roll my eyes because I can tell by the look on her face it has something to do with Carter.

I follow her out to the reception area where I find an older man holding a huge bouquet of white roses. “Sign here,” he says before passing them to me.

When he leaves, I place them on the counter and remove the card.

To my fiancée, Indiana,

I love you.

I love our baby.

I can’t wait to marry you.

Love your fiancé, Carter.

As sweet as that card is, it pisses me off to no end. I can’t help but laugh at his brazenness. Meg was right; he’s not going to give up without a fight. I pull my phone out of my coat pocket, and send him a text.

Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful. I’m sorry about before. I hate fighting with you. I love you, but I haven’t agreed to marry you, so technically I’m not your fiancée!

A few seconds later he replies.

I love you too, babe. But you’re wrong. You ARE my fiancée, Indiana, and we ARE getting married!!!

I message him straight back.

No we’re not!!!

I stand there waiting for his reply, but it doesn’t come. Just as I turn to head back down the corridor, the front door flies open. It’s him. He grabs hold of my elbow, dragging me towards my room before closing the door and locking us in.

“We are getting married, Indiana,” he snaps. “Look.” He holds up his wedding finger. “This just proves it. You’re mine and you will be my wife as soon as I can organise it.” I grab hold of his hand, bringing it towards my face. Ugh! He’s gone and tattooed Indiana on his wedding finger where the band sits.

“That proves nothing,” I reply dropping his hand. Doesn’t he get it? If he’d proposed to me before I found out I was pregnant, I would’ve said yes. I would’ve been over the moon. But now he’s being forced to do it, it doesn’t sit well with me.

“It proves everything,” he says, pulling me into his arms and covering his mouth with mine before I have a chance to respond. I try to push him away for all of a second, but my body melts into him and I deepen the kiss. I hate fighting with him. Eventually pulling back, he cups my face in his hands. “I love you, babe, and you love me. Why shouldn’t we get married? It makes perfect sense.” When I try to respond, he places his finger on my lips. “Just think about it.”

That’s exactly what I do for the next hour before I finally relent and call Justine. She manages to shuffle Carter’s appointments around for me, so when it’s time, I head over to see him. “Come in,” he says when I knock on his door. His face lights up when he sees it’s me. It instantly brings a smile to my face. I love how he always does that. “Indi.” He stands and makes his way towards me. “Is everything okay?”

“I’m your next appointment,” I tell him and he wraps me in his arms.

“You are?” he asks pulling back to look at me, surprised.

“Yes. I want to get my fiancé’s name tattooed on my wedding finger.”

“Then you’re going to marry me?” he asks beaming.

“Yes, I’m going to marry you.” He exhales before pulling me into a crushing hug.

“Thank fuck,” he breathes.

After he seats me in the chair, he prepares my finger, wiping it over with an alcohol strip. “Is it safe to get a tattoo while you’re pregnant?” I ask suddenly.

“It is if you use sterilised equipment and a new needle. I researched it a few years ago when a heavily pregnant lady asked me for a tattoo. You know I’d never do anything that would jeopardise you or our child.” He leans forward, brushing his lips against mine. “I love you both too much.” His words not only make me smile, they melt my heart. He’s going to make a wonderful husband, and father.