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Three hours later, I was still snuggled up with Josh and had fallen into a restless sleep. The lightest of movement caused me to stir, and the feeling of fingers playing with my hair drew me from my slumber. My first thoughts were Josh, though I didn’t want to wake because if this wasn’t a dream I’d still be living in my nightmare.


My throat closed, my eyes shot wide, and my body froze as the beautifully seductive voice I had only heard via the replaying of old voice messages sounded beside me, though now it was hoarse and low.

“Please tell me this isn’t a dream. This can’t be a dream,” I whispered, too scared to believe that it was real.

“I need to see your eyes.”

Slowly, I turned my head toward him, and that was when I completely lost it. Tears flooded my eyes as Josh’s tired gaze found mine. I fell into the comfort of the chocolate browns that I had been missing for over a week. My arms immediately surrounded him. My legs entwined with his, and I pulled him as close as I could until I heard him groan softly under the pressure.

“You’re awake. Oh my god, you’re awake,” I cried hysterically into his chest. “I need to get a doctor or a nurse. They need to make sure you are okay. Do you feel okay? Oh my god. Josh, you’re back.”

I attempted to let go and climb off the bed so I could run down the hall, demanding someone to come and check on him, but his arms held me in place and halted my escape. “I don’t need anyone, Ashy, just you,” he said so low I could barely hear him.

I melted back against him, and we lay in silence, our arms and bodies connected. I had never felt so safe in my life. My heart felt like it was finally beating again because Josh was awake. I held onto him for dear life, because I never wanted to be away from him again.

“I was so scared,” I admitted, unleashing a sob and rolling to my side to face him. “I thought I lost you before I could tell you that I am so deeply in love with you. You are everything to me, Josh. It might sound silly, but I feel like my heart beats for you, and that I’ve finally started living the life I’ve always wanted. And it’s all because of you.”

Relief swam wildly through me as I was able to say the words that I should have said weeks ago. It was so true. I was beyond in love with this man. There was no measure of my love. Through everything, he stood by my side. He unleashed the girl within me that now had new dreams and a new focus. He encouraged me, he motivated me, and most of all, he challenged me. He was the patience I needed when I didn’t have patience in myself. There would never be anyone like Josh Crawford for me.

“You have me for life, Ashlyn,” he admitted, coughing from the dryness of his mouth. “I love you with everything I am. You’re my girl, you’re the reason I’m here.”

“Can I kiss you?” I whispered, desperate to feel his lips on mine. “I just need to feel you.”

He nodded and lifted his hand, then pulled my face to his. His lips grazed mine so softly in the most innocent and heart-stopping kisses. This was the kind of kiss we had never shared. There was no tongue, there was no pressure, there was no fierce battle of ownership. It was brief, soft, and innocent, yet it screamed a new beginning and spoke a thousand words that could never be said. It was absolute perfection.

“Good to see you back with us, Mr. Crawford,” the doctor’s amused voice sounded from just inside the door.

I untangled myself from Josh’s body, then climbed off the bed and headed for the chair in the corner. My eyes never left Josh. The feeling that I was dreaming swamped me, and I didn’t want to wake up. The doctor grabbed the file hanging from the end of the bed and moved up beside Josh.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, as he thoroughly began checking Josh over. “How is the pain?”

“I feel okay. A little bit of pain, but not too bad,” Josh said with a scratchy voice. “Can I have some water?”

The doctor poured a plastic cup of water and popped a straw into it, then helped Josh take a sip. God, why didn’t I get him some water?

“You’re a lucky man. Your body has gone through extreme trauma, and you suffered a significant head injury from the impact of the windshield, which resulted in you being put into an induced coma for precaution. It left a deep laceration that required stitches. You suffered some internal bleeding, which required surgery, and a compound fracture of a rib caused a protrusion, which led to quite a bit of blood loss. All of your wounds seem to be healing well.”

Hearing the doctor talk about his injuries caused me to gasp loudly, and both of their eyes fell to mine.

“Come here, Ashy,” Josh said, his voice now clearer.

I moved across the room and sat on the edge of the bed, then he linked our fingers together.

“This one has been here all week,” the doctor said to Josh, while giving me a sweet smile.

“When can I take him home?” I asked, squeezing Josh’s hand.

“We have to monitor him for a while before I can give you a time frame, but as soon as Mr. Crawford can be discharged, I will let you know.” The doctor placed the charts back at the end of the bed and turned his attention to Josh. “All looks good here, but I’ll be back soon for more follow up. If you need anything, buzz the nurse’s station. You are a very lucky man.”

The doctor closed the door behind him and left Josh and I in the room on our own. I played with his fingers, which were linked with mine, and got lost in my thoughts. I had him back, and now our life together could truly begin. I wondered how he’d feel about never being out of my sight again.

“What exactly happened?” Josh asked, his eyes flashing to me. “I remember I was going to get a cab to take you home, and then I remember hearing you talking, but not being able to see you.”

I swallowed hard, and my hand froze.

“Climb up here, Ashy, and tell me.”

I did as he asked, and molded my body against his side. “It was Lachlan. Just as you had crossed the street, he came speeding down and hit you.”

His eyes flashed in anger. “Have they found him?”

“They are still looking. Austin and Ben are here, and they are working with the police. I just want them to find him.”

“They will find him.” He tucked my hair behind my ear before lowering his voice. “He failed, Ashy, because look at us. We are crazy in love, I’m going to be okay, and we are together. We have come out on top. He started this as some fucked up competition or vendetta, but we are the only winners. We start our forever right now. You and me forever, Ashy.”

My heart swelled to epic proportions, and my love for this man grew more than I ever thought possible. “Forever.”

Ten days later, I walked into Josh’s apartment, carrying his bag and refusing to allow him to do anything but walk. I had been at the hospital religiously, but yesterday he kicked me out for the day and told me that I had to go have a girly day with Eden. Seriously, could I love the man any more?

“It’s so good to be home,” he stated happily as he stood in the middle of the living room and looked around. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms gently around his stomach, then rested my cheek on his back. My need to be close to him was overwhelming, and thankfully he was just as touchy feely. We couldn’t get enough of each other. I had been so close to losing him, so close to experiencing a life without him, that I would forever tell and show him how I felt. There was nothing I wouldn’t say or do anymore. The person I knew always existed had become the reason for my existence, and that was Josh.

“I’ll take your bag into the bedroom,” I whispered, and untangled him from my grasp. I could feel my emotions getting the best of me, and I had to reel them in before he got wind of them. This no sleeping business was causing me to burst out crying at the most insane moments, and for the craziest of things. The bakery down the road had run out of chocolate chip muffins, and yep, there I was, starting to tear up. I was a hot mess of emotional distress.