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Alexander was astonished. Had the thing not seen him because he was sitting down? But when he looked around, he realised that none of the other half a dozen or so people left behind in the Reception area were being attacked either. The creatures were simply ignoring them, shuffling past without so much as a glance.

As the gruesome parade passed by, Alexander sat up a little straighter in his chair. When it became obvious that he was not going to die here, after all, he began to cackle at the sheer grotesqueness of the spectacle.

Clearly, he thought, the dead things had a definite agenda. They were all heading for somewhere specific.

But where?


The sign above the forbidding double doors read 'INTENSIVE CARE UNIT — AUTHORISED PERSONNEL ONLY'.

'That's us,' Jack said, and pushed the left-hand door open.

Beyond the doors was a wide corridor with an orange floor and subdued lighting. There was an empty desk halfway along, atop which was a scatter of paperwork, an open laptop, a desk lamp with a green bulb and a half-empty mug of tea. Flanking the corridor on both sides were rows of glass-fronted IC cubicles, each one large enough to contain a hospital bed and however many items of monitoring equipment each individual patient required.

'Isn't that supposed to be manned at all times?' Gwen said, nodding at the desk.

'It is,' replied Jack. 'Someone's abandoned their station.'

Ianto shook his head and tut-tutted. 'Dereliction of duty. Anyone could just walk in here.'

'Which one of these rooms is Oscar in?' asked Gwen.

Jack reached into his greatcoat. 'Let's find out, shall we?'

They all oohed as he withdrew the pod from his pocket. It was almost complete now, rippling and pulsing with the most incredible light show. Holding it in front of him, Jack walked slowly along the corridor, the others trailing in his wake. Just before he reached the nurse's desk, the pod began to emit a warbling cry, as it had done in the Hub when the zombie had got close to it. However, the sound wasn't quite so much like an alarm this time.

'Is it singing?' Rhys asked.

'Sounds like a lament. Like it's calling out for someone,' said Ianto.

'It's beautiful,' breathed Gwen. 'Heartbreaking too.'

Jack turned to the cubicle on his right. 'Here,' he said.

Through the observation window, linked up to an IV drip and various items of monitoring equipment, they could see a slight, pale figure lying in bed. The figure was jerking and twitching, as though being subjected to a series of electric shocks. Jack pushed open the door and entered, the light from the pod making the sleeping figure's skin look cold and hard as marble. As Jack approached the bed, the figure's eyes snapped open. Then Oscar Phillips sat up straight and swivelled his head towards them.

'Hi there,' Jack said gently. 'You're Oscar, right?'

The young man didn't respond. With his wide, staring eyes and sickly complexion, he looked not unlike a zombie himself.

'Is he awake?' whispered Gwen, standing at Jack's shoulder.

Whether in response to her voice or simply reacting to the light, Oscar swung his legs stiffly out of bed and stood up.

As he did so, sensor pads tore themselves from his skin, leaving circular red marks, and the IV drip on its metal stand tottered and fell with a shattering crash. The plastic IV bag burst open like an overripe fruit, spattering liquid across the floor. Rhys winced as the IV tube was ripped out of Oscar's arm with a spurt of blood.

Oscar seemed oblivious to all of this. He padded barefoot towards Jack and held out his hands.

'You want the pod? Is that it?' murmured Jack.

'You're not going to give it to him, are you?' asked Rhys.

'Sure. Why not?'

Jack stepped forward and placed the glowing pod carefully into Oscar's outstretched hands. Oscar came to a halt, a mildly bemused expression on his face. He looked like a blind man trying to identify something from its shape and texture. And then all at once his throat bulged, like that of a bullfrog, and his mouth opened wider than seemed possible.

'Oh my God,' muttered Gwen.

'What the hell's that?' exclaimed Rhys.

Something emerged from Oscar's mouth, something grey and jelly-like. It resembled an overlong tongue, or perhaps a gigantic glistening slug. It oozed from between Oscar's lips, moved sinuously through the air, like a snake swimming through water, and entered the pod.

There was a sudden surge of light and the pod sealed itself before their eyes, becoming whole again. It rose into the air, hovering, like a mini-sun.

'What now?' wondered Ianto nervously.

'It looks as though it's getting its bearings,' whispered Gwen.

Jack stepped forward.

'My name is Captain Jack Harkness. I represent the people of Earth. And I really think we need to talk.'

'People of Earth, is it?' whispered Rhys to Gwen. 'Pompous git.'

She elbowed him in the ribs.

As if responding to Jack's proclamation, the pod drifted down and latched itself to Oscar's forehead. Oscar went momentarily rigid, his eyes and mouth widening in shock.

Then his features relaxed and he rotated his jaw a few times, as though to check it was in working order. When he spoke, the voice that emerged was fluting and ethereal, almost playful.

'Greetings, Captain Jack Harkness,' he said. 'I am Leet. I am a child of the Dellacoi. I will use the language of the Oscarphillips to communicate with you.'

'Nice to meet you, Leet,' Jack said neutrally. 'You mind telling me what you're doing here?'

Oscar stared straight ahead, his mouth moving with an odd stiffness as the alien spoke through him. 'I was riding the time winds when I was snatched away and hurled into this world. My life-shell was damaged on impact. In order to survive I sought refuge in this life form.'

'So you're a parasite?' Jack said.

'I am a symbiont,' replied the alien with no trace of indignation. 'The relationship between myself and the Oscarphillips has been a mutually beneficial one. Without me the Oscarphillips would not have survived, and without the Oscarphillips I would have perished in the cold wastes of this planet.'

'So you've been keeping each other alive for the past three months?' said Ianto.

'Three months, yes. I have learned this time frame from the Oscarphillips. For three months our consciousnesses have been linked, our thoughts, dreams and desires merging into one.'

'So what's with the night of zombie mayhem?' Jack asked. 'I'm guessing you're responsible for that?'

'Two nights ago,' the Dellacoi replied, 'I heard the call of my life-shell. I used images from the most recent memories of the Oscarphillips to create search units so that my life-shell and I could be reunited. However, the memories of the Oscarphillips proved too. . volatile. Once I had activated the units, I found I could not control them. And so, in order to contain the units and limit the damage, I created a barrier around this place, this. . Cardiff.'

'And you created them how?' asked Ianto.

For the first time the Dellacoi sounded puzzled. 'By thinking them. Isn't this how you create your world? Your buildings and your TV sets, your cars and your computers?'

Gwen glanced at Jack, and knew that he was thinking the same as she was: a species that could create a world of solid objects out of pure thought! If the Dellacoi proved hostile there would be no stopping it.

Ignoring the alien's question, Jack said, 'So tell me, Leet, how do we get rid of these units of yours? How do we get things back to normal?'

The Dellacoi said, 'The units are no longer mine. They belong to the Oscarphillips. Only the Oscarphillips can contain them.'

Before Jack could respond, there was a bang as the double doors leading into the Intensive Care Unit were flung open. Gwen and Jack drew their guns.