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I nodded and grabbed my purse off my bed. “Where are we going?”

He didn’t hesitate with his response. “Someplace I’ve wanted to take you since I met you.”


We sat in silence as we left the island and headed across the river. I had no clue where he was taking me, but I couldn’t ignore my excitement.

The moment the cab pulled up near Central Park, I turned in my seat and looked at him in wonderment. What were we doing here? A smirk played on his lips as he pulled open the door and exited the cab, only to walk around the back and pull open my door. I climbed out eagerly and my eyes roamed around the space, taking in the crowds and reminiscing in one of my favorite places. The moment Ky put his hand on the small of my back to lead me away, I jumped.

“You like photography right?” The sensation of his warm breath just below my ear caused a shudder to cascade down my back.

“Please do not tell me that’s a serious question!” I shrieked and whipped around to face him.

His laughter swirled through me, and I realized it was the first time I had really heard him laugh. It was warm, throaty, and dominant.  I couldn’t help but like it. My eyes fell to his arm that was suspiciously behind his back. His brow rose and a smirk engulfed his lips. Like it was in slow motion, he brought his arm into sight and I gasped at what he revealed. He held my camera bag in his hand and a grin the size of Everest took over his face.

What? How? When?

“How? When? I don’t__” I stuttered in disbelief.

“You shouldn’t ask,” he suggested with a stern tone. “Let’s go for a walk. You lead the way.”

I stood staring at him in complete fascination. He continually surprised me; it was like opening a Christmas present when it came to Ky Crawford. You never knew what you were going to get.

I shot back to reality, and we took off along the winding path that led toward the glistening lake. I might have been gone for the last four years, but it all came flooding back to me. The smell of freshly baked pretzels teasing and tantalizing my body, the chattering and laughter of thousands of people inundating my ears, and the evidence of a New York winter lingering in the air around me were burned in my memories forever. I had spent so much time here while I was in college; the hustle and bustle calmed me and when I made the decision to flee to the other side of the country, this was the place I ran to; the place I needed to say goodbye to.

But now here I was, reconnecting, all because of Ky Crawford.

“Thank you for this.” I swallowed hard finally meeting his intense stare. “You really didn’t have to do this.”

“Yes I did.” He said softly, his eyes briefly losing their intensity as they flickered with honesty.

He walked beside me quietly as I took in everything around me. Ten minutes after we left the warmth of the cab, we stood by the ice skating rink that was overrun by excited children.

“It’s been so long since I’ve been here,” I admitted softly as emotions overcame me. “This right here is what I miss.”

He didn’t say a word, but he didn’t need to say anything. I placed my camera bag on a vacant table and wrapped my arms around myself. Winter chill was rolling in at an aggressive rate, but I didn’t care. I would stay here until he forced me to leave—rain, snow, hail, or shine. I heard the crunch of the ground below as Ky walked toward a vacant table, yet I remained statue like. I just needed to enjoy this moment. I needed to bask in the innocence and beauty before me.

During college this was the place I would escape to when I needed to study or when I needed solitude from the dorm. It was a bit of a hike, but when I found it I felt immediately connected. I didn’t know how long I stood there, it was only when I heard the familiar click of a photo being taken that I was drawn from my trance. I turned toward Ky just as he clicked another photo. He dropped my camera from covering his face, and his face was completely unreadable. My insecurities plagued me as we stood staring at each other like there was nothing going on around us.

“You are spectacular to look at Eden Rivers.”

My cheeks engulfed into a flame of red under his words. I dropped my gaze to the ground to avoid my emotions spilling out of me.

“You are going to hear me say that a lot over the next month so I’d suggest you get used to it.”

Ky packed up my camera, placing it back in the bag, and then slung the bag over his shoulder. He moved around the table toward me, but his eyes were memorized by the lake. As if he knew I was watching him, he shifted his gaze and looked directly at me. His lips tweaked and a sexy smirk shot back at me and the damn butterflies reappeared. I didn’t want butterflies. He held out his hand and I froze and it wasn’t because of the chill in the air. Like the noise was taken from the air and jammed inside an airtight box, everything fell silent around me. I wanted to grab his hand; I wanted his large hand to swallow mine but why? He didn’t move his hand; he took a step toward me breaking the distance. I didn’t think I could handle this. His confidence was encouraging mine to soar.

“You should hold my hand.” His eyes dropped to the hand he was holding out to me in silent indication and then back up to meet my eyes. “One month Eden. It’s time to get you out of your comfort zone, and I am the guy to do it.”

“Why don’t you have a girlfriend? I don’t understand why someone like you is single?” I blurted out. What the fuck was wrong with me?

“Someone like me?” His voice dripped with amusement.

May as well just put it out there Eden! “Well you are successful, confident, have that damn dimple, and you are easy on the eyes. I don’t understand why you are choosing to spend time with me when there would be a billion women out there who would want you.”

“I don’t want a billion women Eden.”

I chose to ignore the insinuation in his tone. “So why?” I pushed.

He drew in a deep breath while he considered his answer.

“Because the woman I wanted left a long time ago and there isn’t anyone else who’s got my attention like her.”

“Oh,” I breathed out, dropping my eyes to the dirt ground below. Suddenly the urge to comfort this man who spoke with such heartbreak for this woman took over any hesitation I had, and without a second thought, I raised my hand slowly, entwining my fingers with his.


I didn’t want to talk about my past with Eden. She didn’t need to know a thing about it. The second I opened my damn mouth and spoke, I regretted it. I didn’t need questions asked, I didn’t want assumptions to be made, and I sure as hell didn’t want her looking at me like she was now.

Pity was one thing I hated. Why pity someone for something you had no clue about? It was one of those things that people thought you wanted, but it was something I never needed. I didn’t want it, I didn’t warrant it, and I sure as shit didn’t deserve it from Eden Rivers.

I reeled in my thoughts and concentrated only on the way Eden’s hand fit in mine. My eyes dropped to take in the sight of ours fingers entwined together, fitting like a perfect glove, like the promise of comfort.

What the hell was I doing?

“Are we going to stand here and be all awkward?” Her voice sang with a smile, it intrigued me that she was going out of her way to put on miss confident just for me.

“Who said anything about it being awkward?”

The laughter that floated from her body distracted me momentarily and for a flash I forgot everything that was actually happening. I knew I needed to pull it in but the comfort  of being next to her was so unknown to me; it was like walking on a tightrope and just waiting to fall, it was like losing your sight in the blackest hours of the night and feeling for your footing with anxious steps. It was nervousness, it was unpredictable, and it was exhilarating and definitely not what I planned.