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After stumbling out of my bedroom just after eight A.M., I ran my hand through my crazy bed hair and stepped into my living room. The air was filled with the tempting aroma of sizzling bacon, and my stomach growled in response.

I entered the kitchen, and was greeted by a sight any man would want to see first thing in the morning. Ashlyn was dancing around my kitchen in barely-there bed shorts, with her hips wiggling and her hair flying everywhere, while humming along to some song I didn’t recognize. I leaned against the door frame, crossed my arms over my chest, and watched her with interest. Jesus Christ, I wanted inside her again. I wanted the feeling that I got all those years ago—the feeling of innocence, of mind-altering pleasure that came with sharing a moment with someone that was so unexpected. I wanted the feeling of complete shock at the unleashing of feelings you never thought you’d feel. That’s what Ashlyn was. Even beyond having sex with her, she’d provide me with those feelings that would mess with my head.

“She cooks me dinner and makes me breakfast. Watch out, Ashy, I may never let you leave.”

Ashlyn froze mid twirl and whipped her body around to face me. Shock covered her face, and her cheeks flushed pink at the thought of being caught dancing around in my kitchen. I shot her a wink and headed to the fridge to grab the orange juice.

“You love tormenting me, don’t you?” I said while pouring both of us a glass and sliding one to her. I couldn’t stop myself from running my eyes over her body yet again. F#@k those shorts should come with a serious warning: hard on is guaranteed.

“What are you talking about?” She scrunched her face up in confusion, before turning back to the cooktop to tend to the sizzling bacon.

My hand shot out like it had a mind of its own and connected lightly with her ass.

Her reaction was immediate, and she jumped with a yelp.

“That is what I mean about tormenting me.”

The bacon was soon forgotten, and she twisted around until she was standing barely an inch from me. “Joshua, keep your hand away from my ass.” She laughed, dramatically rubbing her ass and giving it a little wiggle for good measure. “My ass if off-limits.”

“Well, Ashlyn, keep your ass from looking so spankable and I will. Otherwise, your ass is mine.”

“Did you just make up a word? I am pretty sure spankable isn’t in the dictionary.”

“I have many words when it comes to your ass,” I murmured, and focused once again on her poor excuse for bed shorts.

The sound of cutlery dropping to the floor broke me from my stare, and I finally looked at her.

Amusement flashed over her make-up free face. “Oh, crap. I just dropped a spoon,” she said in a low, husky tone. As if I was watching in slow motion, she bent over at her waist and made a point to stick her ass in my direction. Then she wiggled it to make a point. “Have a good look, ‘cause you aren’t touching it.”

“You’re the spawn of Satan, aren’t you? Because only Satan’s daughter would wiggle her tight ass in front of the guy she just said would never touch it.”

“You constantly walk around without a shirt on, so I’ll wiggle my ass. Payback is a bitch.”

She shot me a smug look before turning back to the sizzling bacon and focusing on finishing breakfast. I pulled out a stool, sat at the breakfast bar, and unlocked my phone. Last night, as Ash and I were watching mindless television, Ky and Eden called to tell us that Ky had finally manned up, grown a set of balls, and proposed. After that, Ashlyn disappeared into her bedroom with an excited shriek to talk all things weddings with Eden, and I took that as my cue to go to bed. During our four-way conversation, I was somehow roped into helping out with the engagement party that they decided to have sooner rather than later, and now that I had agreed to be Eden’s slave boy, the text messages were starting. As I scrolled through Facebook, my phone chimed and Eden’s name appeared. Christ, it was barely eight A.M., and she had already started.

Can I start calling you my brother yet? I’m going to email you a list of what we need to do. Are you bringing a date to the party? I can find a gorgeous girl for you. Oh, can I play matchmaker?

I groaned loudly. Matchmaker Eden was out in full force, and I know she wouldn’t let up any time soon unless I snuffed her out.

I tapped out my response after shooting a quick look at Ashlyn, who had started humming again.

I’m bringing someone.

Immediately, I saw that she was responding when the grey bubble appeared on the phone. This would make her crazy, and I found that highly amusing. Fuck, Ky was going to hate me for doing this, because I knew Eden would drive him crazy until she found out.

WHO ARE YOU BRINGING? Joshua, tell me. Do I know her? ARE YOU DATING? Why hasn’t Ky told me this? He is in so much trouble.

Eden’s mind would be racing with different scenarios, and I loved it. I was such a prick, and I enjoyed razzing her . . . maybe a little too much.

“What color dress are you wearing to the engagement party?”

Ashlyn looked up from the plates she had been loading up with bacon, and shot me an inquisitive glance. “Um, I’m thinking it will probably be my light blue one.”

“Okay, sounds good.” I dropped my gaze back to my phone and began scrolling through my emails to see what kind of day I was facing. The feeling of being watched hit me, and I glanced up to meet Ashlyn’s amused gaze.

She shook her head as laughter spilled from her. “Why in the world would you want to know what color my dress is going to be?”

“I need to make sure that my outfit doesn’t clash with yours. My date works in fashion. I can’t fuck that up.”

“Your date?” She laughed. “Seriously, have you been drinking?”

“It’s eight A.M.”

“And the point is?”

I burst out laughing, and she soon joined me. When she laughed like that, her whole face changed. Her eyes crinkled, her cheeks flushed, and a dimple would pop in her cheek. It was a content, completely-at-ease laugh, and knowing I could bring that out of her unleashed the beast within me. The beast that wanted to make sure I was the only one that brought it out of her.

“So, Ashlyn Hart, will you be my date to the engagement party? Will your blue dress accompany my charcoal suit? Will you be the Lyn to my Jos, and become Joslyn for the night?” I laid it on thick. Fuck, maybe I could be romantic when the moment called for it. A Josh Crawford kind of romance.

“Oh . . . my . . . god . . .” She laughed, snorted, and chuckled all in one go.

Okay, I said I loved the laugh before, but this laugh was even fucking better. I rested my chin in my open palm and watched as she tried to control herself.

“You said Joslyn!” And that caused her to laugh even louder.

“Fuck, Team Kyden, its all about Team Joslyn. That shit needs to be on a shirt, or something.”

Lachlan: When are you going to come back to me?

Lachlan: You know we suit each other. We can give each other what we want. I want your pussy and you want my cock.

Lachlan: Match made in heaven. Who gives a fuck about love?

Lachlan: You’ve got daddy issues anyway. I can’t deal with that shit.