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Now it was my time to watch her. This kind of honesty was so unheard of from Eden and something that I hadn’t been lucky enough to witness yet. I never knew how she felt about whatever this was between us, because she had locked it away and hidden the key.

“Babe, I’ve got to admit you frighten the hell out of me,” I replied with complete honesty.

She shifted ever so slightly on the counter and leaned forward, dropping her forehead to my shoulder. It was the first time that she had initiated any intimate physical contact between us, and I savored every moment. This was pure contentment but a frightening reality. My heart was thrusting itself at her to run with it, and she was slowly breaking down her walls and showing herself to me. And while I was savoring every moment, I was well aware that I couldn’t believe that anything could come of this. I had asked for one month, and that’s all she was giving me.

When she pulled away her eyes roamed over my face and she placed one solitary kiss on my lips before turning toward the pot of spaghetti and giving it a stir.

Twenty minutes later we had eaten; Eden had groaned her way through the spaghetti and every time she did my cock woke. She was an evil mistress. I watched her closely as she washed the dishes. When she was done, she threw the dish cloth on the counter and turned toward the living room. I was busted checking her out. Her lips twisted into that innocent smile that set me alight, and I patted the couch beside me. The way her hips swayed when she walked toward me made even the best supermodels in the world look like amateurs.

“Why are looking at me like that?”

“Do you want the honest Ky response or the trying not to make Eden uncomfortable Ky response?”

“Well I seem to be getting honest Ky these days so lay it on me.”

She took a seat beside me, sitting so her body was in front of mine. Her legs folded beneath her as she looked back expectantly.

“You are sexy Eden, and I love the fact that you are so oblivious to it. Every time you walk into the room I just want to kiss you and taste you and devour you. You have completely and utterly got under my skin and that was never my intention when I first decided on this crazy agreement.”

“Can I be honest with you?”

I nodded.

“I’m still confused with why you actually wanted to do this in the first place. I was never receptive to you; I tried everything to stay away from you, but somehow you were just always there.”

I swallowed hard at her question. I had no idea what she was expecting to hear. The longer this went on, the harder it was to remember my intentions when I came up with this crazy scenario. My goal was still dancing in the grey, whereas some would say that it was black and white. Was it selfish? Probably. Was it an asshole move? It could be seen like that.

“The first time I saw you all I wanted was to know you. It wasn’t about being physical with you when it started. I just wanted you. My urge to protect you and keep you safe could even be considered insane.”

I held my breath as I watched her take in my words. I didn’t want any more questions. I couldn’t deal with any other questions.

“I like the way you protect me.”

I couldn’t have asked for anything else and protect I would.


The past couple of days had been horrendous. I worked from sunrise to sunset and my time with Eden was limited to coffee catch–ups, late dinners, and stolen kisses. No matter how busy I was, my mind would always be filled with her.

I couldn’t deny my feelings for her any longer. It would be like denying a starving man food. I wanted her, I wanted her in every sense of the word. Eden Rivers was a new beginning, a closing door to my own battles, the injection in my heart that made it beat with life again. She was my first thought in the morning, and my last goodnight at the end of the day. She was my brutal reminder of a life that could be. Her nightmares had diminished, but I knew exactly when her thoughts became too much, and the exact moment when they would constrict around her, squeezing the life out of her. She would sink into an impenetrable silence and grip hold of my body so hard that I could barely breathe. I never spoke during that time and simply offered my body for her protection. It was during those times that I felt the weakest.

The more time I spent with her, the more I couldn’t imagine not having her around. Every time I was with her something came alive within me. She was the catalyst that lit up the darkest parts of me and for that I would be forever grateful.

I saw a change in her every day. She was becoming stronger and less fearful; she was becoming the person that I knew she wished she could return to. It made this easier, knowing that it was happening, and that I was playing a part in this. It somehow made me forget everything that I needed to redeem; it made me think that maybe this wasn’t just helping her but in some fucked-up way it was helping me.

Tonight was my annual end of year drinks with friends where I would supply them with booze, food, and my place to destroy. It was almost like my apology for being so distant throughout the year and not accepting invites because of my work schedule. Tonight would be different though—tonight Eden would be here.

Josh walked through my apartment with a six-pack of beer in his hand and an obnoxious grin on his face. His eyes scoped out the living room, and I knew he was looking for Eden.

“She’s in the shower,” I answered his unasked question, grabbing the beer from him and walking into the kitchen.

“I really like that girl Ky.” His words shocked me.

I removed my gaze from inside the fridge and turned to find my brother staring back at me with a look on his face that screamed ‘heart to heart conversation ahead’. “I really like her too,” I admitted honestly. “Maybe a little too much.”

“She has changed you man,” Josh continued. “It’s about fucking time that I finally seen you this…happy.”

My lips twisted into a knowing smile. “How can I not be happy bro? I have the best fucking girl in the world spending her time with me, falling asleep in my arms every night, kissing me good morning and making me feel the fuck alive. But I also know the reality of this situation and that’s what is freaking me out.”

“Talk to her. Open your fucking mouth and tell her exactly how you are feeling. Give her that.”

My brother; pussy lover, timeless bachelor, and now my relationship counselor.

The sound of the shower shutting off halted our conversation and Josh looked at me knowingly before heading to the couch and pulling out his phone. The guests would be arriving within the hour, and I knew I wanted some time alone with Eden before I had to share her with the rest of the world.

I made my way down the hall and stepped into my room. A combination of vanilla and flowers hit me with force, and I breathed in sharply. I wished I could bottle the scent of Eden Rivers because I wasn’t sure how long I’d be able to survive without it. I leaned against the door frame for a few moments of silent wonderment. She stood by her suitcase, wrapped in only a towel, her wet hair hanging over her bare shoulders and her skin still flushed from the heat of the shower. She was the most beautiful sight in the world, and she was mine, if only for a few more weeks. Thinking of that caused my stomach to drop. I couldn’t think of it.

I crossed the room until I stood behind her and her body reacted the moment she felt the heat of mine. I didn’t think I’d ever get enough of her reaction to me.

“You smell good enough to eat.” My voice dropped as I stepped closer until my chest brushed against her back. “And I know exactly how sweet you taste.”

“Ky,” she sighed wistfully and leaned into me. I buried my face into her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist, my hand resting on her stomach, and pulled her even closer.

“Turn around Eden.” My voice hummed as my body ignited under the feeling of her skin against mine.

Without hesitating, she twisted around until we were chest to chest. It would only take one quick movement for her to be standing in front of me naked—just a flick of my wrist and a tug on the towel—and her body would be mine to play with. My eyes dropped to the top of the towel pulled tight against her skin showing off the top of her tits.