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“How about we leave Eden to get some rest?” his gruff voice announced. Mom pulled her body away from mine but not before flooding my forehead with kisses.

“I had prepared myself for the worst. I’m so sorry,” Ashlyn whispered when she squeezed my hand, her eyes were rimmed red, and her bottom lip trembled as she spoke.

“Do you really think you will get rid of me that easily? I need someone to go shopping with and drink cocktails Please go home with Josh and get some rest. I’ll be home before you know it.” She nodded and then grabbed hold of Sue’s hand and left the room. My dad and James followed, leaving just me, Josh, and Ky. Ky hovered at the end of the bed with his arms folded across his chest and a crease between his brows. I tore my eyes away from his as Josh stepped up beside me.

He leaned down so his mouth fell to my ear and he whispered, “I’m glad that fucker is dead. I’m glad we have you back pretty girl. He was a fucking mess, it scared me. I thought I’d lost both of you.”

“Thank you for taking care of him.” I returned just as softly.

With a kiss to the side of my forehead, he moved away from the bed, gave Ky a pat on his back, and left the room, closing the door behind him.

“Is it okay if I hold you?” Ky whispered so tenderly from the foot of the bed.

“The thought of you holding me was the only thing that got me through,” I admitted honestly.

Ky climbed onto the bed beside me and held me as closely as he could. Being in his arms again felt like true safety. I felt at home and a content sigh escaped my lips.

“Eden, I need to ask you something, and it kills me that I need to ask this,” he whispered into my hair as his face kissed the side of my neck tenderly.

He didn’t have to ask. It was the question that had been hovering in the air since I woke. I had seen the question sitting behind his eyes every time he looked at me and it was the question sitting on the edge of his lips every time he spoke.

I turned my face and looked him square in the eye. “My body completely belongs to you Ky. I would never have let him do that again. I fought anytime he got close, because I knew I only wanted to be yours. You were there with me the whole time, and you were the one I thought of when I felt like giving up. I fought for us, it’s the only thing I could do. I was so scared though. I didn’t know if I would be strong enough.”

“I didn’t protect you though.” His voice choked with emotion.

“You protect me every single day, and I love you for that.” My honesty filled the room and Ky’s body finally relaxed beside me. I couldn’t hold my feelings back any longer. Was it ridiculously soon? Whose right was it to judge? My love for Ky stemmed from his protection, his need for my safety, his desire to make me happy, to make me believe that I deserved to be loved. He was everything and more that I not only needed but also wanted. He would be my resolution, and I would be his redemption.

“I love you so much baby, you are everything I want and more.”

My tears fell freely at his declaration of love. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer to his strong body, the body that I knew would protect me till its last day on Earth. Peace was in my grasp, and it was all because of the man who loved and saved me.

“I want to go home, I don’t want to stay here. I hate hospitals.”

Within seconds Ky had untangled his body from mine, slipped off the bed, and walked out the door. The emptiness hit me hard.

Soon enough he was back in the room and now had a doctor in white holding a clipboard close to his chest standing beside him. His face was familiar to me, and instantly I remembered him from all those years ago.

“I wish we were meeting again under better circumstances Eden.” Doctor Sully offered a weak smile, and his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes dropped down to the clipboard.

“Mr. Crawford has informed me that you are looking to be discharged?” I nodded in response. “Before we can get to that we need to discuss your injuries.  Would you like to discuss this in private?”

“No, I need him here.” Ky grabbed my hands in his and sat in the chair beside my bed as we waited.  “Please just tell me,” I whispered.

His eyes dropped down to the clipboard in his hands. “You have bruising on your ribs, a cracked cheek bone, bruising to your face, and a cut to your forehead which required two stitches. You will have to spend the night here, just so we can monitor you, but you should be okay to go home tomorrow morning. I am assuming that you have somewhere safe to go and someone to watch over you.”

“She has me, and she has my place.” Ky stiffened in the chair and looked at Doctor Sully square in the eye. When he said the next words, I felt myself stop breathing. “I will take care of her. Always.”

My heart trembled at his words. He wanted to take care of me, he was talking about forever. I squeezed his hand and lifted it to my lips and lightly brushed his knuckles with sweet kisses. How could I ever thank him for everything he had done for me? His eyes met mine, and he looked at me like I was so breakable, but I knew this time I wouldn’t break. Nothing could shatter me because I had my strength right beside me.

“You saved me,” I whispered.

“Baby,” Ky muttered in a thick tone.

“Ky, you saved me. Not just yesterday but from everything. You made me live again, you made my heart beat again, you made me believe that I could love and be loved.”

“You are the one who saved me baby. You don’t realize what you’ve given me.”

A cough sounded from the end of the bed. Doctor Sully looked between Ky and me and smiled.

“I am going to make you an appointment to see Doctor Evans while you are here. It will be good to talk to someone who knows your background.” I nodded at his suggestion of seeing the psychologist who helped me so much four years ago.

“But I think with this guy by your side you are going to get through this okay. Make sure you two take care of each other. I can see something special there.” Doctor Sully patted my leg and smiled sweetly then turned and disappeared through the door.

“I think it would be a good idea to see Doctor Evans,” Ky said softly. He stood from the chair he had been occupying for hours and slowly climbed back onto the bed beside me. I moved at a snail’s pace and shifted close to him; my head resting on his chest. My spot.

“I think so too.”

“We can make an appointment before I take you home but now I think you should get some rest,” he whispered as he ran his fingers softly through my hair.

“Okay,” I murmured as I felt myself slide into a deep slumber.

The day dragged on and soon night fell as I dozed on and off. Ky stayed with me at all time. When the nurse came in for her afternoon and nightly rounds I woke. Ky still sat in the chair beside my bed. He was frowning in his sleep, arms folded on his chest with a small pout on his lips.

“Your guy has been here since you came in,” the nurse whispered as she checked the dressing on my forehead wound. “He is a modern day knight in shining armor. I’ve never seen someone as distressed as he was when he carried you in here.”

“He is definitely my knight in shining armor.” I smiled at the nurse and turned back to watch Ky.

I could and would watch him for the rest of my life.


The moment I brought Eden home, I felt a shift between us. Our relationship was lighter, it was free, and it was unbinding. We spent our days on the couch watching movies, in the kitchen cooking, or playing endless games of Monopoly. We had locked ourselves away from the world, and it was everything we needed. We spent our time healing, loving, talking, and sleeping. After being stuck in the dark, my light was finally back, and she was shining like a diamond.