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Tower almost cheered the video clip of the young woman. She was brave, willing to die for a cause, unlike the rest of the weak assholes destroying the ROAS.

“…with no choice, the United States carried out a small degree of justice and defended itself by neutralizing the immediate ROAS military threat against our border. By overcoming a massed, entrenched force, a US combined-combat arms team routed the ROAS forces arrayed against it, suffering no significant losses. Our noble heroes, once again, stood victorious on the field of battle. And the United States, one nation under God, with His righteous blessing, liberated the good people of Mesquite. No longer will those people suffer under the malignant socialist–liberal grip of their murderous ROAS oppressors…”

Shaking his head, he couldn’t believe Ortega had forced his hand. Anyone in their right mind would have surrendered. Slaughtering those few brave soldiers was all her fault. He took no pleasure in what transpired. If he didn’t act, the Chinese would soon take over. His intelligence agencies made it clear that Beijing was close to introducing an advanced AI capable of dominating the planet. They’d come after him, the US, the ROAS, everyone. No, he wouldn’t let that happen, not on his watch. After all, he and his father before him had restored the nation to greatness. Going forward, he was determined to secure the long-term viability of the country they’d rebuilt. Far into the future, he envisioned his offspring ruling with a steady and mighty hand. Shaking off the horrible thought of slanty-eyed, heathen Chinese running the country, populating and controlling the entire world, he refocused on the television.

“…it is a positive step that President Ortega admitted to what the world already knows. By agreeing to extradition, there is no longer any doubt regarding her guilt or the motives behind the killing. But she and the ROAS compounded their sins by attacking our military at Mesquite. No longer is turning herself over for prosecution enough! Instead, our great president should demand more and punish the ROAS for all their transgressions! We…”

Tower laughed. There was no way he’d extradite and martyr the bitch.

“…ask President Tower to demand an apology from the ROAS for their unwarranted attack on US forces. The ROAS should pay for their crimes and allow the people of Nevada to rejoin the United States…”

Stretching his limbs, the president was growing bored, but he continued to watch.

“Truth Network polls show the majority of ROAS citizens are begging for the United States to intervene and save them from the liberal–socialist rot destroying their country. They want to rejoin the United States as it marches towards reunification and Manifest Destiny. We ask the president to grant their wish and…”

If they don’t, he thought, the Chinese would be on their doorstep in no time. The damn ROAS leadership was too scared, weak, to do anything to stop them. Well, he wouldn’t let that happen. He felt a rumble of hunger as the monologue was wrapping up.

“…at a minimum, let us pray the ROAS political leadership come to their senses, accept responsibility for their crimes, and take advantage of any offers made by President Tower.

“As always, the truth shines through.

“And now I have retired two-star General Jimmy Gordon joining us to cover what happened in Mesquite yesterday…”

“Mr. President, sorry for interrupting…” said Chief of Staff Mark Wilson, his head poking through the bedroom door.

“Goddamnit! I’m watching the Truth. What is it?” snapped the president. Angry at having his routine disrupted, he reached across his nightstand and fumbled for the TV remote before jabbing the pause button.

Wilson, wearing a sharp, pressed suit even though he’d had little sleep, entered the room and glanced at the flat-screen monitor and the frozen political entertainer. Not one to waste time, Wilson said, “The BBC and ROAS Press are reporting President Ortega agreed to extradition, without admitting guilt, before the United States started hostilities. The Truth Network is claiming those reports are false news. What matters is the Russian and Chinese reaction. We briefed the Russians and Chinese before the attack, informing them of our intention to liberate Nevada. The Russians are behaving as expected. They’ve been pounding the media with objections about the attack, but all back channels show a green light. They support the move and want reciprocal treatment for their next adventure. I suggest you talk with them and keep up the reassurances. Meanwhile, the Chinese are misbehaving and ratcheting their rhetoric by threatening to give full and immediate military aid to the ROAS. It seems they believe our intentions go beyond Nevada and are nothing less than repatriation of the entire ROAS.”

“I never thought the bitch would turn herself in. My guess, the oligarchs threatened her. Doesn’t fucking matter. I want a lot more than just her scalp, and making her a martyr was never the design.” Tower threw off the covers and continued, “Set up calls with the Russians and Chinese. I’m ready to talk whenever they are. I’ll reassure the assholes we won’t upset the apple cart and have no intention of occupying the entire ROAS. I’ll explain that the end game is Nevada, taking control of their advanced ‘green’ technology and manufacturing capabilities. I’ll reiterate our new position. Evidence of global warming is no longer deniable. Fossil fuels are losers. We accept the facts along with the critical need for advanced alternate energy sources. Feigning anger, I’ll explain the US will not be energy dependent on the ROAS state of Nevada. No way will I allow that. Instead, the manufacture of efficient energy technologies, and Nevada, is vital to US interests. Got that?”

“Yes, Mr. President, we’re following the plan. But the fight in Mesquite yesterday, and Ortega’s acquiescence, has China concerned. They suspect we hold a greater motive. Perhaps pushing the Manifest Destiny policy isn’t helping. Either way, I’m uncertain playing the Nevada card will suffice.”

“No shit there’s a greater motive, but one crap at a time. Eventually, the cat will be out of the bag, but by then, it’ll be too late for them to respond. For now, we play it as planned. Hell, we understood going in the Chinese would get twisted once the shooting started. But we can’t show our hand too quick or obvious. Soon as we do, they’ll be up our ass. We’re not ready for that. Need to play it one pretext at a time.” With a grunt, the president swung his legs off the bed and planted his feet on the lush carpet. “Follow the Truth Network recommendation. Tell the State Department to give that bitch forty-eight hours to surrender Nevada, or else. And where’s my fucking breakfast?”

“I’ll check on the way out, sir.”

“Also, did you remind Harrison to sit tight and give us a couple days to show the world we’re still the good guys? Maybe we can avoid more bloodshed now that the stupid bitch knows we mean business.”

Wilson didn’t hesitate, “Yes sir, we’ve spoken with the field marshal several times. Harrison has expressed he isn’t happy with our approach and wants to attack right now, not only Las Vegas but Reno. He’s worried giving two days will give the ROAS a window to enhance their defensive positions.”

The president thought about Wilson’s statement, then waved his hand. “If the ROAS gets tricky, they’ll have us, the Chinese, and the Russians breathing down their ass. No worries at this stage of the game. The ROAS is weak. Soon, I’ll let that gaggle of pussies know the gig is up and to save their own asses, they must accept reunification and turn over their godless AI. I’m not a butcher. Only I can save them. Until then, we must keep the military pressure applied. Although Harrison is a womanizing sack of turds, he’s a hell of a field marshal. Tell him to calm down and relax. Before long, if necessary, he’ll get his chance.”