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“This confirms one thing for certain,” replied Phillips. “This war isn’t over.”

Taylor could feel the anger growing inside him. He thought of his comments the night before, how he’d wanted it all to end. Now he remembered why they continued fighting.

“Reyes was a good friend and a great officer. I will not stand by and let this attack go unanswered.”

Chandra nodded in agreement. She was glad of having his support back but hated the circumstances that had led to it. Mitch looked to Jones who was still staring at the images of the devastated base.

“Jones, I know what we said before. But times have changed. We’re in this fight whether we like it or not. Will you stand by us?”

He looked up with a fierce anger that Taylor had not seen since the enemy had retreated from Earth. Gone was the peace in his eyes.

“I want every one of those bastards dead. I will not stand by to see our people suffer any longer against these animals!”

Chandra could see the Captain was almost reduced to tears. He, more than any of them, had suffered the most against the invaders, and she knew it was a horrible thing to ask him to face them time and time again.

“I want this news kept on the QT for now. It could destroy morale among our armies,” ordered Phillips.

Before any of the others had time to speak, they heard cries ring out around the base. They rushed to the door of the command vehicle to look out across the square in Reims that had become their staging ground. Troops were shouting as they ran towards a large display screen in the opposite end of the square. Even from the distance, Taylor could just make out scenes of devastation on the screen as hundreds of troops flocked to it. Phillips rushed to the edge of the ramp and shouted out to the nearest passing soldier. They were rushing towards the screen in a frenzy.

“Private! What’s going on?” he asked.

“They’ve bombed Ramstein! The fuckers have bombed Ramstein!”

Phillips turned and shook his head in disbelief.

“Guess it’s a little late,” said Chandra.

They turned to see a news anchor appear on the screen overlaid on top of the aerial images of the burning ruins.

“I’ve seen enough,” whispered Taylor.

He jumped from the ramp as the others watched the anger build among the troops. Phillips smiled as he realised their morale wasn’t dead. They weren’t at a loss. They were angry, and they wanted blood. Taylor strode away from the scene. Only Silva saw him leave and rushed after him.

“Where are you going, Sir?” he insisted.

“We are at war, Sergeant. I am going to make sure we have what we need to win it.”

“Mind if I tag along?”

He turned and saw the Sergeant was eager to assist.


They continued on to the landing ground where the Company’s copters had been based. Kato and Rains were taking delivery of some components beside the last intact vehicle they had between them.

“Major! What’s the ruckus all about?” asked Rains.

Taylor responded in a grim tone. “Ramstein, it’s gone.”

“What are you talking about, man?”

“Bombed to hell this morning.”

“Fuck,” he replied. “What are you doing here?”

“I need a ride, to Paris.”

“Well, sure, you got mission clearance?”

“You just got it from me.”

Rains smiled. He knew just like many times before that it was best not to ask.

“Let’s fire this bird up.”

Taylor rushed into the HQ in Paris. It was a freshly built administrative quarters in the centre of the city that General Schulz was using as his command post during the reconstruction. Despite being a foreign officer, his reputation and achievements had awarded him an honorary rank within France and much support among its people. Taylor’s ID got him through the gate security and into the building, but the General’s secretary tried to stop him. She was a well-kept civilian in a perfectly cut and clean suit.

“Sir, you can’t see the General without an appointment.”

He continued on at a brisk pace that she could do nothing to stop. Taylor burst through the doors to the General’s office with Silva close behind. Schulz looked up and smiled at the sight of the Major. Several other officers and the city Mayor sat around a table with him.

“Major Taylor, it is an honour to have such a decorated officer among us.”

He looked to his secretary who was flustered. “It’s okay, leave us.”

“Cut the bullshit, General. Ramstein has been flattened. This war is very much back on.”

“I am aware of that fact, Major.”

“The Moon must be taken back, and I want in!”

“Your enthusiasm and determination is to be admired, Major.”

“General. We have what it takes. I know the colony, and we have one of the finest combat units in the world. But this war has taken a heavy toll. We need troops, guns, and we need to be brought back up to strength. Not a few dozen to fulfil a company. We need a battalion once again.”

Schulz took a deep breath and looked across at his advisers. One of them finally spoke up, a French officer.

“Sir, the Immortals leading the charge could give an immense boost to morale.”

Schulz nodded. Taylor could see that the General felt no ill will towards him, and he was starting to understand it. They each had their part to play and needed each other.

“You would choose to remain under my command?” asked Schulz.

“I believe you’ll be placed in charge of any Moon deployment, Sir. I want to be where the action is.”

“Your Company is an amalgamation of British and American troops, is it not?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then it is only fitting that we maintain that. I will get you the troops and equipment you need, if you agree to be the spearhead of my operation. The troops need heroes, Major, and you’re a poster boy that can turn the tide in the coming battles.”

Taylor nodded. “It would be an honour, Sir.”

“Return to your people. I’ll have what you need sorted within the next twenty-four hours.”

Silva’s eyes widened. He’d never seen any change be made so rapidly in his long time of service. Taylor turned and strode out of the room. Silva was close by his side.

“Will he do it? Really get you everything you have asked for?”

“Yes, because we’re an asset to him that he can’t afford to lose. Much more fighting, and there’ll be nothing left of the Immortals.”

“Sir, if you don’t mind me asking. Yesterday, you wanted to put down your rifle and see an end to the fighting. Now you want to be at the forefront of a second war?”

“It’s not a new war. The old one just never ended. I see that now. Chandra was right all along. She could see that and I couldn’t. This war will end when one race is utterly destroyed.”

Silva shook his head in astonishment, but he was glad to see Taylor back to his old self. They rushed back to the copter to find Rains and Kato waiting on the ramp, each with a coffee in hand.

“You get what you were after?” asked Eddie.

“Hell, yes. We’re going back to war, Lieutenant. Are you ready to return to the Moon?”

“Fuck, yes. All those missions I flew to get aid up there. Pissed me off when we lost the colony for good. We going to take it to the bastards?”

“That’s the plan.”


He threw out the contents of the coffee onto the roadside and rushed into the copter to take them back to Reims. When they got back to the city, they found Chandra and Jones waiting for them at the landing zone. They were stood in thick coats beside a heater the pilots had set up for working on the copters. As soon as they had landed, Taylor was out the door and heading down the ramp to pass on the news.

“Taylor, I’ve just heard from Field Marshal Copley himself. He says you’ve been causing quite a stir, and that we’re getting fresh troops tomorrow morning.”

“It was time we got back up to strength,” he replied.