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“Yeah?” I asked, my eyes finally meeting hers.

“What should I wear?”

“You look very good in that towel but I guess jeans and a sweater will be fine.”

She rushed back down the hall and I couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. I was due to leave for Los Angeles again the next morning for meetings with Simon Davenport at the Beautify office and the thought of leaving wasn’t as exciting as usual because I would be leaving Eden here especially after her comment about not having anyone here.

I looked at the clock on the far wall of the dining room; it was close to seven and my stomach announced to the silent apartment that it was hungry.

“Eden, are you nearly done?”

“I’m ready.” She walked into the living room in skinny jeans, a tight white sweater, and brown boots then crossed the space until she stood before me looking like she had the world on her shoulders. She had something to say but was hesitating.

“What is it?”

“It’s nothing. I’m ready to go.”

“Eden, tell me what you are thinking about,” I demanded and crossed my arms over my chest. I could stand like this for hours. Frustration flew over her face and her gaze flashed with hesitation before she sighed deeply.

“I don’t know why you are doing this. You know I can’t say no so why do you even ask. Just tell me, don’t ask me.”

“Are you fucking serious?” I hissed. “Babe, last night you told me everything. It killed me hearing what you went through but you know what, it’s made me more determined. I am not going to tell you to do anything. I will continue to ask, and I will be sure to make you see that you can say no to me, that you can say no to anyone. Do you have any clue how dangerous what you do is? One wrong person Eden— you know what, I can’t even think about that. I’m not an asshole Eden, but I will do whatever it takes to make you see that you don’t have to fear every single person who comes into your life.”

For the first time, I witnessed her shift, and as she glared at me, I couldn’t help but smile. She stormed through the apartment toward the door and heaved it open.

She whipped around and glared at me. “Are we going out or not?”

I chuckled as I found my keys and wallet and followed her out into the hall.

“Is this our first fight sweetheart?” I wickedly grinned at her.


“You just said no babe.”

“Don’t call me sweetheart, we aren’t that friendly.”

“But you let me call you babe.” I shot her a wink and watched in amusement as her lips ever so slightly curved.

Babe it was.

Thirty minutes later, after dealing with the constant downpour, I pulled up at Antonio’s and shut off the engine. Eden hadn’t said a word to me during the entire trip, instead choosing to play on her phone.

“You’re taking me to have pizza?” She asked as her eyes took in the bright lights beaming from inside of Antonio’s.

“No, I am taking you to have the best pizza you’ll ever have.”

I looked out the window at the craziness of rain that was beating down outside and then I looked back at Eden and her white sweater that fit like a second skin over her chest.

“You are going to have to make a serious run for it. Your sexy, tight white sweater plus rain equals a happy Ky but an embarrassed Eden.”

Realization flashed over her face as she took in the insistent rain and without a word she shot out of the car and flat-out ran until she was under the awnings and safely dry. I soon joined her and my eyes went straight to her top.

“Well that was no fun.” I winked at her and felt victory as she rolled her eyes.

Antonio’s singlehandedly had the best pizza in the world. The aroma of fresh garlic and tomato hit me the moment we walked into the authentic pizza parlor. It was like stepping into Italy. Dad had been bringing Josh and me here for as long as I could remember and my memories were filled with laughter, eating until I was almost sick, and Antonio’s famous laugh.

“Ky, this place is amazing.” Eden gasped as she took everything in.

“Just wait until you try the pizza.”

I led her through the crowd with my hand on the small of her back and the look she shot me over her shoulder was felt in my cock. I was testing every single border I could find tonight. Was it wrong that I wanted to break down her walls? No. Was it wrong the way I planned on doing it? Probably so.

As soon as we slid into my usual booth and began looking at the menus we were joined by one of my most favorite people in the world.

“Ky Crawford! You come and bring a beautiful girl with you.”

“Antonio this is Eden, Eden this is Antonio, the best pizza chef in all of the lands.”

His hands went to his hips and scowl took over his round face. “Why did I not know you have a girlfriend?”

“Eden isn’t my girlfriend Antonio. We are just friends.”

He looked between us curiously. “Are you sure about that?” He tapped his finger on chin and an all teeth showing smile appeared. “You would make cutest bambini.”

As quickly as he arrived, he disappeared into the kitchen, and I swear I heard him saying our names and the word bambini to the kitchen staff. I shook my head and turned back to Eden who sat across me with wide eyes and mouth agape.

“Did he just say we’d made the cutest children?” She gasped.

“Yes but I told you we wouldn’t be having sex so no bambini for us. You can close your mouth.” I laughed and dropped my eyes back to the menu all the while knowing that she was still staring at me. “Have you decided what you want?”

“Wine. Lots of wine.”

My laughter echoed through the restaurant and soon enough her soft chuckle joined mine. We fell into quiet conversation as we waited for her wine and my Coke, and she seemed to relax as the night went on and eating was soon forgotten. I liked this Eden. The carefree, sassy, confident Eden who didn’t even know she existed. The one who gave me back as much as I gave her. The talk of babies was the joke of the night.

“So when I impregnate you what will we call our firstborn.”

“You did not just say that,” she sputtered as she choked on her red wine.

“Oh, you know I did.”

“No sex means no impregnation, so you are shit out of luck.”

“Fuck I enjoy this Eden,” I gushed and smirked at her.

“And what Eden would that be?”

“Sassy and confident Eden.”

“It’s the wine.”

“Okay well then I’ll have to stock up on wine.”

Antonio interrupted our discussion of our future non-existent children and arrived at the booth carrying two large white pizza boxes and an expectant grin.

“No order means I choose and I choose best pizza from you two.”

“Crap, I’m sorry Antonio we got caught up talking.” I looked around the restaurant and realized we were the only ones left and the staff had started to close up.

“You two lovebirds were too busy with each other. Here, take this, but you make sure you both come back and see me.” Eden slid out of the booth and avoided my gaze. “And you two make bambini for Uncle Antonio.”

I grabbed both boxes and followed Eden out of Antonio’s still chuckling at her reaction. As we stood under the awning as the rain continued to fall, I knew I didn’t want tonight to be over yet.  The lock on my car beeped and we both made a run for it, slipping in just as a massive downfall hit.

I pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards one of my favorite secret places, a place I wanted to introduce to Eden. Captain’s Lookout was my favorite place in the world. The view of the city was spectacular during the day and even better in the dead of the night. Due to the weather there was no one but Eden and me here. Hearing her gasp as I pulled into the parking lot pulled on my emotions.

“Ky, this place is beautiful.”

We sat in silence as we looked through the window at the twinkling of the lights through the downpour. Having her here was surreal; being in my car eating my favorite food from my favorite place was a mind fuck. This was date material, and I would be a liar if I hadn’t thought of that when I told her we were going out. I wanted to give her this, the perfect night where she could have fun with no expectations.