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With our nails, facials, and massages done, Eden, Savannah, Tanzi, and I sat around the pool of the day spa and fell into girl talk. God only knew where Tori had disappeared to. The more mimosa’s we had, the more open we became, and soon we were talking about the guys.

“Can I ask you girls something?” I asked, as I grabbed another glass from the tray. “It’s a sex question.”

“Sex talk is my favorite kind,” Savannah replied excitedly.

Tanzi hooted her approval. “If it’s got anything to do with sex and Josh Crawford, then hell yeah.”

“Do your guys ever just make you completely lose control? Like, I’m sorry Sav, but you are probably going to hear me have sex tonight, and I’m here thinking, god I hope I get into the bedroom and don’t just fuck him on the couch for everyone to see.”

“Tate makes me lose control all the time. We have to find any chance we can get now because of Max, but it’s hotter than ever. His office at Red Velvet sees a lot of action,” Savannah replied wistfully. “In regard to tonight, I’ll be sure to jump Tate’s bones so I only hear him and me.”

“Ky stopped on the drive here and we pulled into a rest stop. Back seat of his car is my new favorite spot,” Eden, the little minx, admitted.

Seriously, she surprised me every time she admitted something about her and Ky. I freaking loved it. I’d have to share more stories with her.

Tanzi, in a casual voice, admitted, “Jack and I joined the mile high club on the way here.”

“What the fuck? We were on the same flight!” Savannah shrieked. “You’re telling me that you two bumped uglies and then came back to sit with us. I knew I smelled sex.”

“Pfft, you did not,” Tanzi said with a smirk, and received a high five from me.

“God, I love you girls,” I said, and shot them all a smile. “By the way, Eden, I’m going to get Josh to go for a drive one day very soon. I need to experience car sex.”

“You can thank me later. Just make sure it’s the back seat. You don’t want the steering wheel jabbing you in the back.”

Laughter filled the table, and more mimosas were delivered. Eden started filling Savannah and Tanzi in about the wedding plans, and she told us they were going to Fiji for their honeymoon. Being in the sun with the girls, champagne floating through our veins, provided for the perfect day.

“Ash,” Eden said softly beside me.

I turned to find her looking back at me with a reflective look sweeping across her face. “I’ve never seen Josh like this. He is head over heels for you,” she said in a way that made me believe every word she said. “You’re it for him.”

“There’s no one else for me. He waited for me, encouraged me, and made me realize I’m worth it. That to me is everything. I never had that. Everyone who was meant to treat me like that turned their back on me. But not Josh. No one has ever treated me the way he does. It took me too long to realize, and I let my fears keep me from giving him all of me, but now he has it. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Wow,” Tanzi whispered, and sat with her mouth agape.

“I love when I witness people fall in love. You just fell in love, my friend.”

“I think I’ve been in love for a while.”

“I don’t know whether it’s the alcohol or my emotions, but I feel like I’m about to cry,” Eden whispered. “My brother-in-law to be and my best friend are in love, I’m getting married to the greatest guy ever, and I’m drinking mimosa midday with the hottest chicks from the west coast. Yep, I am going to cry.”

The four of us looked at each other and burst out laughing, before bringing our glasses together in celebration. Eden fanned her face, and the potential tears disappeared. Then she, Savannah, and Tanzi started talking about wedding dresses. I got lost in my thoughts, and they all revolved around one thing.

Was Josh in love with me?

Two hours later, I was standing in the kitchen with the girls after making a fresh round of cosmopolitans, when the front door opened. The feeling of Josh’s eyes on me was something I craved, and as I turned around, I found him walking straight to me, with Ky close behind. His eyes ran over my body, drinking in my short jean skirt and frilled-necked tank top, and I felt myself switch from calm to overdrive. His gaze knew no bounds.

“Ladies, how was your day?” Ky asked with a smirk, indicating that he knew exactly how our day was.

“We had a few drinks at the spa, and we had boy talk.” Eden giggled and snuggled into his chest. She was such a lightweight, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I told the girls about the car. Ash is going to take Josh for a car ride.”

Holy shit! She was hilarious.

“There is such a thing as too much information, babe.”

“Not with the girls. We tell each other everything.”

“A car ride?” Josh asked, completely in the dark.

“Oh, she is going to ride you alright. Did you see what I did there?” Eden giggled as Ky pulled her out of the kitchen.

Josh shook his head and crossed the kitchen. Hooking his thumbs into the loops on the front of my skirt, he pulled me toward him.

“You and skirts are fucking unbelievable,” he said, before kissing me and slamming his body against mine, showing me just how much he loved my skirt. “You taste like cranberry juice.”

“Have you missed me today, Mr. Crawford? Because you seem very on edge.”

“Are you teasing me, Ms. Hart?”

“I wouldn’t dare.”

He shook his head and smiled. “Did you and the girls have a good day?”

“Yep, it was great. Lots of girl time, boy talk, and mimosas in the sun. Eden seemed to have had a great time, and that’s the main thing.”

His eyes softened, then he leaned in and kissed me lightly. “You are something else, Ashlyn Hart.”

“You need to stop making me swoon.”

“I’ve got to compete with the guys in your books, so consider yourself warned. You’ll be swooning all over the place. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about that little stunt you pulled.”

“Hands down, the funniest moment ever!” I burst out in laughter at the memory of Josh thinking my book husbands were real. “Don’t worry, you are on your way to joining them.”

Josh shook his head, then headed to the fridge and grabbed a beer. After popping the top, he leaned against the counter and stared at me. The intensity of his gaze and the lift of his brow told me exactly what he was thinking. “I’m inside you tonight, and I don’t give a fuck what visitors we have.”

I crossed the kitchen and wrapped my arms around his waist. Obviously, our conversation earlier stuck with him. Running my fingertips over his lips, his eyes transformed before me from warm chocolate to enticingly dark.

“Can you not see that I’m having cocktails?” I asked, and wickedly swept my tongue over my lips. “You know what happens when I have cocktails. I get super touchy feely. I’ll want to jump your bones in the hall at the club, or give you a hand job under the table. Shit, I’ll probably beg to ride your face. You and I both know that I’m not the quietest person when my boyfriend starts being all bossy and hot.”

His face stilled, and the atmosphere shifted around us. After untangling myself from his body, I leaned over and grabbed my Cosmo, then lifted it to my lips while watching him over the top of the glass. I had just called him my boyfriend for the first time, and his stone-like appearance told me that he heard every word.

“You just called me your boyfriend,” he whispered, taking my cocktail out of my hand and placing it back on the bench.

“Well, I got in trouble when I called you my friend with benefits or mentioned anything about being casual, so yes, I would like to think that you are my boyfriend. Are you? I thought—oh shit, have I just made a complete fool of myself? Why the fuck do I drink? I get loo—”

Softly, his hand cupped my cheek, and with a gentle touch he rendered me speechless. The moment his lips touched mine I forgot everything, and life outside of Josh and me ceased to exist. A softness I never imagined Josh would possess hit me. There was no desperation, no lust, and no dominating force. The cushion of his lips massaged and comforted mine so perfectly, like they were offering my anxiety a quiet place to hide. His tongue slid along my bottom lip, sweeping so delicately, while his lips kept devouring mine. I opened and gave him access, and I sighed as his tongue hit mine. There was nothing rushed, demanding, or eager about this kiss. This wasn’t making out; this was a life-changing kiss, the kind you’d tell your grandchildren about when they asked about your favorite kiss.