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“He is going to die when he sees you,” Eden said, winking at her suggestive words.

Who was she talking about? Holy shit, did she know about Josh and me?

“I have no clue who you’re talking about,” I said, trying desperately to hide my fear of being found out. A glass of champagne was thrust into my hand and, the moment the bubbling delight hit my lips, I felt the first signs of ease sweep through my tense body.

“Well, don’t you two look absolutely stunning?”

Sue Crawford was the kind of mother every girl dreamed of having. She made me feel a part of the family the moment I first met her, and treated me like I was one of her own. Every birthday I’d receive a heartfelt gift, and every Christmas I’d be invited to the Crawford family get together if I didn’t already have plans with Austin. I’d also randomly get text messages from her to check in on me. She had been more of a mother to me in the five years I’d known her than my own mother had been to me since I was born.

“Hi Sue,” I offered with a bright smile.

She wrapped me tightly in her arms and squeezed before stepping back. “It’s been too long between visits, sweetie. We have so much to catch up on,” she said lovingly.

“Life’s been a bit crazy lately, but it’s starting to settle down now,” I replied.

I lifted my glass of champagne to my lips and glanced around the backyard. Whether I wanted to believe it or not, I knew I was searching for Josh. Yet he was nowhere to be found. The backyard looked like a spring wonderland, with glittering fairy lights, white tables and chairs sporadically placed under trees, and an impromptu dance floor that had been placed near the pool and was waiting to be filled with guests. Eden’s parents sat at one of the tables with Grandma Crawford and Eden’s best friend from San Fran, Colby. That man did things to my lady parts. I was pretty sure it was the tattoos and the reputation of being a raging bull in bed that got to me—the whole rock star fantasy thing. Other guests were mingling, and laughter and good cheer decorated the air.

“The boys were here all day setting it up. The fairy lights are all thanks to Josh. He wanted everything to be perfect for Ky and Eden. That boy constantly surprises me with the greatness of his heart. I wish he would show it more often,” Sue said tenderly.

“He is definitely the king of surprises,” I choked out.

“That he is.” Her smile enlightened her face. “He’s in the kitchen. He will be excited to know you have arrived.”

I didn’t have time to say another word before Eden rejoined us and her hand grabbed mine. Before I knew it, I was being pulled by an overeager best friend toward the steps that led into the house, and back to Josh and the unknown.

While I was gone, we texted each other constantly. There were times when Josh randomly slipped in something to remind me of the three orgasms he had given me and what would forever now be known as the Triple Delight. The thought alone made my body tingle in remembrance of his golden fingers. My vibrator would have a hell of a lot to do to meet my newfound demand for multiple orgasms. What happened couldn’t happen again. No matter how much my body wanted it, my brain was telling me no. He was my friend, Mr. Commitment-phobe, the taker of my virginity, and now the owner of my multiple orgasm V-card. He was Josh. Random girls, casual sex, and, as he said before, he was a cliffhanger and I was a happily-ever-after. If I could just switch off my needy body and the fantasies, everything would work out just fine.

As Eden and I stepped into the brightly-lit kitchen, the deep rumblings of conversation halted. Josh, Ky, and their Dad stood in the center of the room, all dressed immaculately in suits, and each with a glass of scotch in one of their hands. It should be illegal for a family to have those kinds of genes. Mr. Crawford had it going on, with salt and pepper hair and piercing green eyes, and I didn’t hide that fact that I found him handsome. I particularly enjoyed freaking out Josh and Ky with my thoughts on the matter.

Eden crossed the kitchen and wrapped her arm around Ky’s waist, while I stood frozen under the intense gaze of Josh. His eyes roamed freely over my body, taking in my silver heels, my bare legs, and my tight blue dress before he finally met my gaze. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, I would never become accustomed to the feeling of being under Josh’s gaze.

“Thanks for coming, Ash,” Ky announced happily.

I broke my stare from Josh and smiled at my best friend. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Ky and Eden fell into conversation with Mike Crawford, and my eyes reverted back to Josh. My mouth instantly went dry as I had a chance to really look at him. He looked good. Too damn good. He was dressed head to toe in the dark charcoal suit with a powder blue shirt to match my dress, but had left it opened at the neck and decided against a tie. His hair had the just-got-fucked look that I loved, and the nail in the coffin was that he had stubble and looked like he hadn’t shaved since I left. He was a walking, talking, aphrodisiac.

He looked back at me with an impassive face, but I couldn’t ignore the twitch of his lip as he tried to hide a smile. As if I was watching in slow motion, he crossed the kitchen, his eyes firmly locked on mine, until he was standing before me. When his eyes dropped to my lips, I swear my entire world spun out of control. It had only been three days since I last saw him, but it felt more like a year. I had the nervous energy, the excited rush of blood through my system, and the need to touch him to make sure he was real. It was confusing the hell out of me. I was a walking contradiction. I needed him to stay away, but I wanted nothing more than to be completely engulfed by him. His arms wrapped so softly around my shoulders and pulled me toward his chest. It wasn’t anything shocking for others to see me and Josh hug. We were friends, and friends hugged. My hands gripped the bottom of his jacket as the warmth of his body made mine go slack against him.

“You look beautiful, Ashy. Fuck, it’s good to see you,” he whispered into my ear, sending a shiver of warmth down my spine.

As quickly as he pulled me into his arms, he stepped away, and I felt the loss of his warmth immediately. I turned to the counter, grabbed my glass of champagne, and tried to get hold of myself and my traitorous libido. Fuck, I felt like a horny fifteen-year-old girl that the star quarterback just said hi to in the hall.

“How was Lilac Cove?” Ky asked, and I was thankful for the distraction.

Having spent three days in the beautiful beachside town, I felt refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world. I didn’t know whether it was being removed from constant reminders of Lachlan, or waking up to the smell of the ocean, but I felt better than I had in a long time. Lilac Cove was the kind of place where you had no reason to do anything but relax and get lost in the seaside vibes that hit you as soon as you drive into town. It was so far removed from the hustle and bustle of the big city. I would always be a small town girl, even if I didn’t want to believe it. I’d only just returned, but I couldn’t wait to run away there again.

“It was amazing. I swear I’m going to move down there when I have kids,” I replied wistfully.

The sound of someone choking quickly filled the room. I knew exactly who it was, and I couldn’t help but smirk. Everyone turned to look at Josh, but his gaze was set firmly on me.

“Yes, Josh, some people do think about the future, and not just who they are going to have sex with on the weekend.” I smirked, shooting him a raised brow.

Ky coughed through a laugh, and Eden’s giggle told me she agreed with my statement.

“On that note, I’m going to see where my wife is. It’s good to see you, Ashlyn,” Mr. Crawford announced, and kissed my cheek quickly before leaving the room and disappearing outside.

“You’re a spitfire, Ashy,” Josh said when his Dad left.

“Don’t deny that’s what you love about me.”

“I’ll tell you what I love, you’re hot little as—”