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“Fuck, you can kiss.” He sighed against our joined lips, and his words were the only encouragement I needed. I pulled his bottom lip between my teeth, and the growl that sounded from deep within his chest sent heat flooding to my panties. That one display of dominance was all that was required to entice him. The room around us faded to black as Josh’s lips bruised mine under the passion of his kiss. My nails ran up his neck and raked through his hair, and it was at that moment that I didn’t know if I was breathing of my own free will or if Josh was providing me with air.

“Would you two stop dry fucking on the dance floor? If you are really that desperate for each other at least take it to the bathroom.” Ky’s amused tone broke our kiss, and I buried my face in Josh’s chest, which muffled my laughter.

“Dance with your wife and stop paying attention to us,” Josh said, teasing. “Ashlyn and I are simply doing what’s expected at a wedding—the best man hooking up with the hot Maid of Honor.”

An hour later, I was sitting at the bridal table, my head resting on Josh’s shoulder, when exhaustion quickly hit. His fingertips swept over my bare arms, and I knew if he kept doing that I’d be asleep within minutes. It had been a perfect day, shared with the people we loved, but all I wanted now was to go home and crawl into bed with my love.

“Will you take me and our little one home so we can have a bath and then spoon all night?”

“How can a man refuse that kind of offer? Let’s go say goodbye to Ky and Eden, and then I’ll take my girls home.”

Hang on a minute. “Your girls?” I asked with a smirk as we stood from our chairs and Josh placed his jacket over my shoulders.

“I’m destined to have a daughter, so the universe can pay me back for all the shit I did. But fuck, I’m going to be protective of her. I actually feel sorry for any guy that attempts to get anywhere near her. She will be locked away until she is at least thirty, and I’ll be buying a shot gun.”

I laughed and grabbed his hand. “Maybe she will be a mini version of me.”

“I love you, more than anything, but I do not wish to think of my baby girl riding a man’s face, sucking his dick, or fucking for hours on end. Yes, I hope she gets your beauty and strength, but my baby girl will not be a naughty little minx like her mother. Fuck, I need people to start praying for me or something.”

I was still laughing when we reached Ky and Eden, who were standing toward the back of the room and having a quiet moment after an amazing wedding. The night was coming to an end, and I could tell by his touchy feely ways that Ky was ready to sweep Eden off her feet and take her away for the night before they headed to Fiji for their honeymoon.

“The three of us had an amazing time. It’s been a huge day, so we are going to head home,” Josh said softly as we began our goodbyes. He squeezed my hand tenderly, and I watched Ky and Eden closely for any sign of reaction.

“The three of you? Please do not tell me that you just referred to your cock as a person.”

“Yes, Ky, I refer to my cock as a person,” Josh said, scoffing at Ky’s question. “Seriously, Eden, I can see you didn’t marry him for his brains.”

“Wait a minute,” Eden said excitedly, and looked at me with wide eyes. That was when I knew my best friend clicked. “What have you been drinking tonight?”

It was my turn to squeeze Josh’s hand. This was it. “I’ve been drinking orange juice.”

It took barely a second for her to react. “Oh my god!” she shrieked, and turned to a confused-looking Ky.

“Will someone tell me what the fu—holy shit!” Ky’s gasp shot through the air as it dawned on him, and his eyes went straight to my stomach. I let go of Josh’s hand and stepped in front of Ky. His eyes found mine, and they looked at me with such fascination and hope. “You’re pregnant?” he whispered.

“You’re going to be an amazing uncle to this little one, and in about seven months you get to meet him or her.”

“Jesus,” Ky whispered, and his gaze shot over my shoulder. “Get over here, Josh.”

I stepped away and went to Eden, who pulled me in for a long squeeze. She linked our arms, and we watched in silence as Ky wrapped Josh in a tight hug and said something softly in his ear that neither one of us could hear. Josh nodded and smiled at Ky, before turning back to me. My legs trembled under his intense gaze as he walked toward me.

“You ready to go home?”

“Yep.” I turned back to Ky and Eden, who were looking at us in awe. “Have the most amazing honeymoon. Go and make a baby, so this little one has a cousin to grow up with.”

“Believe me, we will be trying.” Eden smiled and got a quick look from Ky. “Text me regular updates. I mean daily. Hourly, if you feel up to it.”

“Christ,” Josh mumbled beside me, and I was soon being pulled away.

“What did Ky say to you?” I asked as we stepped out into the night air and headed toward the car. Josh wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and my arm threaded around his waist. With a light kiss to the side of my head, we fell into step.

“He just said something that I am very well aware of.”

He stopped and grabbed both of my hands, then lifted them to his lips. With the lightest of touches, he kissed my knuckles, while looking at me with contentment and love sweeping through his eyes.

“What are you aware of?” I whispered, and held my breath as I knew his response had the potential to completely unravel me.

“That I am the luckiest guy in the world.”

Seven months later

“I FEEL LIKE I’M about to explode.” Ashlyn groaned beside me. “I just want to meet our baby. Is that too much to ask?”

Sunday morning sunshine beamed through our bedroom, and I rolled to my side to find Ashlyn on her back with her stomach on full display. It was the sexiest sight in the world. Ashlyn had been glowing for months. Pregnancy looked amazing on her, and if she hadn’t threatened to cut my balls off, I’d make sure she was pregnant constantly.

The past seven months had been phenomenal. That was the only way to describe it. There was nothing in this world that could make me happier. I had Ashlyn—my girl, my lover, my best friend—and I had my little prince or princess due to join us any day now.

“I’ve read that sex brings on labor,” I said with a smirk. “I’m willing to help in any way I can.”

Her laughter sounded like music to my ears. “How about this? If there is no movement in the next twenty-four hours, you can have me anyway you want. Get your rest, though, because I’ll be fucking you until this baby comes out.”

“You really are my soulmate, aren’t you?” I laughed and moved in close. “You and me, Ashy.”

I leaned in and kissed her good morning, before moving down the bed until I could drop my lips to her belly. “Good morning, bubba.”

Ashlyn giggled and ran her hands through my hair. “I love how you do that.”

“I’ve got to give my baby a good morning kiss too.” I shot her a wink. “Do you want a hot chocolate?”

“Yes, please. With extra marshmallows.”

“Your wish is my command.” I smiled, then climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. “I’ll go see if Ben and Austin have any plans for today.”

Austin and Ben had flown in the night before, and were staying with us until the baby arrived. Having Ashlyn’s brother and his best friend—and practically her second brother—in the house was good.