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Smiling over at my boys, I fish my keys out of my bag as we walk up the front steps. I don’t knock just in case my dad’s still asleep. The house is very quiet when we walk through the front door. I presume he’s still in bed. Walking quietly, I lead Carter towards the kitchen. I can feed Jaxson while we wait for him to wake.

When I round the corner, I’m stopped in my tracks. Carter walks straight into my back, nearly bowling me over. I hear him chuckle from behind me when he sees what I see. I’m sure my chin is now resting on the floor. I softly elbow him in the stomach to quiet him.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

Right in front of us, is our parent’s. Let’s just say in a very compromising position. My father has Elizabeth sprawled out over the surface of the kitchen table. Holy fucking crap. I suddenly feel the need to bleach my eyes. I guess their friendship has grown into something more. Friends with benefits. By the way they’re gazing into each other’s eyes, I’d say it was a little more than that though. They look pretty smitten to me.

Shit, Carter. I’m waiting for him to shove me out of the way and attack my dad for what he’s doing to his mum. Hesitantly looking over my shoulder at him, I’m surprised to find him smiling. Not a small one either. He’s beaming. I guess he’s okay with this.

As horrified as I am at the sight before us, it brings a smile to my face as well. Truthfully, I like the idea of them together. In my heart, I’ve secretly wished for this. They’re perfect for each other. Reaching up, my hand instinctively covers our sons face. He’s just a baby, but I still don’t want him to see what his grandparents are up to.

They’re so lost in each other that they don’t even notice we’re standing here. I flick my head at Carter gesturing for us to leave. I don’t want to disturb them. Carter being Carter though, has other ideas. He clears his throat loudly. Both our parents swing their heads in our direction in unison. Elizabeth’s face turns bright red. My father on the other hand, looks absolutely horrified. It’s priceless. “Busted,” Carter says, and we both laugh.

Oh. My. God. Busted is an understatement.

Eleven months later …


Stepping out of the car, I head inside. “You look lovely,” I say leaning forward and placing my lips on her cheek when she greets me at the door.

“And you look very handsome,” she replies, placing her frail hand on the side of my face. “Doesn’t my grandson look handsome,” my grandmother says, turning her head towards the cute carer who’s making her bed.

“Yes he does,” she says smiling at me. She gives me a look that says she’d like to rip this suit off me with her teeth. I give her a look that hopefully says, sorry love, I’m taken. I have the only woman I’ll ever need waiting for me at home. My soulmate, my wife, my baby’s mumma.

“Ready to go Grandma?” I ask smiling down at her. I can’t describe the feeling I get having her in my life. I only wish it had been for my whole life, not just the past few years. She’s such an amazing woman. My grandfather robbed us all of so much with his stubborn, pig headed, narrow-mindedness. I hate him for that.

But today is a day for new beginnings, a time for looking forward, not backwards. Today my life takes a turn for the better, because my mum is marrying Ross. In a little over an hour, he’ll officially become my dad. The dad I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for. I couldn’t be happier for me, and my mum. She’ll finally get the man she deserves, and I’ll get the father figure I’ve always wanted.

They both had huge reservations about getting married. Only because Indi and I were already together, so they thought if they tied the knot it would be taboo. What a crock of shit. Indi and I discussed it for all of a minute. We wanted this for them. They’re perfect for each other. I’d grown up my whole life without a father, and Indi only had her mother for a few short years, so this was a win-win for all of us. They get to live out their days happy, in love and together. Indi and I both get to have two parents. How could that be taboo?

“I’ll just grab my purse,” my grandmother says. When she comes back to me, she links her arm through mine as we walk towards the door. My grandmother now lives in a retirement village. Well actually it’s more like a luxury apartment building for people over sixty. She has a two bedroom fully self-contained unit. It has a community dining area and a staff of carers that live on site to look after the residents. She got tired of living in that big-arse house all on her own.

She still has her independence here, but also plenty of company from people her own age. To be honest, I never felt comfortable visiting her in that other house. Here, I have no qualms whatsoever.

As we make our way down the corridor, an older man walking towards us smiles widely when his eyes land on my grandma. “Well don’t you look lovely, Evelyn,” he says stopping in front of us. He reaches for her hand, bringing it to his mouth, and my grandmother giggles like a schoolgirl. Looking down at her I find her blushing. I feel my lips turn up into a smile. This old dude is very suave, a real ladies man, I can tell. My grandmother seems very taken with him.

“Thank you, Arthur,” she replies with a flutter of her eyelashes. Fuck me. Do women still do that shit at this age? Standing in awkward silence, I watch on as these two make googly eyes at each other. I hate to break up their moment, but we need to get going.

“We really should get going, Grandma,” I interrupt clearing my throat.

“Will you be back in time for dinner?” Arthur asks, his hopeful eyes locked with hers.

“No. I’m afraid not. I’m going to my daughter’s wedding. I won’t be back until later tonight.” I have to hold back my laugh when his face drops. He definitely has a thing for her. I’m not sure how I feel about that. “I’ll be here for breakfast in the morning though.” Okay, now he’s smiling again. It’s kind of nice, and kind of creepy. Aren’t they too old for this shit?

“I’ll save you a seat,” he says as I guide her away. I have to refrain from rolling my eyes at them, but it’s nice she has company when we aren’t around I suppose. She seems to be extremely happy living here. When I look down at her, I find her smiling happily to herself. Seeing her like this makes me so happy. I know firsthand how wonderful it feels to be in love.

“Do I need to bring my shotgun back here, Grandma?” I ask as we head towards the front entrance where the car is waiting. Not that I even have one, but I know she understands the meaning behind my words when she playfully swats my arm and laughs.

“Don’t be silly. Arthur is a lovely man. A real gentleman. He’s always looking out for me.” That may be the case, but I’m still going to be keeping my eye on him from now on. Looking over my shoulder, I see he’s whistling as he shuffles away from us. I smile, shaking my head.

Arthur, you’re officially on my radar, buddy.


When we arrive back at the house, I help my grandmother out of the car and lead her down towards the back of the property.

Indi is my mum’s bridesmaid today, and Ross asked me to be his best man. This morning Ross and I erected a large marquee in the back yard for the reception later on today. They’ve hired caterers that are already in the house preparing the food for the reception that will follow the ceremony.

We also set up a white gazebo by the lake. That’s where they’re exchanging their vows. Megan came over while mum and Indiana were at the hairdressers, to help decorate it. She lined the outside edges with white tulle and a long garland of white silk roses to make it look more wedding-ish, I guess.

Every time I’m down by the lake near the dock, it brings back so many memories for me. It was the place that Indiana gave me her greatest gift—her virginity. In return I gave her my heart. It’s also the night things changed for me, forever. Thinking back now, me leaving was the best thing that could’ve happened to us.