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He leaned forward, speaking more quietly. “This whole war seems to have come out of nowhere, but what if this entire war was engineered and planned years in advance? That is what we want to find out and why Liang is important enough to risk one of your teams to capture him,” the CIA man explained.

“Our guys will be ready. Just make sure this isn’t some sort of suicide mission,” LTC Mitchel said as he thought about the mission.

This is a tough one,” he realized. “I hate the idea of passing on a mission, but maybe this would be a better mission for the SEALs or Delta. They specialize in snatch and grab missions, far more than my conventional Special Operations Forces units do. My teams are usually busy conducting deep penetration and reconnaissance raids behind enemy lines, not grabbing political prisoners.”

From the Authors

Thank you for reading “Battlefield Korea.” We truly hope you enjoyed this break from reality to sink into the world of fiction. If you appreciated this book, we kindly ask that you leave us a great review on Amazon and Goodreads. These reviews are vital to helping us one day achieve our goal of becoming full-time authors.

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Finally, you can pre-order your copy of the next book in our Red Storm Series, “Battlefield Taiwan,” by clicking on the hyperlink in the title here.

Other books by the authors:

World War III Series:

Prelude to World War III: The Rise of the Islamic Republic and the Rebirth of America (Free if you join our mailing list)

Operation Red Dragon and the Unthinkable

Operation Red Dawn and the Siege of Europe

Cyber Warfare and the New World Order


Traitors Within: A Michael Stone Series Novel


Interview with a Terrorist

Red Storm Series:

1. Battlefield Ukraine

2. Battlefield Korea

3. Battlefield Taiwan (Release date: March 14th, 2018)

4. Battlefield Russia (Tentative release date: June 17th, 2018)

5. Battlefield China (Tentative release date: September 15th, 2018)

Acronym Key

AAV — Amphibious Assault Vehicle

AG — Attorney General

ASAP — As Soon As Possible

ASROC — Anti-Submarine Rocket

ASW — Anti-submarine Warfare

AWACs — Airborne Warning and Control System

BMP — Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty (Russian infantry fighting vehicle)

BTR — Bronetransportyor (Russian armored personnel carrier)

CAG — Commander Air Group

CIA — Central Intelligence Agency

CIC — Combat Information Center

CIWS — Close-in Weapons System

CJC — Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

CMC — Central Military Commission

COG — Continuity of Government

C-RAM — Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar systems

CSM — Command Sergeant Major

CW4 — Chief Warrant Officer Four

DCM — Deputy Chief of Mission

DDos — Distributed Denial of Service

DEFCON — Defense Readiness Condition

DF-5B — Dongfeng-5B

DIA — Defense Intelligence Agency

DoD — Department of Defense

DMZ — Demilitarized Zone

DPRK — Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)

EAM — Emergency Alert Message

FSB — Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (Russian intelligence agency that came after the KGB)

GDF — Global Defense Force

GDP — Gross Domestic Product

GM — General Major

G3 — Head of Operations Staff

HALO — High Altitude-Low Opening (military free fall)

HEAT — High-explosive Anti-tank

IBA — Individual Body Armor

ICBM — Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

IoT — Internet of Things (all network-enabled devices)

JCET — Joint Combined Exchange Training

JDAM — Joint Direct Attack Munition

KPA — Korean People’s Army (North Korea’s Army)

LCAC — Landing Craft Air Cushion (hovercraft)

LCDR — Lieutenant Commander

LNO — Liaison Officer

LT — Lieutenant

LTC — Lieutenant Colonel

LtGen — Lieutenant General

LZ — Landing Zone

MAD — Mutually Assured Destruction

MANPAD — Man Portable Air Defense System (shoulder-launched surface-to-air-missiles)

MIRV — Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle

MG — Major General

NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NORAD — North American Aerospace Defense Command

NSA — National Security Advisor OR National Security Agency

ODA — Operational Detachment Alpha

ODC — Office of Defense Cooperation

OP — Observation Post

PACOM — Pacific Command

PLA — People’s Liberation Army

PLAAF — People’s Liberation Army Air Force

PLAN — People’s Liberation Army Navy

POTUS — President of the United States

PSI — Pounds Per Square Inch

QRF — Quick Reaction Force

ROK — Republic of Korea (South Korea)

RORSAT — Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite

RSO — Regional Security Officer

SAM — Surface-to-Air Missile

SCIF — Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

SDO — Senior Defense Official

SecDef — Secretary of Defense

SF — Special Forces

SFC — Sergeant First Class

SSGN — Ship, Submersible, Guided Missile, Nuclear

S2 — Intelligence Officer

TACP — Tactical Air Control Party

THAAD — Thermal High-Altitude Area Defense

XO — Executive Officer