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“You do realize Tate and Sav are staying at your place tonight. Do you really think they’d enjoy hearing me beg you to go harder and deeper?” She laughed as a flash of excitement hit her eyes.

“That just makes it even more exciting.”

I took her hand and we walked back into Ky’s apartment. Once again, everyone’s eyes fell to us. Savannah was sitting on Tate’s lap, but she shot me a look that told me we were having a conversation very soon. Jack and Tanzi were standing with Ky and Eden, and Tori glared at Ashlyn. Maybe now she’d get a fucking clue.

“I’m going to go and catch up with Tanzi and Savannah. Are we okay?” Ashlyn asked softly beside me.

“Better than okay.”

An hour later, Ky, Tate, and I stood in the kitchen, talking about stupid shit and planning a surfing trip to Malibu once Ky and Eden got back from their honeymoon.

“Holy shit, I am in love with your girl!” Jack hooted as he stepped into the room and joined us. “She is out there having words with Tori. It’s fucking amazing.”

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“Tori is telling the girls how she plans to fuck you at the wedding.”


I left the kitchen with the guys in tow, and when we hit the living room, I could hear Tori spitting shit about her plans of fucking me. What was it about me and Ashlyn that caused us to have our pasts continually thrown in our faces?

“So, how about we all go out for dinner?” Eden said quickly, clearly trying to stop the scene that was unfolding. “Come on, Tori, let’s choose our outfits.”

“What’s your problem Tori?” Ashlyn shot, ignoring Eden’s blatant desire for peace. “You do realize Josh is with me, right? Like, I know you’ve seen us kissing today. I don’t share what’s mine.”

“Everywhere he goes, you are there. I just want a bit of privacy with him. We always catch up when I’m in town,” Tori sneered and crossed her arms over her chest, which was barely covered by a poor excuse for a top.

“The only privacy you’ll be getting is when you go to the bathroom. I haven’t seen Josh in a week, and I really don’t appreciate you being under the impression that you’ll be anywhere near his pants. So, please, put your boobs away, tuck those nipples in, and step back. He is taken.”

Ashlyn grabbed my hand, and with the strength of ten men she pulled me toward her, then suddenly her lips slammed into mine. I wrapped my arms around her body and hauled her close, as her tongue slid into my mouth and took complete control. I don’t know how long we kissed, but I knew when she broke away we were both breathless.

“He is taken,” Ashlyn stated to a wide-eyed Tori. “So please, I will ask you nicely, stay the fuck away from him unless you can control yourself.”

Tori looked at me, and then at Ashlyn, before she turned and stormed out of the apartment with a slam of the front door.

“Do you think she got the point?” she asked proudly. “Seriously, did you see that top? I swear I’ve seen her nipples about three times tonight.”

“You are my hero,” Savannah said with laugh. “Tuck your nipples away? Ashlyn Hart, you are what legends are made of. If you don’t marry her one day, Josh, I will.”

“Why don’t you claim me like that?” Jack shot to Tanzi, who gave him an eye roll in return.

“You know I claimed you long ago. Do I need to remind you about the cat fight I got into with that red-haired whore?”

“Hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

I hadn’t said a word, and Ashlyn soon noticed. She turned away from the group and stepped toward me. Her eyes ran over my face as if she was attempting to read what was going through my head. All I could do was stare at her.

Ashlyn Hart was without a doubt my ultimate temptation, and had been from the first moment I saw her. But having her stand there and claim me, call me out as her own, be territorial like a wild cat, was like nothing I could have imagined. The swell of pride that appeared in my chest, and the feeling of being a man that deserved a woman as incredible as her, was exhilarating.

A touch of pink swept over her cheeks as she gazed back at me. “What are you looking at, Joshua?” she asked, and stepped closer until we were chest to chest.

Finally, I found my words and I didn’t hesitate in my response. “I’m looking at absolute perfection.”

AFTER WAKING WITH JOSH’S fingers playing between my thighs, I decided that I would never sleep another night without him by my side. Waking up with him was phenomenal. Tonight was Ky and Eden’s joint bachelor / bachelorette party at Tate’s bar, Red Velvet, but before then I had a day at the spa with the girls to look forward to.

“Do you think we could stay in bed all day?” Josh mumbled against my neck. “I don’t want to play with anyone but you today.”

“You were very well behaved last night.” I giggled, and it earned me a pinch on my ass. After coming back to the apartment with Tate and Savannah, we sat around catching up, before Josh and I disappeared into his bedroom for a night of making out and fun with fingers and hands.

“I cannot believe you wouldn’t let me fuck you,” he said with a huff, and rolled his eyes dramatically. He was a bigger diva then me most of the time.

“Did I say you couldn’t? Did you hear the words you cannot fuck me come out of my mouth?” I asked in jest.

His brows furrowed, and it was like a bulb went off within him when realization hit. I never actually told him we couldn’t have sex, I just decided to make him come with my hand instead, and then we fell asleep.

“You are kidding me? I could have been inside you last night.”


He rolled me to my back and rested his body on mine, then our eyes locked. Mischief flashed before me. I leaned up and placed a light kiss on his lips. “You are super cute when you are sex deprived.”

“And you are super annoying when you are right.”

My giggle was stolen when he returned my light kiss and his hands started moving to remove my panties.

“Josh, stop manhandling Ash and get out of bed. We are leaving in twenty minutes,” Tate said through the door.

Josh groaned and pulled the covers over our heads, and we disappeared from the world for a moment.

I snuggled into his chest, then his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. “So fucking happy you’re my girl,” Josh whispered in the darkness.

I was so in love with this man. “Do you really have to go?” I pouted. “I just want to stay in bed all day.”

“Josh, get your fucking ass out of bed.” Now it was Ky’s turn to interrupt our peace.

“If I don’t get up, they will come in here.” He groaned.

He pulled back the covers, then reluctantly sat up and got out of bed. I watched the muscles of his back move as he went through his drawers, and I admired the way his ass looked in his boxers. How the hell did I get this lucky?

He turned around and caught me blatantly checking him out. “You’re not making it easy to leave.”

I followed his lead and pulled myself out of bed, then I walked toward him. His eyes ran over my panties and tiny cami, and he didn’t hide his groan of approval.

“I just want to make one thing perfectly clear,” I said softly and rose onto my tiptoes to get close to his ear. “I want there to be no doubts, no confusion, and no misunderstandings. You have free reign of my body, so you can fuck me whenever you want.”

With a swing of my hips and a look over my shoulder, I stepped out of the bedroom and rushed down to the bathroom. I knew if I didn’t leave now, neither of us would be going anywhere.

I loved that I was becoming the woman I always wanted to be, and I was so happy that it was Josh Crawford who was helping me bring her out into the world.